Helllo! You may noticed the famous prefix for hexadecimal literals(0x). What we made is simple calculator with golang.
We studied golang since 10 days ago. Our focus was learning several syntax features of golang, which means the quality of program is TERRIBLE. Most of all, It still contains some malfunctions. But we don't care. We are satisfied with this short codes.
Have a nice day!
To implement the GUI, we used go-gtk
. Thanks for their endeavors.
link : https://mattn.github.io/go-gtk/
- Top Right
As you can see in this figure, there is nothing special
- Top Left
The buttons at top-left corner are for radix. When you click one of them, Labels at the right of them will react to your selection.
But, only button click. We wanted to use glib for keyboard input, but we couldn't make it.
- Bottom half
To talk turkey, We are also first at GTK. We didn't have enough knowledge for it. We used table and jagged slice for 2 panels.
Left frame, is for number buttons. The other frame is for operators. That's it!
Well, I don't recommend not to use them.
We DON'T care. It's totally out of our hand.