The Python script to monitor (tail) the Snort alert log file and send notifications for top-priority alerts (priority 2 and 1 by default). Support two ways of notification:
- via email
- via the custom script
You can also send SMS notifications with Twilio Texting script (twilio account is required).
Main features:
- support snort alert log rotation
- configurable via reader.ini
- notifications limit (one notification per 6 hours by default)
- notifications queue
- processing state saving/loading
- email notifications support information from /etc/mail.rc
- pid checking (one running copy only)
- save parsed Snort alerts to the sqlite database
- Webmin integration
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Python 2.7
CentOS 7 (tested)
or Windows (no email notifications, for debug only)
Download and copy files, set executable flag:
mkdir /opt/snort_reader
cp /opt/snort_reader/
cp reader.ini /opt/snort_reader/
chmod +x /opt/snort_reader/
Open configuration file for editing:
vim /opt/snort_reader/reader.ini
Set up following options:
- snort_log - the path to Snort alert log (/var/log/snort/alert by default)
- notify_cmd - path to notification script (e.g. /opt/texting/texting). Can be empty.
- notify_email - email address for notifications. Can be empty.
Schedule script with crontab:
crontab -e
* * * * * /opt/snort_reader/ > /dev/null 2>&1
Wait one minute after scheduling and verify execution:
tail -f /var/log/alert_snort_reader.log
You can also enable heartbeats with enabling VERBOSE_DEBUG in a script:
cd /opt/snort_reader/
kill `cat`
- Dmitry Nikolaenya - reader code -
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.