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Implement keymapping helpers.
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dbarnett committed Mar 24, 2020
1 parent b31525d commit 904530d
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284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions autoload/maktaba/keymapping.vim
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@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
" @dict KeyMapping
" A maktaba representation of a vim key mapping, which is used to configure and
" unmap it from vim.

if !exists('s:next_keymap_id')
let s:next_keymap_id = 0

if !exists('s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID')
let s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID = {}

function! s:ReserveKeyMapId() abort
let l:keymap_id = s:next_keymap_id
let s:next_keymap_id += 1
return l:keymap_id

function! s:GetMappingById(id) abort
return s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID[a:id]
catch /E716:/
return 0

function! s:GetFuncCallKeystrokes(funcstr, mode) abort
if a:mode ==# 'n'
return printf(':call %s<CR>', a:funcstr)
elseif a:mode ==# 'i'
return printf('<C-\><C-o>:call %s<CR>', a:funcstr)
elseif a:mode ==# 'v'
" Uses "gv" at the end to re-enter visual mode.
return printf(':<C-u>call %s<CR>gv', a:funcstr)
elseif a:mode ==# 's'
" Uses "gv<C-g>" at the end to re-enter select mode.
return printf('<C-\><C-o>:<C-u>call %s<CR>gv<C-g>', a:funcstr)
throw maktaba#error#NotImplemented(
\ 'MapOnce not implemented for mode %s', a:mode)

" @dict KeyMapping
" Unmaps the mapping in vim.
" Returns 1 if mapping was found and unmapped, 0 if mapping was gone already.
function! maktaba#keymapping#Unmap() dict abort
if self.IsMapped()
let l:arg_prefix = self._maparg.buffer ? '<buffer> ' : ''
execute printf(
\ 'silent %sunmap %s%s',
\ self._maparg.mode,
\ l:arg_prefix,
\ self._maparg.lhs)
if has_key(s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID, self._id)
unlet s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID[self._id]
return 1
return 0

" @dict KeyMapping
" Returns 1 if the mapping is still defined, 0 otherwise
" Caveat: This detection can currently false positive if the original mapping
" was unmapped but then another similar one mapped afterwards.
function! maktaba#keymapping#IsMapped() dict abort
let l:foundmap = maparg(self._lhs, self._mode, 0, 1)
return !empty(l:foundmap) && l:foundmap == self._maparg

" @dict KeyMapping
" Return a copy of the spec used to issue this mapping.
function! maktaba#keymapping#GetSpec() dict abort
return copy(self._spec)

let s:IsMapped = function('maktaba#keymapping#IsMapped')
let s:Unmap = function('maktaba#keymapping#Unmap')
let s:GetSpec = function('maktaba#keymapping#GetSpec')

" Set up a key mapping in vim, mapping key sequence {lhs} to replacement
" sequence {rhs} in the given [mode]. This is a convenience wrapper for
" @function(#Spec) and its |KeyMappingSpec.Map| that supports the basic mapping
" options. It is equivalent to calling: >
" :call maktaba#keymapping#Spec({lhs}, {rhs}, [mode]).Map()
" <
" See those functions for usage and behavior details.
" @default mode=all of 'n', 'v', and 'o' (vim's default)
function! maktaba#keymapping#Map(lhs, rhs, ...) abort
if a:0 >= 1
let l:spec = maktaba#keymappingspec#Spec(a:lhs, a:rhs, a:1)
let l:spec = maktaba#keymappingspec#Spec(a:lhs, a:rhs)
return l:spec.Map()

" @private
" Unmap the one-shot mapping identified by {id} (an internal ID generated in the
" implementation) and mapped with @function(KeyMappingSpec.MapOnce) or
" MapOnceWithTimeout.
" Returns 1 if mapping was found and unmapped, 0 if mapping was gone already.
function! maktaba#keymapping#UnmapById(id) abort
let l:keymap = s:GetMappingById(a:id)
if l:keymap is 0
return 0
call l:keymap.Unmap()
return 1

" @private
" Performs the actions needed for a MapOnceWithTimestamp mapping, unmapping it
" by {id} if it's still mapped and conditionally mapping a simpler version of
" itself to be triggered by the upcoming LHS keystrokes (mapped if
" {timeout_start} + 'timeoutlen' hasn't elapsed).
function! maktaba#keymapping#UnwrapForIdAndTimeoutWithRhs(
\ id, timeout_start, orig_rhs) abort
let l:keymap = s:GetMappingById(a:id)
call l:keymap.Unmap()
if reltimefloat(reltime(a:timeout_start)) < &timeoutlen
" Timeout hasn't elapsed.
" Remap a version of {orig_rhs} to be invoked immediately.
let l:spec_without_timestamp_or_remap = l:keymap.GetSpec().WithRemap(0)
let l:spec_without_timestamp_or_remap._rhs = a:orig_rhs
call l:spec_without_timestamp_or_remap.MapOnce()
" Timeout has elapsed.
" Register nothing, so we fall back to original {rhs}.

" @private
" Creates a skeleton @dict(KeyMapping) from {spec}.
" Internal helper only intended to be called by @function(KeyMappingSpec.Map).
function! maktaba#keymapping#PopulateFromSpec(spec) abort
return {
\ '_id': s:ReserveKeyMapId(),
\ '_spec': a:spec,
\ '_lhs': a:spec._lhs,
\ '_mode': a:spec._mode,
\ '_is_noremap': a:spec._is_noremap,
\ '_is_bufmap': a:spec._is_bufmap,
\ 'IsMapped': s:IsMapped,
\ 'Unmap': s:Unmap,
\ 'GetSpec': s:GetSpec,
\ '_DoMap': function('maktaba#keymapping#MapSelf'),
\ '_DoMapOnce': function('maktaba#keymapping#MapSelfOnce'),
\ '_DoMapOnceWithTimeout':
\ function('maktaba#keymapping#MapSelfOnceWithTimeout'),
\ }

" @private
" @dict KeyMapping
" Defines the key mapping in vim via the |:map| commands for the keymap in self.
" Core internal implementation of @function(KeyMappingSpec.Map).
function! maktaba#keymapping#MapSelf() dict abort
" TODO(dbarnett): Perform a sweep for expired mapping timeouts before trying
" to register more mappings (which might conflict).
let l:spec = self._spec
let s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID[self._id] = self
execute printf('%s%smap %s %s %s',
\ l:spec._mode,
\ l:spec._is_noremap ? 'nore' : '',
\ join(l:spec._args, ' '),
\ l:spec._lhs,
\ l:spec._rhs)
let self._maparg = maparg(l:spec._lhs, self._mode, 0, 1)

" @private
" @dict KeyMapping
" Define a buffer-local one-shot vim mapping from spec that will only trigger
" once and then unmap itself.
" @throws NotImplemented if used with `WithRemap(1)`
function! maktaba#keymapping#MapSelfOnce() dict abort
let l:spec = self._spec
if !l:spec._is_noremap
throw maktaba#error#NotImplemented(
\ "MapOnce doesn't support recursive mappings")
let s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID[self._id] = self
execute printf(
\ '%snoremap %s %s %s%s',
\ self._mode,
\ join(l:spec._args, ' '),
\ l:spec._lhs,
\ s:GetFuncCallKeystrokes(
\ 'maktaba#keymapping#UnmapById(' . self._id . ')',
\ self._mode),
\ l:spec._rhs)
let self._maparg = maparg(l:spec._lhs, self._mode, 0, 1)

" @private
" @dict KeyMapping
" Define a short-lived vim mapping from spec that will only trigger once and
" will also expire if 'timeoutlen' duration expires with 'timeout' setting
" active. See |KeyMappingSpec.MapOnceWithTimeout()| for details.
" @throws NotImplemented if used with `WithRemap(1)`
function! maktaba#keymapping#MapSelfOnceWithTimeout() dict abort
if !self._spec._is_noremap
throw maktaba#error#NotImplemented(
\ "MapOnceWithTimeout doesn't support recursive mappings")

" Handle cases for !has('reltime') and 'notimeout', which map without timeout.
if !has('reltime')
call s:plugin.logger.Info(
\ 'Vim is missing +reltime feature. '
\ . 'MapOnceWithTimeout fell back to mapping without timeout')
call self._DoMapOnce()
elseif !&timeout
call self._DoMapOnce()
" Handle case for timeoutlen=0, which "times out" immediately and skips the
" mapping entirely. Handle will always have IsMapped()=0.
if &timeoutlen == 0

" This conditionally sends keystrokes by using a recursive mapping that will
" check reltime/timeout and then invoke either
" (a) a version of itself with no time check, if timeout hasn't elapsed, or
" (b) a fallback to the behavior if the mapping hadn't existed.
" The recursive wrapper always starts by unmapping itself and mapping an
" unwrapped RHS mapping, which avoids recursing indefinitely.
let l:spec = self._spec
let s:KEYMAPS_BY_ID[self._id] = self
" Escapes any special keystroke sequences (example: convert <Esc> to <LT>Esc>)
" since they would be passed to map as special keysrokes instead of part of
" the arg string.
let l:escaped_rhs = substitute(l:spec._rhs, '\m<\([^>]*\)>', '<LT>\1>', 'g')
" TODO(dbarnett): Also schedule a timer_start job if +timers is available to
" sweep away expired maps after timeout expires.
execute printf(
\ '%smap %s %s %s%s',
\ self._mode,
\ join(['<nowait>', '<silent>'] + l:spec._args, ' '),
\ l:spec._lhs,
\ s:GetFuncCallKeystrokes(printf(
\ 'maktaba#keymapping#UnwrapForIdAndTimeoutWithRhs(%d, %s, %s)',
\ self._id,
\ string(reltime()),
\ string(l:escaped_rhs)),
\ self._mode),
\ l:spec._rhs)
let self._maparg = maparg(l:spec._lhs, self._mode, 0, 1)

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