This library can be used as an implementation of Apple's SwiftLog interface that captures console logs from iOS and (TODO: macOS) apps and pushes them to Firebase Cloud Storage as flat files for later review. This library is often helpful for temperal data investigations over event based logging investigations. It is implemented with the inherent bias to retain a positive user experience of the client app and therefore opts to lose logs over consuming bandwidth or excessive retry failure processing. Controlling whether the library will log to the cloud can be managed by the client app and even remotely via a Firestore doc listener, an exercise left to the reader.
This is not an officially supported Google product.
In your Xcode project, select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependencies
into the search bar. -
as branch or appropriate version for your needs -
Add and initialize Firebase in your project, if not already done. See
Create a object in your app that conforms to
and implements theuploadFile
method as such:import Foundation import Firebase import SwiftLogFireCloud final class SwiftLogFireCloudUploader : CloudFileUploaderProtocol { private let storage: Storage init(storage: Storage) { = storage } func uploadFile(from localFile: LocalLogFile, to cloudPath: String, completion: @escaping (Result<LocalLogFile, CloudUploadError>) -> Void) { let storageReference = let cloudReference = storageReference.child(cloudPath) let uploadTask = cloudReference.putFile(from: localFile.fileURL, metadata: nil) { metadata, error in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) completion(.failure(CloudUploadError.failedToUpload(localFile))) } } _ = uploadTask.observe(.success) { snapshot in completion(.success(localFile)) } _ = uploadTask.observe(.failure) { snapshot in completion(.failure(CloudUploadError.failedToUpload(localFile))) } } }
In your
addimport Logging
andimport SwiftLogFireCloud
In your
add the following ://Create the client impl of the FirebaseStorage uploader logUploader = SwiftLogFireCloudUploader(storage: //Configure and initialize the SwiftLogFireCloud library let config = SwiftLogFireCloudConfig( logToCloud: true, localFileSizeThresholdToPushToCloud: 1024*1024*3, logToCloudOnSimulator: false, cloudUploader: logUploader) let swiftLogFileCloudManager = SwiftLogFileCloudManager() //Bootstrap SwiftLog...make sure this is only run once LoggingSystem.bootstrap(swiftLogFileCloudManager.makeLogHandlerFactory(config: config)) //Create a logger logger = Logger(label: "SwiftLogFireCloudExampleAppLogger")
And lastly, wherever in your code you want to log, add
import Logging
and log as such:logger?.info("I am a log message")
The sample project SwiftLogFireCloudExampleApp in the depot demonstrates a working client app logging using SwiftLog.
The SwiftLog interface was apparently originally designed for Swift on the Server, as such there is no integration of SwiftLog with OSLog on Apple platforms. As such, it is imperative that client app developers use descretion when using SwiftLogFireCloud and not log personally identifiable information with SwiftLogFireCloud from client devices which will reach your Firebase Storage buckets.
This library violates the fundamental rule of software engineering: never let the software engineering manager write code. Caveat emptor.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at