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Alexander Potapenko edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 12 revisions


AddressSanitizer Valgrind/Memcheck Dr. Memory Mudflap Guard Page gperftools
technology CTI DBI DBI CTI Library Library
ARCH x86, ARM, PPC x86, ARM, PPC, MIPS, S390X, TILEGX x86 all(?) all(?) all(?)
OS Linux, OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, Android, iOS Simulator Linux, OS X, Solaris, Android Windows, Linux Linux, Mac(?) All (1) Linux, Windows
Slowdown 2x 20x 10x 2x-40x ? ?
Heap OOB yes yes yes yes some some
Stack OOB yes no no some no no
Global OOB yes no no ? no no
UAF yes yes yes yes yes yes
UAR yes (see AddressSanitizerUseAfterReturn) no no no no no
UMR no (see MemorySanitizer) yes yes ? no no
Leaks yes (see LeakSanitizer) yes yes ? no yes

DBI: dynamic binary instrumentation
CTI: compile-time instrumentation
UMR: uninitialized memory reads
UAF: use-after-free (aka dangling pointer)
UAR: use-after-return
OOB: out-of-bounds
x86: includes 32- and 64-bit.
mudflap was removed in GCC 4.9, as it has been superseded by AddressSanitizer.
Guard Page: a family of memory error detectors (Electric fence or DUMA on Linux, Page Heap on Windows, libgmalloc on OS X)
gperftools: various performance tools/error detectors bundled with TCMalloc. Heap checker (leak detector) is only available on Linux. Debug allocator provides both guard pages and canary values for more precise detection of OOB writes, so it's better than guard page-only detectors.

Performance numbers on SPEC cpu2006

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