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[AssistedInject] Integration with @HiltViewModel #2287

manuelvicnt opened this issue Jan 17, 2021 · 65 comments

[AssistedInject] Integration with @HiltViewModel #2287

manuelvicnt opened this issue Jan 17, 2021 · 65 comments


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It'd be nice to have Assisted Injection support for Hilt ViewModels.

A nice API would be something like the following:

class PlantDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
    savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    plantRepository: PlantRepository,
    @Assisted private val plantId: String
) : ViewModel() { ... }
interface PlantDetailViewModelFactory {
    fun create(plantId: String): PlantDetailViewModel

And use it from the View like:

class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() {

    private val args: PlantDetailFragmentArgs by navArgs()

    lateinit var plantDetailViewModelFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory

    private val plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel by viewModels {
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Trying to use @HiltViewModel with AssistedInject gives a ViewModel constructor should be annotated with @Inject instead of @AssistedInject using Dagger/Hilt 2.31

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manuelvicnt commented Jan 17, 2021

In Dagger 2.31, it's possible to achieve the above without using @HiltViewModel and passing everything manually

class PlantDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
    plantRepository: PlantRepository,
    @Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    @Assisted private val plantId: String
) : ViewModel() {

    interface PlantDetailViewModelFactory {
        fun create(handle: SavedStateHandle, plantId: String): PlantDetailViewModel

    companion object {
        fun provideFactory(
            assistedFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory,
            owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner,
            defaultArgs: Bundle? = null,
            plantId: String
        ): AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory = object : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, defaultArgs) {
            override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(key: String, modelClass: Class<T>, handle: SavedStateHandle): T {
                return assistedFactory.create(handle, plantId) as T

And consume it in the Fragment as

class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() {

    private val args: PlantDetailFragmentArgs by navArgs()

    lateinit var plantDetailViewModelFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory

    private val plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel by viewModels {
        PlantDetailViewModel.provideFactory(plantDetailViewModelFactory, this, arguments, args.plantId)

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Ezike commented Jan 17, 2021

In Dagger 2.31, it's possible to achieve the above without using @HiltViewModel and passing everything manually

class PlantDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
    plantRepository: PlantRepository,
    @Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    @Assisted private val plantId: String
) : ViewModel() {

    interface PlantDetailViewModelFactory {
        fun create(handle: SavedStateHandle, plantId: String): PlantDetailViewModel

    companion object {
        fun provideFactory(
            assistedFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory,
            owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner,
            defaultArgs: Bundle? = null,
            plantId: String
        ): AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory = object : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, defaultArgs) {
            override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(key: String, modelClass: Class<T>, handle: SavedStateHandle): T {
                return assistedFactory.create(handle, plantId) as T

And consume it in the Fragment as

class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() {

    private val args: PlantDetailFragmentArgs by navArgs()

    lateinit var plantDetailViewModelFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory

    private val plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel by viewModels {
        PlantDetailViewModel.provideFactory(plantDetailViewModelFactory, this, arguments, args.plantId)

thanks for the workaround :) @manuelvicnt

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FTR, it's even easier without the SavedStateHandle dependency (although always consider using SavedStateHandle in your VMs)

class PlantDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
    plantRepository: PlantRepository,
    @Assisted private val plantId: String
) : ViewModel() {

    companion object {
        fun provideFactory(
            assistedFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory,
            plantId: String
        ): ViewModelProvider.Factory = object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
            override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
                return assistedFactory.create(plantId) as T

interface PlantDetailViewModelFactory {
    fun create(plantId: String): PlantDetailViewModel

And consume it in the View like:

class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() {

    private val args: PlantDetailFragmentArgs by navArgs()

    lateinit var plantDetailViewModelFactory: PlantDetailViewModelFactory

    private val plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel by viewModels {
        PlantDetailViewModel.provideFactory(plantDetailViewModelFactory, args.plantId)

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@manuelvicnt Since we're not able to add @HiltViewModel for a ViewModel having Assisted Injection, can't install modules using ViewModelComponent. So currently using ActivityRetainedComponent for a repository which is going to be injected with that ViewModel. Is it correct to use it like this?

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A good improvement on top of the workaround is to define a few extensions to generalize the solution so we don't need to repeat that boilerplate in each ViewModel. Here's the example for the fragment scoped ViewModel case:

inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> Fragment.assistedViewModel(
  crossinline viewModelProducer: (SavedStateHandle) -> T
) = viewModels<T> {
  object : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(this, arguments) {
    override fun <T : ViewModel> create(key: String, modelClass: Class<T>, handle: SavedStateHandle) =
      viewModelProducer(handle) as T

And then in the fragment:

@Inject lateinit var viewModelFactory: SomeViewModel.Factory

private val viewModel by assistedViewModel { 
  viewModelFactory.create(input = args.input, savedStateHandle = it)

Other extensions can then be added to cover the other cases.

It would definitely be better to have Hilt support this out of the box, though, and I really like the API suggested here.

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I'm using Jetpack compose in a project and here's a single activity I'm using in it. It's using Jetpack navigation for various screens. NoteDetailViewModel is using Assisted Injection so I want to access the factory when I only need it i.e. in Composable function. So I've achieved right now like this...

  • This is how ViewModel looks
class NoteDetailViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
    private val notyTaskManager: NotyTaskManager,
    @LocalRepository private val noteRepository: NotyNoteRepository,
    @Assisted private val noteId: String
) : ViewModel() {
    // Other ViewModel logic

    interface Factory {
        fun create(noteId: String): NoteDetailViewModel

    companion object {
        fun provideFactory(
            assistedFactory: Factory,
            noteId: String
        ): ViewModelProvider.Factory = object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
            override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
                return assistedFactory.create(noteId) as T
  • Created EntryPoint in MainActivity
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    interface ViewModelFactoryProvider {
        fun noteDetailViewModelFactory(): NoteDetailViewModel.AssistedFactory
  • Somewhere in @Composable function I wrote this and it's perfectly working fine
fun NoteDetailsScreen(navController: NavHostController) {

    val viewModelFactory = EntryPointAccessors.fromActivity(
        AmbientContext.current as Activity,

    val noteDetailViewModel: NoteDetailViewModel = viewModel(
        factory = NoteDetailViewModel.provideFactory(viewModelFactory, "noteIdHere")


So my question - Is it good to use this approach for getting ViewModel factory in Composable functions? Or is there any other workaround for getting Assisted Injection ViewModel factory in such functions?

cc: @manuelvicnt

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This is preventing me from sharing a binding between a ViewModel annotated with @HiltViewModel and one that's using @AssistedInject

@manuelvicnt Since we're not able to add @HiltViewModel for a ViewModel having Assisted Injection, can't install modules using ViewModelComponent. So currently using ActivityRetainedComponent for a repository which is going to be injected with that ViewModel. Is it correct to use it like this?

This seems to be the only way to share it as far as I can tell. 🙁

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At this moment SavedStateHandle is the only @assisted injection I'm using which works fine with @ViewModelInject and no workarounds needed. @ViewModelInject is deprecated now, so please don't remove it before this feature request has been implemented :)

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@wbervoets With the new @HiltViewModel you can have the SavedStateHandle as a dependency without having to annotate it with @Assisted. The SavedStateHandle is now a binding from the new ViewModelComponent, so it doesn't need to be assist-injected anymore.

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Sorry for being late to this thread, but I should clarify some issues with the workaround described in #2287 (comment). The high-level is though that people should not use this workaround.

The issue with the workaround is that the assisted factory is injected from the FragmentComponent (since it is injected directly into the fragment). This is a problem because it basically all but guarantees you're going to leak your activity/fragment instance into the ViewModel. This can happen simply by injecting the wrong thing into the ViewModel, but even if you are diligent about that, there's also the issue of multibinding contributions installed in the FragmentComponent. Finally, if you use fastInit mode (which is the default in Hilt), any reference to a Provider<> in the transitive deps of your ViewModel will leak the component, which will include the fragment instance (

The main workaround we suggest is to use the arguments bundle in your fragment which should be accessible via the SavedStateHandle injected in the ViewModel. This should handle most data types.

For other object types, hopefully rarer, I think the options are passing them as arguments when calling methods on the ViewModel or using a setter method (though similarly, be careful of leaks in this case, especially with any function closures as those may reference the fragment).

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dandc87 commented Feb 19, 2021

... use the arguments bundle in your fragment which should be accessible via the SavedStateHandle injected in the ViewModel

@Chang-Eric Could you point to where this is documented? When reading up on ViewModels, my impression had been that nothing would be prepopulated for "fresh" instances. This could likely cover most cases where we'd otherwise require @AssistedInject support (depending on how ViewModels are instantiated & reused for Fragment instances with different arguments).

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The main workaround we suggest is to use the arguments bundle in your fragment which should be accessible via the SavedStateHandle injected in the ViewModel. This should handle most data types.

@Chang-Eric There's a big downside with this, though: we lose type safety. We've come a long way with Navigation Safe Args, so losing that here isn't great. I understand the technical limitations, but I thought it would still be relevant to bring this up -- I would much rather have lint checks helping with my diligence when it comes to ViewModels (e.g. preventing me to inject Provider<>) than to give up on type safety.

@dandc87 You can look directly at the code:

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Regarding Safe Args, an upcoming release of it will support parsing args from a SavedStateHandle. That should help with regards to arguments type safety.

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FunkyMuse commented Feb 27, 2021

How would this be done in the compose world? @manuelvicnt

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Isn't the example in the issue summary already possible with the latest version of Dagger and Hilt?
Please see

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@mhernand40 I think the difference is that example you linked does not use @HiltViewModel which means it does not work with the ViewModelComponent. I believe it is the same as the workaround mentioned in #2287 (comment) which I have advised people not to use in #2287 (comment) due to leaking the fragment/activity instance.

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@Chang-Eric ah I see. I missed that subtle, yet significant detail. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. 🙂

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@mhernand40 I think the difference is that example you linked does not use @HiltViewModel which means it does not work with the ViewModelComponent. I believe it is the same as the workaround mentioned in #2287 (comment) which I have advised people not to use in #2287 (comment) due to leaking the fragment/activity instance.

I've read the explanation of the issue, using simple stuff like passing simple strings, ints or anything not related to a fragment/activity should be fine with the workaround suggested in the OP?

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@FunkyMuse No, you still risk leaking the fragment/activity (even by just having a Provider<> somewhere in a transitive dep), which is not based on what you assist the factory with if you use the workaround where you inject the assisted factory into the fragment.

Passing simple strings, ints and things are okay if you pass those through the Bundle/SavedStateHandle though.

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@mhernand40 I think the difference is that example you linked does not use @HiltViewModel which means it does not work with the ViewModelComponent. I believe it is the same as the workaround mentioned in #2287 (comment) which I have advised people not to use in #2287 (comment) due to leaking the fragment/activity instance.

I've read the explanation of the issue, using simple stuff like passing simple strings, ints or anything not related to a fragment/activity should be fine with the workaround suggested in the OP?

Agreed. Sometimes there are cases where an Intent argument is first passed to an Activity that needs to be propagated through to the ViewModel. During a configuration change, the Intent arguments should remain intact, hence there is probably no need to re-bind the argument(s) to the ViewModel?

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FunkyMuse commented Mar 12, 2021

@FunkyMuse No, you still risk leaking the fragment/activity (even by just having a Provider<> somewhere in a transitive dep), which is not based on what you assist the factory with if you use the workaround where you inject the assisted factory into the fragment.

Passing simple strings, ints and things are okay if you pass those through the Bundle/SavedStateHandle though.

That works for fragment/activity, would the same work for the compose world?

Since there you'd still have arguments to pass but usually they're passed inside a compose function and then you create the view model

Currently this is how I'm doing it

internal inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> createAssistedViewModel(
    arguments: Bundle? = null,
    owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner,
    crossinline viewModelProducer: (SavedStateHandle) -> T,
) =
    object : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, arguments) {
        override fun <T : ViewModel> create(
            key: String,
            modelClass: Class<T>,
            handle: SavedStateHandle
        ) =
            viewModelProducer(handle) as T

inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> assistedViewModel(
    arguments: Bundle? = null,
    crossinline viewModelProducer: (SavedStateHandle) -> T,
): T =
    viewModel(factory = createAssistedViewModel(
        arguments = arguments,
        owner = LocalSavedStateRegistryOwner.current
    ) {

Since the factory has to be injected in the activity, i assume activity has a chance of leaking?

Any alternative solution?

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drinkthestars commented Mar 14, 2021

The issue with the workaround is that the assisted factory is injected from the FragmentComponent (since it is injected directly into the fragment). This is a problem because it basically all but guarantees you're going to leak your activity/fragment instance into the ViewModel. This can happen simply by injecting the wrong thing into the ViewModel, but even if you are diligent about that, there's also the issue of multibinding contributions installed in the FragmentComponent. Finally, if you use fastInit mode (which is the default in Hilt), any reference to a Provider<> in the transitive deps of your ViewModel will leak the component, which will include the fragment instance (

No, you still risk leaking the fragment/activity (even by just having a Provider<> somewhere in a transitive dep), which is not based on what you assist the factory with if you use the workaround where you inject the assisted factory into the fragment.

@Chang-Eric Trying to get a deeper understanding where the potential memory leak comes from with OP's workaround.
Going through your comments, the Activity/Fragment could be leaked when:

  1. "injecting the wrong thing into the ViewModel"
  2. "having a Provider<> somewhere in a transitive dep"

Even if those points are handled, you mention there's also the issue of multibinding contributions installed in the FragmentComponent, implying there's something inherently wrong with the very idea of "injecting assisted factory from the FragmentComponent". Could you elaborate? 🙏🏼

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parsing args from a SavedStateHandle

Do you have any ideas when it will be shipped?

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parsing args from a SavedStateHandle

Do you have any ideas when it will be shipped?

It's already there, you pass the State handle with @HiltViewModel
And you have access to the


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@drinkthestars I think the issue is just that even if you address 1 and 2 at the time you first introduce the ViewModel injection, it just isn't going to be durable as code changes without a lot of care and effort. Generally, a binding in the FragmentComponent should be free to inject the Fragment as a dependency, but if you inject your ViewModels using the workaround from the FragmentComponent, then every time you change a FragmentComponent dependency you will need to check all of the users up the chain.

This is what Dagger components actually do for you. It is why it is nice to split say the ApplicationComponent from the ActivityComponent so that if you use the Activity from an @Singleton binding, you get a missing binding error instead of a memory leak. In Hilt, the components are also set up to prevent this for ViewModels (in, you can see how the ViewModelComponent branches off before the ActivityComponent and FragmentComponent). If you use the workaround, then you'll subvert this.

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drinkthestars commented Mar 15, 2021

Gotcha, thank you for clarifying @Chang-Eric. So the case seems to be:

@HiltViewModel's ensures that there is an associated with ViewModelComponent which reflects the lifetime of the single ViewModel. If ViewModels are injected using the AssistedFactory workaround from the FragmentComponent, you end up associating a ViewModel related thing with a FragmentComponent which has a shorter lifecycle than a ViewModel/ViewModelComponent. The workaround is mixing two hierarchies of components where one should outlive the other, and hence it is not recommended.

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sebaslogen commented Aug 26, 2022

Now that we can inject multiple ViewModel instances of the same type (#2328) inside the same Composable nav-destination/screen (for example for a View-Pager) I really miss the Assisted Injection to provide unique ids to each ViewModel.

Unfortunately, SavedStateHandle solution can't help in this situation because the navArgs only work at the Composable nav-destination/screen level, and in this use case the multiple ViewModel ids are only available after the Composable nav-destination/screen is loaded (probably through a screen level ViewModel that loads the ids of the View-Pager ViewModels).

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@manuelvicnt This is getting a little confusing given the length of the thread, lets see if I have this correctly.

We are trying to 'inject' the parameters passed during navigation directly to the view model whilst still having the goodness provided to us with the @HiltViewModel annotation yes?

If so then we do not need the hassle of creating a factory etc nor do we need the @Assisted for the injection. Further we also do not need to pass in the parameter to the screen/fragment which then passes it to the view model. Hilt already gives us this functionality.

I think I might be missing something here??



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I'm also looking forward to assisted injection for ViewModels. Given the stance "favour composition over inheritance", I would like to inject some "behavioural" pattern into the constructor of a VM which is only known at instantiation time. SavedStateHandle doesn't help here because this class cannot be put into a Bundle.

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Tgo1014 commented Jan 27, 2023

Really missing this feature, I tried to use the new ViewModelLifecycleScope {} with hiltViewModel() but unfortunately it crashes. Would help a lot for having different instances in a ViewPager with the same screen working independently.

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Is there any plan to support AssistedInject in ViewModel?

We've looked into it, but it isn't trivial and so far the API wouldn't be that great. This doesn't mean it is off the table, but it also isn't a high priority compared to other things so I wouldn't expect it anytime in the near future.

You mean like for the next 15 years?

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Are there any updates/plans? :)
Would be really handy to get this!

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Just updating this. We have a plan for supporting this now, however, it is competing with other higher priority projects for development time like the migration to KSP, so there's no real timeline here yet.

FWIW, now that CreationExtras is supported, you can use the DEFAULT_ARGS_KEY key for setting the default args passed to a ViewModel's SavedStateHandle, so you don't have to only pass things through the Fragment arguments. So something like:

val myVM by viewModels<MyViewModel>(extrasProducer = {
  MutableCreationExtras(defaultViewModelCreationExtras).apply {
    set(DEFAULT_ARGS_KEY, bundleOf("someId" to someId))

will let you pass a value to be retrieved in the ViewModel through the SavedStateHandle.

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mtwalli commented Mar 10, 2023

A good improvement on top of the workaround is to define a few extensions to generalize the solution so we don't need to repeat that boilerplate in each ViewModel. Here's the example for the fragment scoped ViewModel case:

inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> Fragment.assistedViewModel(
  crossinline viewModelProducer: (SavedStateHandle) -> T
) = viewModels<T> {
  object : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(this, arguments) {
    override fun <T : ViewModel> create(key: String, modelClass: Class<T>, handle: SavedStateHandle) =
      viewModelProducer(handle) as T

And then in the fragment:

@Inject lateinit var viewModelFactory: SomeViewModel.Factory

private val viewModel by assistedViewModel { 
  viewModelFactory.create(input = args.input, savedStateHandle = it)

Other extensions can then be added to cover the other cases.

It would definitely be better to have Hilt support this out of the box, though, and I really like the API suggested here.

How possibly this solution could be working in unit tests?

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A similar thing can already be done using annotation classes which use the navigation parameters to "assist" the additional parameters into the viewmodel constructor when using HiltViewModel() This gives the same behaviour as doing an @assisted on the view model. This works for something like compose navigation though could be extended to other screen creation/fragment creation.

More info here:
Example code of doing this with compose navigation:

Just an thought

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nvkleban commented Nov 9, 2023

Dagger documentation shows currently not released APIs like HiltViewModelExtensions.withCreationCallback is this the solution we were waiting for?

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Dagger documentation shows currently not released APIs like HiltViewModelExtensions.withCreationCallback is this the solution we were wainitng for?

Exciting! Hopefully this will also work with hiltViewModel() in Compose.

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@nvkleban @ubuntudroid This should be out in the next release, and hiltViewModel() will be updated next. In the meantime you can give HEAD-SNAPSHOT a try to see if it works for you!

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For those who might be reading this thread looking for how in the end this works with hiltViewModel(), here's a guide.

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cgaisl commented Jan 20, 2024

I've shared my journey of trying to pass runtime arguments to a @HiltViewModel here.

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@kuanyingchou This ticket can also be closed, right? It is mentioned in the release notes as fixed

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@carstenhag Yes! Assisted injection with ViewModels was added in Dagger 2.49 and overloads for functions like hiltViewModel() were added to the AndroidX part of Hilt in 1.2.0. Thanks for the reminder!

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How can I inject SavedStateHandle with the new approach I used to inject it like in the screenshot is there a way to migrate to the new approach
Screenshot 2024-02-29 121950

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@myounis97 As it's mentioned here, SavedStateHandle is a binding from ViewModelComponent so you can add it as a regular non-assisted dependency to your ViewModel if you're using Hilt.

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@myounis97 As it's mentioned here, SavedStateHandle is a binding from ViewModelComponent so you can add it as a regular non-assisted dependency to your ViewModel if you're using Hilt.

Unfortunately it doesn't work with @hiltViewModel(assistedFactory) it gives compile time error cannot inject savedStateHandle without @provide

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This compiles fine for me:

@HiltViewModel(assistedFactory = MyViewModel.Factory::class)
class MyViewModel @AssistedInject constructor(
  @Assisted val runtimeArg: String,
  private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
  private val someDependency: SomeDependency,
) : ViewModel() {
  @AssistedFactory interface Factory {
    fun create(runtimeArg: String): MyViewModel

And I'm able to create the ViewModel with:

private val myViewModel by viewModels<MyViewModel>(
  extrasProducer = {
    defaultViewModelCreationExtras.withCreationCallback<MyViewModel.Factory> { factory ->
      factory.create(runtimeArg = "abc")

As it's described in the docs.

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@tfcporciuncula My bad i didn't remove the factory from the Singleton Scoped Entry point after removing it everything worked fine thanks

Screenshot 2024-02-29 141727

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