Contracts to support Golden's decentralized protocol for knowledge. These contracts are in the R&D phase. Learn More.
Contributions are welcomed and encouraged! You can contribute by:
- Creating an issue
- Opening a PR. If you are opening a PR, it is a good idea to first join our Discord and discuss your idea!
yarn install
yarn compile
- Run tests
yarn test
TEST! on a local or alternative nodes first to make sure upgrade works from the prev state to new one. Upgrades are dealt with automatically, just make a change in the contract and deploy, hardhat-deploy plugin will take care of the upgrade.
Once the contract is deployed you can interact with it.
These commands will use the address set in the hardhat.config.ts
as the signer.
By default it's the same address that deployed the contract (owner).
npx hardhat addPredicate --name Test --description "Test hardhat task predicate proposal" --object-type string --network sepolia
npx hardhat updatePredicate --id "bb463b8b-b76c-4f6a-9726-65ab5730b63c" --description "Updated description" --network sepolia
npx hardhat updatePredicate --cid "bafyreihen3snj4vfkagjssdeiahx4sjaq3ok5sy5t2nmfsrvyg6jah4dkx" --description "Updated description" --network sepolia
npx hardhat removePredicate --id "bb463b8b-b76c-4f6a-9726-65ab5730b63c" --network sepolia
npx hardhat removePredicate --cid "bafyreihen3snj4vfkagjssdeiahx4sjaq3ok5sy5t2nmfsrvyg6jah4dkx" --network sepolia