Bar`, "FooBar"},
+ {`I <3 Ponies!`, `I <3 Ponies!`},
+ {``, ``},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if got := stripTags(test.input); got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q, got %q", test.input, test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ htmlNospaceEscaper("The
brown fox jumps\u2028over the
+ }
+func BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ htmlNospaceEscaper("The_quick,_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkStripTags(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ stripTags("The
brown fox jumps\u2028over the
+ }
+func BenchmarkStripTagsNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ stripTags("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ }
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/hugo_template.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/hugo_template.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..117d85e4967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/hugo_template.go
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package template
+import (
+ template ""
+This files contains the Hugo related addons. All the other files in this
+package is auto generated.
+// Prepare returns a template ready for execution.
+func (t *Template) Prepare() (*template.Template, error) {
+ if err := t.escape(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return t.text, nil
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/js.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/js.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57622d152e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/js.go
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ htmltemplate "html/template"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// nextJSCtx returns the context that determines whether a slash after the
+// given run of tokens starts a regular expression instead of a division
+// operator: / or /=.
+// This assumes that the token run does not include any string tokens, comment
+// tokens, regular expression literal tokens, or division operators.
+// This fails on some valid but nonsensical JavaScript programs like
+// "x = ++/foo/i" which is quite different than "x++/foo/i", but is not known to
+// fail on any known useful programs. It is based on the draft
+// JavaScript 2.0 lexical grammar and requires one token of lookbehind:
+func nextJSCtx(s []byte, preceding jsCtx) jsCtx {
+ s = bytes.TrimRight(s, "\t\n\f\r \u2028\u2029")
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return preceding
+ }
+ // All cases below are in the single-byte UTF-8 group.
+ switch c, n := s[len(s)-1], len(s); c {
+ case '+', '-':
+ // ++ and -- are not regexp preceders, but + and - are whether
+ // they are used as infix or prefix operators.
+ start := n - 1
+ // Count the number of adjacent dashes or pluses.
+ for start > 0 && s[start-1] == c {
+ start--
+ }
+ if (n-start)&1 == 1 {
+ // Reached for trailing minus signs since "---" is the
+ // same as "-- -".
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ }
+ return jsCtxDivOp
+ case '.':
+ // Handle "42."
+ if n != 1 && '0' <= s[n-2] && s[n-2] <= '9' {
+ return jsCtxDivOp
+ }
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that only end binary operators not handled above.
+ case ',', '<', '>', '=', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^', '?':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that are prefix operators not handled above.
+ case '!', '~':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that are open brackets not handled above.
+ case '(', '[':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
+ // that precede expression starts.
+ case ':', ';', '{':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ // CAVEAT: the close punctuators ('}', ']', ')') precede div ops and
+ // are handled in the default except for '}' which can precede a
+ // division op as in
+ // ({ valueOf: function () { return 42 } } / 2
+ // which is valid, but, in practice, developers don't divide object
+ // literals, so our heuristic works well for code like
+ // function () { ... } /foo/.test(x) && sideEffect();
+ // The ')' punctuator can precede a regular expression as in
+ // if (b) /foo/.test(x) && ...
+ // but this is much less likely than
+ // (a + b) / c
+ case '}':
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ default:
+ // Look for an IdentifierName and see if it is a keyword that
+ // can precede a regular expression.
+ j := n
+ for j > 0 && isJSIdentPart(rune(s[j-1])) {
+ j--
+ }
+ if regexpPrecederKeywords[string(s[j:])] {
+ return jsCtxRegexp
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise is a punctuator not listed above, or
+ // a string which precedes a div op, or an identifier
+ // which precedes a div op.
+ return jsCtxDivOp
+// regexpPrecederKeywords is a set of reserved JS keywords that can precede a
+// regular expression in JS source.
+var regexpPrecederKeywords = map[string]bool{
+ "break": true,
+ "case": true,
+ "continue": true,
+ "delete": true,
+ "do": true,
+ "else": true,
+ "finally": true,
+ "in": true,
+ "instanceof": true,
+ "return": true,
+ "throw": true,
+ "try": true,
+ "typeof": true,
+ "void": true,
+var jsonMarshalType = reflect.TypeOf((*json.Marshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+// indirectToJSONMarshaler returns the value, after dereferencing as many times
+// as necessary to reach the base type (or nil) or an implementation of json.Marshal.
+func indirectToJSONMarshaler(a interface{}) interface{} {
+ // text/template now supports passing untyped nil as a func call
+ // argument, so we must support it. Otherwise we'd panic below, as one
+ // cannot call the Type or Interface methods on an invalid
+ // reflect.Value. See
+ if a == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(a)
+ for !v.Type().Implements(jsonMarshalType) && v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ return v.Interface()
+// jsValEscaper escapes its inputs to a JS Expression (section 11.14) that has
+// neither side-effects nor free variables outside (NaN, Infinity).
+func jsValEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ var a interface{}
+ if len(args) == 1 {
+ a = indirectToJSONMarshaler(args[0])
+ switch t := a.(type) {
+ case htmltemplate.JS:
+ return string(t)
+ case htmltemplate.JSStr:
+ // TODO: normalize quotes.
+ return `"` + string(t) + `"`
+ case json.Marshaler:
+ // Do not treat as a Stringer.
+ case fmt.Stringer:
+ a = t.String()
+ }
+ } else {
+ for i, arg := range args {
+ args[i] = indirectToJSONMarshaler(arg)
+ }
+ a = fmt.Sprint(args...)
+ }
+ // TODO: detect cycles before calling Marshal which loops infinitely on
+ // cyclic data. This may be an unacceptable DoS risk.
+ b, err := json.Marshal(a)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Put a space before comment so that if it is flush against
+ // a division operator it is not turned into a line comment:
+ // x/{{y}}
+ // turning into
+ // x//* error marshaling y:
+ // second line of error message */null
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" /* %s */null ", strings.ReplaceAll(err.Error(), "*/", "* /"))
+ }
+ // TODO: maybe post-process output to prevent it from containing
+ // "", "", or " element,
+// or in an HTML5 event handler attribute such as onclick.
+func jsStrEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeJSStr {
+ return replace(s, jsStrNormReplacementTable)
+ }
+ return replace(s, jsStrReplacementTable)
+// jsRegexpEscaper behaves like jsStrEscaper but escapes regular expression
+// specials so the result is treated literally when included in a regular
+// expression literal. /foo{{.X}}bar/ matches the string "foo" followed by
+// the literal text of {{.X}} followed by the string "bar".
+func jsRegexpEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, _ := stringify(args...)
+ s = replace(s, jsRegexpReplacementTable)
+ if s == "" {
+ // /{{.X}}/ should not produce a line comment when .X == "".
+ return "(?:)"
+ }
+ return s
+// replace replaces each rune r of s with replacementTable[r], provided that
+// r < len(replacementTable). If replacementTable[r] is the empty string then
+// no replacement is made.
+// It also replaces runes U+2028 and U+2029 with the raw strings `\u2028` and
+// `\u2029`.
+func replace(s string, replacementTable []string) string {
+ var b strings.Builder
+ r, w, written := rune(0), 0, 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i += w {
+ // See comment in htmlEscaper.
+ r, w = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+ var repl string
+ switch {
+ case int(r) < len(replacementTable) && replacementTable[r] != "":
+ repl = replacementTable[r]
+ case r == '\u2028':
+ repl = `\u2028`
+ case r == '\u2029':
+ repl = `\u2029`
+ default:
+ continue
+ }
+ if written == 0 {
+ b.Grow(len(s))
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:i])
+ b.WriteString(repl)
+ written = i + w
+ }
+ if written == 0 {
+ return s
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:])
+ return b.String()
+var jsStrReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: `\0`,
+ '\t': `\t`,
+ '\n': `\n`,
+ '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+ '\f': `\f`,
+ '\r': `\r`,
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ '"': `\x22`,
+ '&': `\x26`,
+ '\'': `\x27`,
+ '+': `\x2b`,
+ '/': `\/`,
+ '<': `\x3c`,
+ '>': `\x3e`,
+ '\\': `\\`,
+// jsStrNormReplacementTable is like jsStrReplacementTable but does not
+// overencode existing escapes since this table has no entry for `\`.
+var jsStrNormReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: `\0`,
+ '\t': `\t`,
+ '\n': `\n`,
+ '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+ '\f': `\f`,
+ '\r': `\r`,
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ '"': `\x22`,
+ '&': `\x26`,
+ '\'': `\x27`,
+ '+': `\x2b`,
+ '/': `\/`,
+ '<': `\x3c`,
+ '>': `\x3e`,
+var jsRegexpReplacementTable = []string{
+ 0: `\0`,
+ '\t': `\t`,
+ '\n': `\n`,
+ '\v': `\x0b`, // "\v" == "v" on IE 6.
+ '\f': `\f`,
+ '\r': `\r`,
+ // Encode HTML specials as hex so the output can be embedded
+ // in HTML attributes without further encoding.
+ '"': `\x22`,
+ '$': `\$`,
+ '&': `\x26`,
+ '\'': `\x27`,
+ '(': `\(`,
+ ')': `\)`,
+ '*': `\*`,
+ '+': `\x2b`,
+ '-': `\-`,
+ '.': `\.`,
+ '/': `\/`,
+ '<': `\x3c`,
+ '>': `\x3e`,
+ '?': `\?`,
+ '[': `\[`,
+ '\\': `\\`,
+ ']': `\]`,
+ '^': `\^`,
+ '{': `\{`,
+ '|': `\|`,
+ '}': `\}`,
+// isJSIdentPart reports whether the given rune is a JS identifier part.
+// It does not handle all the non-Latin letters, joiners, and combining marks,
+// but it does handle every codepoint that can occur in a numeric literal or
+// a keyword.
+func isJSIdentPart(r rune) bool {
+ switch {
+ case r == '$':
+ return true
+ case '0' <= r && r <= '9':
+ return true
+ case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z':
+ return true
+ case r == '_':
+ return true
+ case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z':
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// isJSType reports whether the given MIME type should be considered JavaScript.
+// It is used to determine whether a script tag with a type attribute is a javascript container.
+func isJSType(mimeType string) bool {
+ // per
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ mimeType = strings.ToLower(mimeType)
+ // discard parameters
+ if i := strings.Index(mimeType, ";"); i >= 0 {
+ mimeType = mimeType[:i]
+ }
+ mimeType = strings.TrimSpace(mimeType)
+ switch mimeType {
+ case
+ "application/ecmascript",
+ "application/javascript",
+ "application/json",
+ "application/ld+json",
+ "application/x-ecmascript",
+ "application/x-javascript",
+ "module",
+ "text/ecmascript",
+ "text/javascript",
+ "text/javascript1.0",
+ "text/javascript1.1",
+ "text/javascript1.2",
+ "text/javascript1.3",
+ "text/javascript1.4",
+ "text/javascript1.5",
+ "text/jscript",
+ "text/livescript",
+ "text/x-ecmascript",
+ "text/x-javascript":
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/js_test.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/js_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0a6f332a64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/js_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.13,!windows
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "math"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+func TestNextJsCtx(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ jsCtx jsCtx
+ s string
+ }{
+ // Statement terminators precede regexps.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, ";"},
+ // This is not airtight.
+ // ({ valueOf: function () { return 1 } } / 2)
+ // is valid JavaScript but in practice, devs do not do this.
+ // A block followed by a statement starting with a RegExp is
+ // much more common:
+ // while (x) {...} /foo/.test(x) || panic()
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "}"},
+ // But member, call, grouping, and array expression terminators
+ // precede div ops.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, ")"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "]"},
+ // At the start of a primary expression, array, or expression
+ // statement, expect a regexp.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "("},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "["},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "{"},
+ // Assignment operators precede regexps as do all exclusively
+ // prefix and binary operators.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "="},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "+="},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "*="},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "*"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "!"},
+ // Whether the + or - is infix or prefix, it cannot precede a
+ // div op.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "+"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "-"},
+ // An incr/decr op precedes a div operator.
+ // This is not airtight. In (g = ++/h/i) a regexp follows a
+ // pre-increment operator, but in practice devs do not try to
+ // increment or decrement regular expressions.
+ // (g++/h/i) where ++ is a postfix operator on g is much more
+ // common.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "--"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "++"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x--"},
+ // When we have many dashes or pluses, then they are grouped
+ // left to right.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "x---"}, // A postfix -- then a -.
+ // return followed by a slash returns the regexp literal or the
+ // slash starts a regexp literal in an expression statement that
+ // is dead code.
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return "},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return\t"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return\n"},
+ {jsCtxRegexp, "return\u2028"},
+ // Identifiers can be divided and cannot validly be preceded by
+ // a regular expressions. Semicolon insertion cannot happen
+ // between an identifier and a regular expression on a new line
+ // because the one token lookahead for semicolon insertion has
+ // to conclude that it could be a div binary op and treat it as
+ // such.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x "},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x\t"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x\n"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "x\u2028"},
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "preturn"},
+ // Numbers precede div ops.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "0"},
+ // Dots that are part of a number are div preceders.
+ {jsCtxDivOp, "0."},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(test.s), jsCtxRegexp) != test.jsCtx {
+ t.Errorf("want %s got %q", test.jsCtx, test.s)
+ }
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(test.s), jsCtxDivOp) != test.jsCtx {
+ t.Errorf("want %s got %q", test.jsCtx, test.s)
+ }
+ }
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(" "), jsCtxRegexp) != jsCtxRegexp {
+ t.Error("Blank tokens")
+ }
+ if nextJSCtx([]byte(" "), jsCtxDivOp) != jsCtxDivOp {
+ t.Error("Blank tokens")
+ }
+func TestJSValEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ x interface{}
+ js string
+ }{
+ {int(42), " 42 "},
+ {uint(42), " 42 "},
+ {int16(42), " 42 "},
+ {uint16(42), " 42 "},
+ {int32(-42), " -42 "},
+ {uint32(42), " 42 "},
+ {int16(-42), " -42 "},
+ {uint16(42), " 42 "},
+ {int64(-42), " -42 "},
+ {uint64(42), " 42 "},
+ {uint64(1) << 53, " 9007199254740992 "},
+ // ulp(1 << 53) > 1 so this loses precision in JS
+ // but it is still a representable integer literal.
+ {uint64(1)<<53 + 1, " 9007199254740993 "},
+ {float32(1.0), " 1 "},
+ {float32(-1.0), " -1 "},
+ {float32(0.5), " 0.5 "},
+ {float32(-0.5), " -0.5 "},
+ {float32(1.0) / float32(256), " 0.00390625 "},
+ {float32(0), " 0 "},
+ {math.Copysign(0, -1), " -0 "},
+ {float64(1.0), " 1 "},
+ {float64(-1.0), " -1 "},
+ {float64(0.5), " 0.5 "},
+ {float64(-0.5), " -0.5 "},
+ {float64(0), " 0 "},
+ {math.Copysign(0, -1), " -0 "},
+ {"", `""`},
+ {"foo", `"foo"`},
+ // Newlines.
+ {"\r\n\u2028\u2029", `"\r\n\u2028\u2029"`},
+ // "\v" == "v" on IE 6 so use "\x0b" instead.
+ {"\t\x0b", `"\t\u000b"`},
+ {struct{ X, Y int }{1, 2}, `{"X":1,"Y":2}`},
+ {[]interface{}{}, "[]"},
+ {[]interface{}{42, "foo", nil}, `[42,"foo",null]`},
+ {[]string{""}, `["\u003c!--","\u003c/script\u003e","--\u003e"]`},
+ {"", `"--\u003e"`},
+ {"", `"]]\u003e"`},
+ {"", `\x3c\/script\x3e`},
+ {"", `]]\x3e`},
+ //
+ // "The text in style, script, title, and textarea elements
+ // must not have an escaping text span start that is not
+ // followed by an escaping text span end."
+ // Furthermore, spoofing an escaping text span end could lead
+ // to different interpretation of a sequence otherwise
+ // masked by the escaping text span, and spoofing a start could
+ // allow regular text content to be interpreted as script
+ // allowing script execution via a combination of a JS string
+ // injection followed by an HTML text injection.
+ {"", `--\x3e`},
+ // From
+ {"+ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-",
+ `\x2bADw-script\x2bAD4-alert(1)\x2bADw-\/script\x2bAD4-`,
+ },
+ // Invalid UTF-8 sequence
+ {"foo\xA0bar", "foo\xA0bar"},
+ // Invalid unicode scalar value.
+ {"foo\xed\xa0\x80bar", "foo\xed\xa0\x80bar"},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ esc := jsStrEscaper(test.x)
+ if esc != test.esc {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q got %q", test.x, test.esc, esc)
+ }
+ }
+func TestJSRegexpEscaper(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ x interface{}
+ esc string
+ }{
+ {"", `(?:)`},
+ {"foo", `foo`},
+ {"\u0000", `\0`},
+ {"\t", `\t`},
+ {"\n", `\n`},
+ {"\r", `\r`},
+ {"\u2028", `\u2028`},
+ {"\u2029", `\u2029`},
+ {"\\", `\\`},
+ {"\\n", `\\n`},
+ {"foo\r\nbar", `foo\r\nbar`},
+ // Preserve attribute boundaries.
+ {`"`, `\x22`},
+ {`'`, `\x27`},
+ // Allow embedding in HTML without further escaping.
+ {`&`, `\x26amp;`},
+ // Prevent breaking out of text node and element boundaries.
+ {"", `\x3c\/script\x3e`},
+ {"", `\]\]\x3e`},
+ // Escaping text spans.
+ {"", `\-\-\x3e`},
+ {"*", `\*`},
+ {"+", `\x2b`},
+ {"?", `\?`},
+ {"[](){}", `\[\]\(\)\{\}`},
+ {"$foo|x.y", `\$foo\|x\.y`},
+ {"x^y", `x\^y`},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ esc := jsRegexpEscaper(test.x)
+ if esc != test.esc {
+ t.Errorf("%q: want %q got %q", test.x, test.esc, esc)
+ }
+ }
+func TestEscapersOnLower7AndSelectHighCodepoints(t *testing.T) {
+ input := ("\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./` +
+ `0123456789:;<=>?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E")
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ escaper func(...interface{}) string
+ escaped string
+ }{
+ {
+ "jsStrEscaper",
+ jsStrEscaper,
+ "\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+ "\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\f\\r\x0E\x0F" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+ "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !\x22#$%\x26\x27()*\x2b,-.\/` +
+ `0123456789:;\x3c=\x3e?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\\u2028\\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E",
+ },
+ {
+ "jsRegexpEscaper",
+ jsRegexpEscaper,
+ "\\0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07" +
+ "\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\f\\r\x0E\x0F" +
+ "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17" +
+ "\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +
+ ` !\x22#\$%\x26\x27\(\)\*\x2b,\-\.\/` +
+ `0123456789:;\x3c=\x3e\?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]\^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ `pqrstuvwxyz\{\|\}~` + "\u007f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\\u2028\\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if s := test.escaper(input); s != test.escaped {
+ t.Errorf("%s once: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, test.escaped, s)
+ continue
+ }
+ // Escape it rune by rune to make sure that any
+ // fast-path checking does not break escaping.
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for _, c := range input {
+ buf.WriteString(test.escaper(string(c)))
+ }
+ if s := buf.String(); s != test.escaped {
+ t.Errorf("%s rune-wise: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, test.escaped, s)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func TestIsJsMimeType(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ in string
+ out bool
+ }{
+ {"application/javascript;version=1.8", true},
+ {"application/javascript;version=1.8;foo=bar", true},
+ {"application/javascript/version=1.8", false},
+ {"text/javascript", true},
+ {"application/json", true},
+ {"application/ld+json", true},
+ {"module", true},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if isJSType( != test.out {
+ t.Errorf("isJSType(%q) = %v, want %v",, !test.out, test.out)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithNum(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper(3.141592654)
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStr(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper("The
brown fox jumps\u2028over the
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStrNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObj(b *testing.B) {
+ o := struct {
+ S string
+ N int
+ }{
+ "The
brown fox jumps\u2028over the
+ 42,
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper(o)
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObjNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ o := struct {
+ S string
+ N int
+ }{
+ "The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
+ 42,
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsValEscaper(o)
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSStrEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsStrEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSStrEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsStrEscaper("The
brown fox jumps\u2028over the
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsRegexpEscaper("The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
+ }
+func BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ jsRegexpEscaper("The
brown fox jumps\u2028over the
+ }
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/jsctx_string.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/jsctx_string.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd1d87ee454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/jsctx_string.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Code generated by "stringer -type jsCtx"; DO NOT EDIT.
+package template
+import "strconv"
+const _jsCtx_name = "jsCtxRegexpjsCtxDivOpjsCtxUnknown"
+var _jsCtx_index = [...]uint8{0, 11, 21, 33}
+func (i jsCtx) String() string {
+ if i >= jsCtx(len(_jsCtx_index)-1) {
+ return "jsCtx(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
+ }
+ return _jsCtx_name[_jsCtx_index[i]:_jsCtx_index[i+1]]
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/state_string.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/state_string.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05104be89c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/state_string.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Code generated by "stringer -type state"; DO NOT EDIT.
+package template
+import "strconv"
+const _state_name = "stateTextstateTagstateAttrNamestateAfterNamestateBeforeValuestateHTMLCmtstateRCDATAstateAttrstateURLstateSrcsetstateJSstateJSDqStrstateJSSqStrstateJSRegexpstateJSBlockCmtstateJSLineCmtstateCSSstateCSSDqStrstateCSSSqStrstateCSSDqURLstateCSSSqURLstateCSSURLstateCSSBlockCmtstateCSSLineCmtstateError"
+var _state_index = [...]uint16{0, 9, 17, 30, 44, 60, 72, 83, 92, 100, 111, 118, 130, 142, 155, 170, 184, 192, 205, 218, 231, 244, 255, 271, 286, 296}
+func (i state) String() string {
+ if i >= state(len(_state_index)-1) {
+ return "state(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
+ }
+ return _state_name[_state_index[i]:_state_index[i+1]]
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/template.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/template.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa65d9cb129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/template.go
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sync"
+ template ""
+ ""
+// Template is a specialized Template from "text/template" that produces a safe
+// HTML document fragment.
+type Template struct {
+ // Sticky error if escaping fails, or escapeOK if succeeded.
+ escapeErr error
+ // We could embed the text/template field, but it's safer not to because
+ // we need to keep our version of the name space and the underlying
+ // template's in sync.
+ text *template.Template
+ // The underlying template's parse tree, updated to be HTML-safe.
+ Tree *parse.Tree
+ *nameSpace // common to all associated templates
+// escapeOK is a sentinel value used to indicate valid escaping.
+var escapeOK = fmt.Errorf("template escaped correctly")
+// nameSpace is the data structure shared by all templates in an association.
+type nameSpace struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ set map[string]*Template
+ escaped bool
+ esc escaper
+// Templates returns a slice of the templates associated with t, including t
+// itself.
+func (t *Template) Templates() []*Template {
+ ns := t.nameSpace
+ defer
+ // Return a slice so we don't expose the map.
+ m := make([]*Template, 0, len(ns.set))
+ for _, v := range ns.set {
+ m = append(m, v)
+ }
+ return m
+// Option sets options for the template. Options are described by
+// strings, either a simple string or "key=value". There can be at
+// most one equals sign in an option string. If the option string
+// is unrecognized or otherwise invalid, Option panics.
+// Known options:
+// missingkey: Control the behavior during execution if a map is
+// indexed with a key that is not present in the map.
+// "missingkey=default" or "missingkey=invalid"
+// The default behavior: Do nothing and continue execution.
+// If printed, the result of the index operation is the string
+// "
+// "missingkey=zero"
+// The operation returns the zero value for the map type's element.
+// "missingkey=error"
+// Execution stops immediately with an error.
+func (t *Template) Option(opt ...string) *Template {
+ t.text.Option(opt...)
+ return t
+// checkCanParse checks whether it is OK to parse templates.
+// If not, it returns an error.
+func (t *Template) checkCanParse() error {
+ if t == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer
+ if t.nameSpace.escaped {
+ return fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Parse after Execute")
+ }
+ return nil
+// escape escapes all associated templates.
+func (t *Template) escape() error {
+ defer
+ t.nameSpace.escaped = true
+ if t.escapeErr == nil {
+ if t.Tree == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("template: %q is an incomplete or empty template", t.Name())
+ }
+ if err := escapeTemplate(t, t.text.Root, t.Name()); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ } else if t.escapeErr != escapeOK {
+ return t.escapeErr
+ }
+ return nil
+// Execute applies a parsed template to the specified data object,
+// writing the output to wr.
+// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,
+// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to
+// the output writer.
+// A template may be executed safely in parallel, although if parallel
+// executions share a Writer the output may be interleaved.
+func (t *Template) Execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) error {
+ if err := t.escape(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return t.text.Execute(wr, data)
+// ExecuteTemplate applies the template associated with t that has the given
+// name to the specified data object and writes the output to wr.
+// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,
+// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to
+// the output writer.
+// A template may be executed safely in parallel, although if parallel
+// executions share a Writer the output may be interleaved.
+func (t *Template) ExecuteTemplate(wr io.Writer, name string, data interface{}) error {
+ tmpl, err := t.lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return tmpl.text.Execute(wr, data)
+// lookupAndEscapeTemplate guarantees that the template with the given name
+// is escaped, or returns an error if it cannot be. It returns the named
+// template.
+func (t *Template) lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name string) (tmpl *Template, err error) {
+ defer
+ t.nameSpace.escaped = true
+ tmpl = t.set[name]
+ if tmpl == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: %q is undefined", name)
+ }
+ if tmpl.escapeErr != nil && tmpl.escapeErr != escapeOK {
+ return nil, tmpl.escapeErr
+ }
+ if tmpl.text.Tree == nil || tmpl.text.Root == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: %q is an incomplete template", name)
+ }
+ if t.text.Lookup(name) == nil {
+ panic("html/template internal error: template escaping out of sync")
+ }
+ if tmpl.escapeErr == nil {
+ err = escapeTemplate(tmpl, tmpl.text.Root, name)
+ }
+ return tmpl, err
+// DefinedTemplates returns a string listing the defined templates,
+// prefixed by the string "; defined templates are: ". If there are none,
+// it returns the empty string. Used to generate an error message.
+func (t *Template) DefinedTemplates() string {
+ return t.text.DefinedTemplates()
+// Parse parses text as a template body for t.
+// Named template definitions ({{define ...}} or {{block ...}} statements) in text
+// define additional templates associated with t and are removed from the
+// definition of t itself.
+// Templates can be redefined in successive calls to Parse,
+// before the first use of Execute on t or any associated template.
+// A template definition with a body containing only white space and comments
+// is considered empty and will not replace an existing template's body.
+// This allows using Parse to add new named template definitions without
+// overwriting the main template body.
+func (t *Template) Parse(text string) (*Template, error) {
+ if err := t.checkCanParse(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ret, err := t.text.Parse(text)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // In general, all the named templates might have changed underfoot.
+ // Regardless, some new ones may have been defined.
+ // The template.Template set has been updated; update ours.
+ defer
+ for _, v := range ret.Templates() {
+ name := v.Name()
+ tmpl := t.set[name]
+ if tmpl == nil {
+ tmpl =
+ }
+ tmpl.text = v
+ tmpl.Tree = v.Tree
+ }
+ return t, nil
+// AddParseTree creates a new template with the name and parse tree
+// and associates it with t.
+// It returns an error if t or any associated template has already been executed.
+func (t *Template) AddParseTree(name string, tree *parse.Tree) (*Template, error) {
+ if err := t.checkCanParse(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer
+ text, err := t.text.AddParseTree(name, tree)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ret := &Template{
+ nil,
+ text,
+ text.Tree,
+ t.nameSpace,
+ }
+ t.set[name] = ret
+ return ret, nil
+// Clone returns a duplicate of the template, including all associated
+// templates. The actual representation is not copied, but the name space of
+// associated templates is, so further calls to Parse in the copy will add
+// templates to the copy but not to the original. Clone can be used to prepare
+// common templates and use them with variant definitions for other templates
+// by adding the variants after the clone is made.
+// It returns an error if t has already been executed.
+func (t *Template) Clone() (*Template, error) {
+ defer
+ if t.escapeErr != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Clone %q after it has executed", t.Name())
+ }
+ textClone, err := t.text.Clone()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ns := &nameSpace{set: make(map[string]*Template)}
+ ns.esc = makeEscaper(ns)
+ ret := &Template{
+ nil,
+ textClone,
+ textClone.Tree,
+ ns,
+ }
+ ret.set[ret.Name()] = ret
+ for _, x := range textClone.Templates() {
+ name := x.Name()
+ src := t.set[name]
+ if src == nil || src.escapeErr != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Clone %q after it has executed", t.Name())
+ }
+ x.Tree = x.Tree.Copy()
+ ret.set[name] = &Template{
+ nil,
+ x,
+ x.Tree,
+ ret.nameSpace,
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the template associated with the name of this template.
+ return ret.set[ret.Name()], nil
+// New allocates a new HTML template with the given name.
+func New(name string) *Template {
+ ns := &nameSpace{set: make(map[string]*Template)}
+ ns.esc = makeEscaper(ns)
+ tmpl := &Template{
+ nil,
+ template.New(name),
+ nil,
+ ns,
+ }
+ tmpl.set[name] = tmpl
+ return tmpl
+// New allocates a new HTML template associated with the given one
+// and with the same delimiters. The association, which is transitive,
+// allows one template to invoke another with a {{template}} action.
+// If a template with the given name already exists, the new HTML template
+// will replace it. The existing template will be reset and disassociated with
+// t.
+func (t *Template) New(name string) *Template {
+ defer
+ return
+// new is the implementation of New, without the lock.
+func (t *Template) new(name string) *Template {
+ tmpl := &Template{
+ nil,
+ t.text.New(name),
+ nil,
+ t.nameSpace,
+ }
+ if existing, ok := tmpl.set[name]; ok {
+ emptyTmpl := New(existing.Name())
+ *existing = *emptyTmpl
+ }
+ tmpl.set[name] = tmpl
+ return tmpl
+// Name returns the name of the template.
+func (t *Template) Name() string {
+ return t.text.Name()
+// FuncMap is the type of the map defining the mapping from names to
+// functions. Each function must have either a single return value, or two
+// return values of which the second has type error. In that case, if the
+// second (error) argument evaluates to non-nil during execution, execution
+// terminates and Execute returns that error. FuncMap has the same base type
+// as FuncMap in "text/template", copied here so clients need not import
+// "text/template".
+type FuncMap map[string]interface{}
+// Funcs adds the elements of the argument map to the template's function map.
+// It must be called before the template is parsed.
+// It panics if a value in the map is not a function with appropriate return
+// type. However, it is legal to overwrite elements of the map. The return
+// value is the template, so calls can be chained.
+func (t *Template) Funcs(funcMap FuncMap) *Template {
+ t.text.Funcs(template.FuncMap(funcMap))
+ return t
+// Delims sets the action delimiters to the specified strings, to be used in
+// subsequent calls to Parse, ParseFiles, or ParseGlob. Nested template
+// definitions will inherit the settings. An empty delimiter stands for the
+// corresponding default: {{ or }}.
+// The return value is the template, so calls can be chained.
+func (t *Template) Delims(left, right string) *Template {
+ t.text.Delims(left, right)
+ return t
+// Lookup returns the template with the given name that is associated with t,
+// or nil if there is no such template.
+func (t *Template) Lookup(name string) *Template {
+ defer
+ return t.set[name]
+// Must is a helper that wraps a call to a function returning (*Template, error)
+// and panics if the error is non-nil. It is intended for use in variable initializations
+// such as
+// var t = template.Must(template.New("name").Parse("html"))
+func Must(t *Template, err error) *Template {
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return t
+// ParseFiles creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from
+// the named files. The returned template's name will have the (base) name and
+// (parsed) contents of the first file. There must be at least one file.
+// If an error occurs, parsing stops and the returned *Template is nil.
+// When parsing multiple files with the same name in different directories,
+// the last one mentioned will be the one that results.
+// For instance, ParseFiles("a/foo", "b/foo") stores "b/foo" as the template
+// named "foo", while "a/foo" is unavailable.
+func ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseFiles(nil, filenames...)
+// ParseFiles parses the named files and associates the resulting templates with
+// t. If an error occurs, parsing stops and the returned template is nil;
+// otherwise it is t. There must be at least one file.
+// When parsing multiple files with the same name in different directories,
+// the last one mentioned will be the one that results.
+// ParseFiles returns an error if t or any associated template has already been executed.
+func (t *Template) ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseFiles(t, filenames...)
+// parseFiles is the helper for the method and function. If the argument
+// template is nil, it is created from the first file.
+func parseFiles(t *Template, filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
+ if err := t.checkCanParse(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if len(filenames) == 0 {
+ // Not really a problem, but be consistent.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: no files named in call to ParseFiles")
+ }
+ for _, filename := range filenames {
+ b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ s := string(b)
+ name := filepath.Base(filename)
+ // First template becomes return value if not already defined,
+ // and we use that one for subsequent New calls to associate
+ // all the templates together. Also, if this file has the same name
+ // as t, this file becomes the contents of t, so
+ // t, err := New(name).Funcs(xxx).ParseFiles(name)
+ // works. Otherwise we create a new template associated with t.
+ var tmpl *Template
+ if t == nil {
+ t = New(name)
+ }
+ if name == t.Name() {
+ tmpl = t
+ } else {
+ tmpl = t.New(name)
+ }
+ _, err = tmpl.Parse(s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return t, nil
+// ParseGlob creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from
+// the files identified by the pattern. The files are matched according to the
+// semantics of filepath.Match, and the pattern must match at least one file.
+// The returned template will have the (base) name and (parsed) contents of the
+// first file matched by the pattern. ParseGlob is equivalent to calling
+// ParseFiles with the list of files matched by the pattern.
+// When parsing multiple files with the same name in different directories,
+// the last one mentioned will be the one that results.
+func ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseGlob(nil, pattern)
+// ParseGlob parses the template definitions in the files identified by the
+// pattern and associates the resulting templates with t. The files are matched
+// according to the semantics of filepath.Match, and the pattern must match at
+// least one file. ParseGlob is equivalent to calling t.ParseFiles with the
+// list of files matched by the pattern.
+// When parsing multiple files with the same name in different directories,
+// the last one mentioned will be the one that results.
+// ParseGlob returns an error if t or any associated template has already been executed.
+func (t *Template) ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error) {
+ return parseGlob(t, pattern)
+// parseGlob is the implementation of the function and method ParseGlob.
+func parseGlob(t *Template, pattern string) (*Template, error) {
+ if err := t.checkCanParse(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ filenames, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if len(filenames) == 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: pattern matches no files: %#q", pattern)
+ }
+ return parseFiles(t, filenames...)
+// IsTrue reports whether the value is 'true', in the sense of not the zero of its type,
+// and whether the value has a meaningful truth value. This is the definition of
+// truth used by if and other such actions.
+func IsTrue(val interface{}) (truth, ok bool) {
+ return template.IsTrue(val)
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/template_test.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/template_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8adf3324b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/template_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.13
+package template_test
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ . ""
+func TestTemplateClone(t *testing.T) {
+ //
+ orig := New("name")
+ clone, err := orig.Clone()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if len(clone.Templates()) != len(orig.Templates()) {
+ t.Fatalf("Invalid length of t.Clone().Templates()")
+ }
+ const want = "stuff"
+ parsed := Must(clone.Parse(want))
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ err = parsed.Execute(&buf, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if got := buf.String(); got != want {
+ t.Fatalf("got %q; want %q", got, want)
+ }
+func TestRedefineNonEmptyAfterExecution(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `foo`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, "foo")
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `bar`)
+func TestRedefineEmptyAfterExecution(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, ``)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, "")
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `foo`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, "")
+func TestRedefineAfterNonExecution(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `{{if .}}<{{template "X"}}>{{end}}{{define "X"}}foo{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, 0, "")
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}bar{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, 1, "<foo>")
+func TestRedefineAfterNamedExecution(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `<{{template "X" .}}>{{define "X"}}foo{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, "<foo>")
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}bar{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, "<foo>")
+func TestRedefineNestedByNameAfterExecution(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}foo{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.lookup("X"), nil, "foo")
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}bar{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.lookup("X"), nil, "foo")
+func TestRedefineNestedByTemplateAfterExecution(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}foo{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.lookup("X"), nil, "foo")
+ c.mustNotParse(c.lookup("X"), `bar`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.lookup("X"), nil, "foo")
+func TestRedefineSafety(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, ``)
+ // Note: Every version of Go prior to Go 1.8 accepted the redefinition of "X"
+ // on the next line, but luckily kept it from being used in the outer template.
+ // Now we reject it, which makes clearer that we're not going to use it.
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}" bar="baz{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, nil, ``)
+func TestRedefineTopUse(t *testing.T) {
+ c := newTestCase(t)
+ c.mustParse(c.root, `{{template "X"}}{{.}}{{define "X"}}{{end}}`)
+ c.mustExecute(c.root, 42, `42`)
+ c.mustNotParse(c.root, `{{define "X"}}", "script", 1},
+ {"", "textarea", -1},
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if got := indexTagEnd([]byte(test.s), []byte(test.tag)); test.want != got {
+ t.Errorf("%q/%q: want\n\t%d\nbut got\n\t%d", test.s, test.tag, test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkTemplateSpecialTags(b *testing.B) {
+ r := struct {
+ Name, Gift string
+ }{"Aunt Mildred", "bone china tea set"}
+ h1 := " "
+ h2 := ""
+ html := strings.Repeat(h1, 100) + h2 + strings.Repeat(h1, 100) + h2
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ tmpl := Must(New("foo").Parse(html))
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, r); err != nil {
+ b.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ buf.Reset()
+ }
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/url.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/url.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f8185a4e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/url.go
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+// urlFilter returns its input unless it contains an unsafe scheme in which
+// case it defangs the entire URL.
+// Schemes that cause unintended side effects that are irreversible without user
+// interaction are considered unsafe. For example, clicking on a "javascript:"
+// link can immediately trigger JavaScript code execution.
+// This filter conservatively assumes that all schemes other than the following
+// are unsafe:
+// * http: Navigates to a new website, and may open a new window or tab.
+// These side effects can be reversed by navigating back to the
+// previous website, or closing the window or tab. No irreversible
+// changes will take place without further user interaction with
+// the new website.
+// * https: Same as http.
+// * mailto: Opens an email program and starts a new draft. This side effect
+// is not irreversible until the user explicitly clicks send; it
+// can be undone by closing the email program.
+// To allow URLs containing other schemes to bypass this filter, developers must
+// explicitly indicate that such a URL is expected and safe by encapsulating it
+// in a template.URL value.
+func urlFilter(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeURL {
+ return s
+ }
+ if !isSafeURL(s) {
+ return "#" + filterFailsafe
+ }
+ return s
+// isSafeURL is true if s is a relative URL or if URL has a protocol in
+// (http, https, mailto).
+func isSafeURL(s string) bool {
+ if i := strings.IndexRune(s, ':'); i >= 0 && !strings.ContainsRune(s[:i], '/') {
+ protocol := s[:i]
+ if !strings.EqualFold(protocol, "http") && !strings.EqualFold(protocol, "https") && !strings.EqualFold(protocol, "mailto") {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// urlEscaper produces an output that can be embedded in a URL query.
+// The output can be embedded in an HTML attribute without further escaping.
+func urlEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return urlProcessor(false, args...)
+// urlNormalizer normalizes URL content so it can be embedded in a quote-delimited
+// string or parenthesis delimited url(...).
+// The normalizer does not encode all HTML specials. Specifically, it does not
+// encode '&' so correct embedding in an HTML attribute requires escaping of
+// '&' to '&'.
+func urlNormalizer(args ...interface{}) string {
+ return urlProcessor(true, args...)
+// urlProcessor normalizes (when norm is true) or escapes its input to produce
+// a valid hierarchical or opaque URL part.
+func urlProcessor(norm bool, args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ if t == contentTypeURL {
+ norm = true
+ }
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ if processURLOnto(s, norm, &b) {
+ return b.String()
+ }
+ return s
+// processURLOnto appends a normalized URL corresponding to its input to b
+// and reports whether the appended content differs from s.
+func processURLOnto(s string, norm bool, b *bytes.Buffer) bool {
+ b.Grow(len(s) + 16)
+ written := 0
+ // The byte loop below assumes that all URLs use UTF-8 as the
+ // content-encoding. This is similar to the URI to IRI encoding scheme
+ // defined in section 3.1 of RFC 3987, and behaves the same as the
+ // EcmaScript builtin encodeURIComponent.
+ // It should not cause any misencoding of URLs in pages with
+ // Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8.
+ for i, n := 0, len(s); i < n; i++ {
+ c := s[i]
+ switch c {
+ // Single quote and parens are sub-delims in RFC 3986, but we
+ // escape them so the output can be embedded in single
+ // quoted attributes and unquoted CSS url(...) constructs.
+ // Single quotes are reserved in URLs, but are only used in
+ // the obsolete "mark" rule in an appendix in RFC 3986
+ // so can be safely encoded.
+ case '!', '#', '$', '&', '*', '+', ',', '/', ':', ';', '=', '?', '@', '[', ']':
+ if norm {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Unreserved according to RFC 3986 sec 2.3
+ // "For consistency, percent-encoded octets in the ranges of
+ // ALPHA (%41-%5A and %61-%7A), DIGIT (%30-%39), hyphen (%2D),
+ // period (%2E), underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E) should not be
+ // created by URI producers
+ case '-', '.', '_', '~':
+ continue
+ case '%':
+ // When normalizing do not re-encode valid escapes.
+ if norm && i+2 < len(s) && isHex(s[i+1]) && isHex(s[i+2]) {
+ continue
+ }
+ default:
+ // Unreserved according to RFC 3986 sec 2.3
+ if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' {
+ continue
+ }
+ if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
+ continue
+ }
+ if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:i])
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, "%%%02x", c)
+ written = i + 1
+ }
+ b.WriteString(s[written:])
+ return written != 0
+// Filters and normalizes srcset values which are comma separated
+// URLs followed by metadata.
+func srcsetFilterAndEscaper(args ...interface{}) string {
+ s, t := stringify(args...)
+ switch t {
+ case contentTypeSrcset:
+ return s
+ case contentTypeURL:
+ // Normalizing gets rid of all HTML whitespace
+ // which separate the image URL from its metadata.
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ if processURLOnto(s, true, &b) {
+ s = b.String()
+ }
+ // Additionally, commas separate one source from another.
+ return strings.ReplaceAll(s, ",", "%2c")
+ }
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ written := 0
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ if s[i] == ',' {
+ filterSrcsetElement(s, written, i, &b)
+ b.WriteString(",")
+ written = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ filterSrcsetElement(s, written, len(s), &b)
+ return b.String()
+// Derived from
+const htmlSpaceAndASCIIAlnumBytes = "\x00\x36\x00\x00\x01\x00\xff\x03\xfe\xff\xff\x07\xfe\xff\xff\x07"
+// isHTMLSpace is true iff c is a whitespace character per
+func isHTMLSpace(c byte) bool {
+ return (c <= 0x20) && 0 != (htmlSpaceAndASCIIAlnumBytes[c>>3]&(1<>3]&(1<?` +
+ `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +
+ "`abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +
+ "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\U0001D11E")
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ escaper func(...interface{}) string
+ escaped string
+ }{
+ {
+ "urlEscaper",
+ urlEscaper,
+ "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0a%0b%0c%0d%0e%0f" +
+ "%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1a%1b%1c%1d%1e%1f" +
+ "%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2a%2b%2c-.%2f" +
+ "0123456789%3a%3b%3c%3d%3e%3f" +
+ "PQRSTUVWXYZ%5b%5c%5d%5e_" +
+ "%60abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz%7b%7c%7d~%7f" +
+ "%c2%a0%c4%80%e2%80%a8%e2%80%a9%ef%bb%bf%f0%9d%84%9e",
+ },
+ {
+ "urlNormalizer",
+ urlNormalizer,
+ "%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0a%0b%0c%0d%0e%0f" +
+ "%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1a%1b%1c%1d%1e%1f" +
+ "%20!%22#$%25&%27%28%29*+,-./" +
+ "0123456789:;%3c=%3e?" +
+ "PQRSTUVWXYZ[%5c]%5e_" +
+ "%60abcdefghijklmno" +
+ "pqrstuvwxyz%7b%7c%7d~%7f" +
+ "%c2%a0%c4%80%e2%80%a8%e2%80%a9%ef%bb%bf%f0%9d%84%9e",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if s := test.escaper(input); s != test.escaped {
+ t.Errorf("%s: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, test.escaped, s)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+func TestSrcsetFilter(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ input string
+ want string
+ }{
+ {
+ "one ok",
+ "",
+ "",
+ },
+ {
+ "one ok with metadata",
+ " /img.png 200w",
+ " /img.png 200w",
+ },
+ {
+ "one bad",
+ "javascript:alert(1) 200w",
+ "#ZgotmplZ",
+ },
+ {
+ "two ok",
+ "foo.png, bar.png",
+ "foo.png, bar.png",
+ },
+ {
+ "left bad",
+ "javascript:alert(1), /foo.png",
+ "#ZgotmplZ, /foo.png",
+ },
+ {
+ "right bad",
+ "/bogus#, javascript:alert(1)",
+ "/bogus#,#ZgotmplZ",
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ if got := srcsetFilterAndEscaper(test.input); got != test.want {
+ t.Errorf("%s: srcsetFilterAndEscaper(%q) want %q != %q",, test.input, test.want, got)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLEscaper(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlEscaper("")
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLEscaperNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlEscaper("TheQuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog.")
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLNormalizer(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlNormalizer("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n")
+ }
+func BenchmarkURLNormalizerNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ urlNormalizer("")
+ }
+func BenchmarkSrcsetFilter(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ srcsetFilterAndEscaper(" /foo/bar.png 200w, /baz/boo(1).png")
+ }
+func BenchmarkSrcsetFilterNoSpecials(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ srcsetFilterAndEscaper("")
+ }
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/urlpart_string.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/urlpart_string.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..813eea9e440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/htmltemplate/urlpart_string.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Code generated by "stringer -type urlPart"; DO NOT EDIT.
+package template
+import "strconv"
+const _urlPart_name = "urlPartNoneurlPartPreQueryurlPartQueryOrFragurlPartUnknown"
+var _urlPart_index = [...]uint8{0, 11, 26, 44, 58}
+func (i urlPart) String() string {
+ if i >= urlPart(len(_urlPart_index)-1) {
+ return "urlPart(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
+ }
+ return _urlPart_name[_urlPart_index[i]:_urlPart_index[i+1]]
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/doc.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dbffaa49580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+Package template implements data-driven templates for generating textual output.
+To generate HTML output, see package html/template, which has the same interface
+as this package but automatically secures HTML output against certain attacks.
+Templates are executed by applying them to a data structure. Annotations in the
+template refer to elements of the data structure (typically a field of a struct
+or a key in a map) to control execution and derive values to be displayed.
+Execution of the template walks the structure and sets the cursor, represented
+by a period '.' and called "dot", to the value at the current location in the
+structure as execution proceeds.
+The input text for a template is UTF-8-encoded text in any format.
+"Actions"--data evaluations or control structures--are delimited by
+"{{" and "}}"; all text outside actions is copied to the output unchanged.
+Except for raw strings, actions may not span newlines, although comments can.
+Once parsed, a template may be executed safely in parallel, although if parallel
+executions share a Writer the output may be interleaved.
+Here is a trivial example that prints "17 items are made of wool".
+ type Inventory struct {
+ Material string
+ Count uint
+ }
+ sweaters := Inventory{"wool", 17}
+ tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("{{.Count}} items are made of {{.Material}}")
+ if err != nil { panic(err) }
+ err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, sweaters)
+ if err != nil { panic(err) }
+More intricate examples appear below.
+Text and spaces
+By default, all text between actions is copied verbatim when the template is
+executed. For example, the string " items are made of " in the example above appears
+on standard output when the program is run.
+However, to aid in formatting template source code, if an action's left delimiter
+(by default "{{") is followed immediately by a minus sign and ASCII space character
+("{{- "), all trailing white space is trimmed from the immediately preceding text.
+Similarly, if the right delimiter ("}}") is preceded by a space and minus sign
+(" -}}"), all leading white space is trimmed from the immediately following text.
+In these trim markers, the ASCII space must be present; "{{-3}}" parses as an
+action containing the number -3.
+For instance, when executing the template whose source is
+ "{{23 -}} < {{- 45}}"
+the generated output would be
+ "23<45"
+For this trimming, the definition of white space characters is the same as in Go:
+space, horizontal tab, carriage return, and newline.
+Here is the list of actions. "Arguments" and "pipelines" are evaluations of
+data, defined in detail in the corresponding sections that follow.
+// {{/* a comment */}}
+// {{- /* a comment with white space trimmed from preceding and following text */ -}}
+// A comment; discarded. May contain newlines.
+// Comments do not nest and must start and end at the
+// delimiters, as shown here.
+ {{pipeline}}
+ The default textual representation (the same as would be
+ printed by fmt.Print) of the value of the pipeline is copied
+ to the output.
+ {{if pipeline}} T1 {{end}}
+ If the value of the pipeline is empty, no output is generated;
+ otherwise, T1 is executed. The empty values are false, 0, any
+ nil pointer or interface value, and any array, slice, map, or
+ string of length zero.
+ Dot is unaffected.
+ {{if pipeline}} T1 {{else}} T0 {{end}}
+ If the value of the pipeline is empty, T0 is executed;
+ otherwise, T1 is executed. Dot is unaffected.
+ {{if pipeline}} T1 {{else if pipeline}} T0 {{end}}
+ To simplify the appearance of if-else chains, the else action
+ of an if may include another if directly; the effect is exactly
+ the same as writing
+ {{if pipeline}} T1 {{else}}{{if pipeline}} T0 {{end}}{{end}}
+ {{range pipeline}} T1 {{end}}
+ The value of the pipeline must be an array, slice, map, or channel.
+ If the value of the pipeline has length zero, nothing is output;
+ otherwise, dot is set to the successive elements of the array,
+ slice, or map and T1 is executed. If the value is a map and the
+ keys are of basic type with a defined order ("comparable"), the
+ elements will be visited in sorted key order.
+ {{range pipeline}} T1 {{else}} T0 {{end}}
+ The value of the pipeline must be an array, slice, map, or channel.
+ If the value of the pipeline has length zero, dot is unaffected and
+ T0 is executed; otherwise, dot is set to the successive elements
+ of the array, slice, or map and T1 is executed.
+ {{template "name"}}
+ The template with the specified name is executed with nil data.
+ {{template "name" pipeline}}
+ The template with the specified name is executed with dot set
+ to the value of the pipeline.
+ {{block "name" pipeline}} T1 {{end}}
+ A block is shorthand for defining a template
+ {{define "name"}} T1 {{end}}
+ and then executing it in place
+ {{template "name" pipeline}}
+ The typical use is to define a set of root templates that are
+ then customized by redefining the block templates within.
+ {{with pipeline}} T1 {{end}}
+ If the value of the pipeline is empty, no output is generated;
+ otherwise, dot is set to the value of the pipeline and T1 is
+ executed.
+ {{with pipeline}} T1 {{else}} T0 {{end}}
+ If the value of the pipeline is empty, dot is unaffected and T0
+ is executed; otherwise, dot is set to the value of the pipeline
+ and T1 is executed.
+An argument is a simple value, denoted by one of the following.
+ - A boolean, string, character, integer, floating-point, imaginary
+ or complex constant in Go syntax. These behave like Go's untyped
+ constants. Note that, as in Go, whether a large integer constant
+ overflows when assigned or passed to a function can depend on whether
+ the host machine's ints are 32 or 64 bits.
+ - The keyword nil, representing an untyped Go nil.
+ - The character '.' (period):
+ .
+ The result is the value of dot.
+ - A variable name, which is a (possibly empty) alphanumeric string
+ preceded by a dollar sign, such as
+ $piOver2
+ or
+ $
+ The result is the value of the variable.
+ Variables are described below.
+ - The name of a field of the data, which must be a struct, preceded
+ by a period, such as
+ .Field
+ The result is the value of the field. Field invocations may be
+ chained:
+ .Field1.Field2
+ Fields can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
+ $x.Field1.Field2
+ - The name of a key of the data, which must be a map, preceded
+ by a period, such as
+ .Key
+ The result is the map element value indexed by the key.
+ Key invocations may be chained and combined with fields to any
+ depth:
+ .Field1.Key1.Field2.Key2
+ Although the key must be an alphanumeric identifier, unlike with
+ field names they do not need to start with an upper case letter.
+ Keys can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
+ $x.key1.key2
+ - The name of a niladic method of the data, preceded by a period,
+ such as
+ .Method
+ The result is the value of invoking the method with dot as the
+ receiver, dot.Method(). Such a method must have one return value (of
+ any type) or two return values, the second of which is an error.
+ If it has two and the returned error is non-nil, execution terminates
+ and an error is returned to the caller as the value of Execute.
+ Method invocations may be chained and combined with fields and keys
+ to any depth:
+ .Field1.Key1.Method1.Field2.Key2.Method2
+ Methods can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
+ $x.Method1.Field
+ - The name of a niladic function, such as
+ fun
+ The result is the value of invoking the function, fun(). The return
+ types and values behave as in methods. Functions and function
+ names are described below.
+ - A parenthesized instance of one the above, for grouping. The result
+ may be accessed by a field or map key invocation.
+ print (.F1 arg1) (.F2 arg2)
+ (.StructValuedMethod "arg").Field
+Arguments may evaluate to any type; if they are pointers the implementation
+automatically indirects to the base type when required.
+If an evaluation yields a function value, such as a function-valued
+field of a struct, the function is not invoked automatically, but it
+can be used as a truth value for an if action and the like. To invoke
+it, use the call function, defined below.
+A pipeline is a possibly chained sequence of "commands". A command is a simple
+value (argument) or a function or method call, possibly with multiple arguments:
+ Argument
+ The result is the value of evaluating the argument.
+ .Method [Argument...]
+ The method can be alone or the last element of a chain but,
+ unlike methods in the middle of a chain, it can take arguments.
+ The result is the value of calling the method with the
+ arguments:
+ dot.Method(Argument1, etc.)
+ functionName [Argument...]
+ The result is the value of calling the function associated
+ with the name:
+ function(Argument1, etc.)
+ Functions and function names are described below.
+A pipeline may be "chained" by separating a sequence of commands with pipeline
+characters '|'. In a chained pipeline, the result of each command is
+passed as the last argument of the following command. The output of the final
+command in the pipeline is the value of the pipeline.
+The output of a command will be either one value or two values, the second of
+which has type error. If that second value is present and evaluates to
+non-nil, execution terminates and the error is returned to the caller of
+A pipeline inside an action may initialize a variable to capture the result.
+The initialization has syntax
+ $variable := pipeline
+where $variable is the name of the variable. An action that declares a
+variable produces no output.
+Variables previously declared can also be assigned, using the syntax
+ $variable = pipeline
+If a "range" action initializes a variable, the variable is set to the
+successive elements of the iteration. Also, a "range" may declare two
+variables, separated by a comma:
+ range $index, $element := pipeline
+in which case $index and $element are set to the successive values of the
+array/slice index or map key and element, respectively. Note that if there is
+only one variable, it is assigned the element; this is opposite to the
+convention in Go range clauses.
+A variable's scope extends to the "end" action of the control structure ("if",
+"with", or "range") in which it is declared, or to the end of the template if
+there is no such control structure. A template invocation does not inherit
+variables from the point of its invocation.
+When execution begins, $ is set to the data argument passed to Execute, that is,
+to the starting value of dot.
+Here are some example one-line templates demonstrating pipelines and variables.
+All produce the quoted word "output":
+ {{"\"output\""}}
+ A string constant.
+ {{`"output"`}}
+ A raw string constant.
+ {{printf "%q" "output"}}
+ A function call.
+ {{"output" | printf "%q"}}
+ A function call whose final argument comes from the previous
+ command.
+ {{printf "%q" (print "out" "put")}}
+ A parenthesized argument.
+ {{"put" | printf "%s%s" "out" | printf "%q"}}
+ A more elaborate call.
+ {{"output" | printf "%s" | printf "%q"}}
+ A longer chain.
+ {{with "output"}}{{printf "%q" .}}{{end}}
+ A with action using dot.
+ {{with $x := "output" | printf "%q"}}{{$x}}{{end}}
+ A with action that creates and uses a variable.
+ {{with $x := "output"}}{{printf "%q" $x}}{{end}}
+ A with action that uses the variable in another action.
+ {{with $x := "output"}}{{$x | printf "%q"}}{{end}}
+ The same, but pipelined.
+During execution functions are found in two function maps: first in the
+template, then in the global function map. By default, no functions are defined
+in the template but the Funcs method can be used to add them.
+Predefined global functions are named as follows.
+ and
+ Returns the boolean AND of its arguments by returning the
+ first empty argument or the last argument, that is,
+ "and x y" behaves as "if x then y else x". All the
+ arguments are evaluated.
+ call
+ Returns the result of calling the first argument, which
+ must be a function, with the remaining arguments as parameters.
+ Thus "call .X.Y 1 2" is, in Go notation, dot.X.Y(1, 2) where
+ Y is a func-valued field, map entry, or the like.
+ The first argument must be the result of an evaluation
+ that yields a value of function type (as distinct from
+ a predefined function such as print). The function must
+ return either one or two result values, the second of which
+ is of type error. If the arguments don't match the function
+ or the returned error value is non-nil, execution stops.
+ html
+ Returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the textual
+ representation of its arguments. This function is unavailable
+ in html/template, with a few exceptions.
+ index
+ Returns the result of indexing its first argument by the
+ following arguments. Thus "index x 1 2 3" is, in Go syntax,
+ x[1][2][3]. Each indexed item must be a map, slice, or array.
+ slice
+ slice returns the result of slicing its first argument by the
+ remaining arguments. Thus "slice x 1 2" is, in Go syntax, x[1:2],
+ while "slice x" is x[:], "slice x 1" is x[1:], and "slice x 1 2 3"
+ is x[1:2:3]. The first argument must be a string, slice, or array.
+ js
+ Returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the textual
+ representation of its arguments.
+ len
+ Returns the integer length of its argument.
+ not
+ Returns the boolean negation of its single argument.
+ or
+ Returns the boolean OR of its arguments by returning the
+ first non-empty argument or the last argument, that is,
+ "or x y" behaves as "if x then x else y". All the
+ arguments are evaluated.
+ print
+ An alias for fmt.Sprint
+ printf
+ An alias for fmt.Sprintf
+ println
+ An alias for fmt.Sprintln
+ urlquery
+ Returns the escaped value of the textual representation of
+ its arguments in a form suitable for embedding in a URL query.
+ This function is unavailable in html/template, with a few
+ exceptions.
+The boolean functions take any zero value to be false and a non-zero
+value to be true.
+There is also a set of binary comparison operators defined as
+ eq
+ Returns the boolean truth of arg1 == arg2
+ ne
+ Returns the boolean truth of arg1 != arg2
+ lt
+ Returns the boolean truth of arg1 < arg2
+ le
+ Returns the boolean truth of arg1 <= arg2
+ gt
+ Returns the boolean truth of arg1 > arg2
+ ge
+ Returns the boolean truth of arg1 >= arg2
+For simpler multi-way equality tests, eq (only) accepts two or more
+arguments and compares the second and subsequent to the first,
+returning in effect
+ arg1==arg2 || arg1==arg3 || arg1==arg4 ...
+(Unlike with || in Go, however, eq is a function call and all the
+arguments will be evaluated.)
+The comparison functions work on basic types only (or named basic
+types, such as "type Celsius float32"). They implement the Go rules
+for comparison of values, except that size and exact type are
+ignored, so any integer value, signed or unsigned, may be compared
+with any other integer value. (The arithmetic value is compared,
+not the bit pattern, so all negative integers are less than all
+unsigned integers.) However, as usual, one may not compare an int
+with a float32 and so on.
+Associated templates
+Each template is named by a string specified when it is created. Also, each
+template is associated with zero or more other templates that it may invoke by
+name; such associations are transitive and form a name space of templates.
+A template may use a template invocation to instantiate another associated
+template; see the explanation of the "template" action above. The name must be
+that of a template associated with the template that contains the invocation.
+Nested template definitions
+When parsing a template, another template may be defined and associated with the
+template being parsed. Template definitions must appear at the top level of the
+template, much like global variables in a Go program.
+The syntax of such definitions is to surround each template declaration with a
+"define" and "end" action.
+The define action names the template being created by providing a string
+constant. Here is a simple example:
+ `{{define "T1"}}ONE{{end}}
+ {{define "T2"}}TWO{{end}}
+ {{define "T3"}}{{template "T1"}} {{template "T2"}}{{end}}
+ {{template "T3"}}`
+This defines two templates, T1 and T2, and a third T3 that invokes the other two
+when it is executed. Finally it invokes T3. If executed this template will
+produce the text
+By construction, a template may reside in only one association. If it's
+necessary to have a template addressable from multiple associations, the
+template definition must be parsed multiple times to create distinct *Template
+values, or must be copied with the Clone or AddParseTree method.
+Parse may be called multiple times to assemble the various associated templates;
+see the ParseFiles and ParseGlob functions and methods for simple ways to parse
+related templates stored in files.
+A template may be executed directly or through ExecuteTemplate, which executes
+an associated template identified by name. To invoke our example above, we
+might write,
+ err := tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "no data needed")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("execution failed: %s", err)
+ }
+or to invoke a particular template explicitly by name,
+ err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T2", "no data needed")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("execution failed: %s", err)
+ }
+package template
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/example_test.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/example_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f192cac4fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/example_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.13
+package template_test
+import (
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "text/template"
+func ExampleTemplate() {
+ // Define a template.
+ const letter = `
+Dear {{.Name}},
+{{if .Attended}}
+It was a pleasure to see you at the wedding.
+{{- else}}
+It is a shame you couldn't make it to the wedding.
+{{- end}}
+{{with .Gift -}}
+Thank you for the lovely {{.}}.
+Best wishes,
+ // Prepare some data to insert into the template.
+ type Recipient struct {
+ Name, Gift string
+ Attended bool
+ }
+ var recipients = []Recipient{
+ {"Aunt Mildred", "bone china tea set", true},
+ {"Uncle John", "moleskin pants", false},
+ {"Cousin Rodney", "", false},
+ }
+ // Create a new template and parse the letter into it.
+ t := template.Must(template.New("letter").Parse(letter))
+ // Execute the template for each recipient.
+ for _, r := range recipients {
+ err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, r)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("executing template:", err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Output:
+ // Dear Aunt Mildred,
+ //
+ // It was a pleasure to see you at the wedding.
+ // Thank you for the lovely bone china tea set.
+ //
+ // Best wishes,
+ // Josie
+ //
+ // Dear Uncle John,
+ //
+ // It is a shame you couldn't make it to the wedding.
+ // Thank you for the lovely moleskin pants.
+ //
+ // Best wishes,
+ // Josie
+ //
+ // Dear Cousin Rodney,
+ //
+ // It is a shame you couldn't make it to the wedding.
+ //
+ // Best wishes,
+ // Josie
+// The following example is duplicated in html/template; keep them in sync.
+func ExampleTemplate_block() {
+ const (
+ master = `Names:{{block "list" .}}{{"\n"}}{{range .}}{{println "-" .}}{{end}}{{end}}`
+ overlay = `{{define "list"}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}} `
+ )
+ var (
+ funcs = template.FuncMap{"join": strings.Join}
+ guardians = []string{"Gamora", "Groot", "Nebula", "Rocket", "Star-Lord"}
+ )
+ masterTmpl, err := template.New("master").Funcs(funcs).Parse(master)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ overlayTmpl, err := template.Must(masterTmpl.Clone()).Parse(overlay)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if err := masterTmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, guardians); err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if err := overlayTmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, guardians); err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ // Output:
+ // Names:
+ // - Gamora
+ // - Groot
+ // - Nebula
+ // - Rocket
+ // - Star-Lord
+ // Names: Gamora, Groot, Nebula, Rocket, Star-Lord
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/examplefiles_test.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/examplefiles_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a78a018e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/examplefiles_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.13
+package template_test
+import (
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "text/template"
+// templateFile defines the contents of a template to be stored in a file, for testing.
+type templateFile struct {
+ name string
+ contents string
+func createTestDir(files []templateFile) string {
+ dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "template")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ for _, file := range files {
+ f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(dir,
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ _, err = io.WriteString(f, file.contents)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ }
+ return dir
+// Here we demonstrate loading a set of templates from a directory.
+func ExampleTemplate_glob() {
+ // Here we create a temporary directory and populate it with our sample
+ // template definition files; usually the template files would already
+ // exist in some location known to the program.
+ dir := createTestDir([]templateFile{
+ // T0.tmpl is a plain template file that just invokes T1.
+ {"T0.tmpl", `T0 invokes T1: ({{template "T1"}})`},
+ // T1.tmpl defines a template, T1 that invokes T2.
+ {"T1.tmpl", `{{define "T1"}}T1 invokes T2: ({{template "T2"}}){{end}}`},
+ // T2.tmpl defines a template T2.
+ {"T2.tmpl", `{{define "T2"}}This is T2{{end}}`},
+ })
+ // Clean up after the test; another quirk of running as an example.
+ defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
+ // pattern is the glob pattern used to find all the template files.
+ pattern := filepath.Join(dir, "*.tmpl")
+ // Here starts the example proper.
+ // T0.tmpl is the first name matched, so it becomes the starting template,
+ // the value returned by ParseGlob.
+ tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseGlob(pattern))
+ err := tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("template execution: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Output:
+ // T0 invokes T1: (T1 invokes T2: (This is T2))
+// This example demonstrates one way to share some templates
+// and use them in different contexts. In this variant we add multiple driver
+// templates by hand to an existing bundle of templates.
+func ExampleTemplate_helpers() {
+ // Here we create a temporary directory and populate it with our sample
+ // template definition files; usually the template files would already
+ // exist in some location known to the program.
+ dir := createTestDir([]templateFile{
+ // T1.tmpl defines a template, T1 that invokes T2.
+ {"T1.tmpl", `{{define "T1"}}T1 invokes T2: ({{template "T2"}}){{end}}`},
+ // T2.tmpl defines a template T2.
+ {"T2.tmpl", `{{define "T2"}}This is T2{{end}}`},
+ })
+ // Clean up after the test; another quirk of running as an example.
+ defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
+ // pattern is the glob pattern used to find all the template files.
+ pattern := filepath.Join(dir, "*.tmpl")
+ // Here starts the example proper.
+ // Load the helpers.
+ templates := template.Must(template.ParseGlob(pattern))
+ // Add one driver template to the bunch; we do this with an explicit template definition.
+ _, err := templates.Parse("{{define `driver1`}}Driver 1 calls T1: ({{template `T1`}})\n{{end}}")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("parsing driver1: ", err)
+ }
+ // Add another driver template.
+ _, err = templates.Parse("{{define `driver2`}}Driver 2 calls T2: ({{template `T2`}})\n{{end}}")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("parsing driver2: ", err)
+ }
+ // We load all the templates before execution. This package does not require
+ // that behavior but html/template's escaping does, so it's a good habit.
+ err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "driver1", nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("driver1 execution: %s", err)
+ }
+ err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "driver2", nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("driver2 execution: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Output:
+ // Driver 1 calls T1: (T1 invokes T2: (This is T2))
+ // Driver 2 calls T2: (This is T2)
+// This example demonstrates how to use one group of driver
+// templates with distinct sets of helper templates.
+func ExampleTemplate_share() {
+ // Here we create a temporary directory and populate it with our sample
+ // template definition files; usually the template files would already
+ // exist in some location known to the program.
+ dir := createTestDir([]templateFile{
+ // T0.tmpl is a plain template file that just invokes T1.
+ {"T0.tmpl", "T0 ({{.}} version) invokes T1: ({{template `T1`}})\n"},
+ // T1.tmpl defines a template, T1 that invokes T2. Note T2 is not defined
+ {"T1.tmpl", `{{define "T1"}}T1 invokes T2: ({{template "T2"}}){{end}}`},
+ })
+ // Clean up after the test; another quirk of running as an example.
+ defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
+ // pattern is the glob pattern used to find all the template files.
+ pattern := filepath.Join(dir, "*.tmpl")
+ // Here starts the example proper.
+ // Load the drivers.
+ drivers := template.Must(template.ParseGlob(pattern))
+ // We must define an implementation of the T2 template. First we clone
+ // the drivers, then add a definition of T2 to the template name space.
+ // 1. Clone the helper set to create a new name space from which to run them.
+ first, err := drivers.Clone()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("cloning helpers: ", err)
+ }
+ // 2. Define T2, version A, and parse it.
+ _, err = first.Parse("{{define `T2`}}T2, version A{{end}}")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("parsing T2: ", err)
+ }
+ // Now repeat the whole thing, using a different version of T2.
+ // 1. Clone the drivers.
+ second, err := drivers.Clone()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("cloning drivers: ", err)
+ }
+ // 2. Define T2, version B, and parse it.
+ _, err = second.Parse("{{define `T2`}}T2, version B{{end}}")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("parsing T2: ", err)
+ }
+ // Execute the templates in the reverse order to verify the
+ // first is unaffected by the second.
+ err = second.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T0.tmpl", "second")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("second execution: %s", err)
+ }
+ err = first.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T0.tmpl", "first")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("first: execution: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Output:
+ // T0 (second version) invokes T1: (T1 invokes T2: (T2, version B))
+ // T0 (first version) invokes T1: (T1 invokes T2: (T2, version A))
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/examplefunc_test.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/examplefunc_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..62aab02fbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/examplefunc_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.13
+package template_test
+import (
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "text/template"
+// This example demonstrates a custom function to process template text.
+// It installs the strings.Title function and uses it to
+// Make Title Text Look Good In Our Template's Output.
+func ExampleTemplate_func() {
+ // First we create a FuncMap with which to register the function.
+ funcMap := template.FuncMap{
+ // The name "title" is what the function will be called in the template text.
+ "title": strings.Title,
+ }
+ // A simple template definition to test our function.
+ // We print the input text several ways:
+ // - the original
+ // - title-cased
+ // - title-cased and then printed with %q
+ // - printed with %q and then title-cased.
+ const templateText = `
+Input: {{printf "%q" .}}
+Output 0: {{title .}}
+Output 1: {{title . | printf "%q"}}
+Output 2: {{printf "%q" . | title}}
+ // Create a template, add the function map, and parse the text.
+ tmpl, err := template.New("titleTest").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(templateText)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("parsing: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Run the template to verify the output.
+ err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "the go programming language")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("execution: %s", err)
+ }
+ // Output:
+ // Input: "the go programming language"
+ // Output 0: The Go Programming Language
+ // Output 1: "The Go Programming Language"
+ // Output 2: "The Go Programming Language"
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/exec.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/exec.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4779332079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/exec.go
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
+ "io"
+ "reflect"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+// maxExecDepth specifies the maximum stack depth of templates within
+// templates. This limit is only practically reached by accidentally
+// recursive template invocations. This limit allows us to return
+// an error instead of triggering a stack overflow.
+var maxExecDepth = initMaxExecDepth()
+func initMaxExecDepth() int {
+ if runtime.GOARCH == "wasm" {
+ return 1000
+ }
+ return 100000
+// state represents the state of an execution. It's not part of the
+// template so that multiple executions of the same template
+// can execute in parallel.
+type stateOld struct {
+ tmpl *Template
+ wr io.Writer
+ node parse.Node // current node, for errors
+ vars []variable // push-down stack of variable values.
+ depth int // the height of the stack of executing templates.
+// variable holds the dynamic value of a variable such as $, $x etc.
+type variable struct {
+ name string
+ value reflect.Value
+// push pushes a new variable on the stack.
+func (s *state) push(name string, value reflect.Value) {
+ s.vars = append(s.vars, variable{name, value})
+// mark returns the length of the variable stack.
+func (s *state) mark() int {
+ return len(s.vars)
+// pop pops the variable stack up to the mark.
+func (s *state) pop(mark int) {
+ s.vars = s.vars[0:mark]
+// setVar overwrites the last declared variable with the given name.
+// Used by variable assignments.
+func (s *state) setVar(name string, value reflect.Value) {
+ for i := s.mark() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if s.vars[i].name == name {
+ s.vars[i].value = value
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ s.errorf("undefined variable: %s", name)
+// setTopVar overwrites the top-nth variable on the stack. Used by range iterations.
+func (s *state) setTopVar(n int, value reflect.Value) {
+ s.vars[len(s.vars)-n].value = value
+// varValue returns the value of the named variable.
+func (s *state) varValue(name string) reflect.Value {
+ for i := s.mark() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if s.vars[i].name == name {
+ return s.vars[i].value
+ }
+ }
+ s.errorf("undefined variable: %s", name)
+ return zero
+var zero reflect.Value
+type missingValType struct{}
+var missingVal = reflect.ValueOf(missingValType{})
+// at marks the state to be on node n, for error reporting.
+func (s *state) at(node parse.Node) {
+ s.node = node
+// doublePercent returns the string with %'s replaced by %%, if necessary,
+// so it can be used safely inside a Printf format string.
+func doublePercent(str string) string {
+ return strings.ReplaceAll(str, "%", "%%")
+// TODO: It would be nice if ExecError was more broken down, but
+// the way ErrorContext embeds the template name makes the
+// processing too clumsy.
+// ExecError is the custom error type returned when Execute has an
+// error evaluating its template. (If a write error occurs, the actual
+// error is returned; it will not be of type ExecError.)
+type ExecError struct {
+ Name string // Name of template.
+ Err error // Pre-formatted error.
+func (e ExecError) Error() string {
+ return e.Err.Error()
+func (e ExecError) Unwrap() error {
+ return e.Err
+// errorf records an ExecError and terminates processing.
+func (s *state) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ name := doublePercent(s.tmpl.Name())
+ if s.node == nil {
+ format = fmt.Sprintf("template: %s: %s", name, format)
+ } else {
+ location, context := s.tmpl.ErrorContext(s.node)
+ format = fmt.Sprintf("template: %s: executing %q at <%s>: %s", location, name, doublePercent(context), format)
+ }
+ panic(ExecError{
+ Name: s.tmpl.Name(),
+ Err: fmt.Errorf(format, args...),
+ })
+// writeError is the wrapper type used internally when Execute has an
+// error writing to its output. We strip the wrapper in errRecover.
+// Note that this is not an implementation of error, so it cannot escape
+// from the package as an error value.
+type writeError struct {
+ Err error // Original error.
+func (s *state) writeError(err error) {
+ panic(writeError{
+ Err: err,
+ })
+// errRecover is the handler that turns panics into returns from the top
+// level of Parse.
+func errRecover(errp *error) {
+ e := recover()
+ if e != nil {
+ switch err := e.(type) {
+ case runtime.Error:
+ panic(e)
+ case writeError:
+ *errp = err.Err // Strip the wrapper.
+ case ExecError:
+ *errp = err // Keep the wrapper.
+ default:
+ panic(e)
+ }
+ }
+// ExecuteTemplate applies the template associated with t that has the given name
+// to the specified data object and writes the output to wr.
+// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,
+// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to
+// the output writer.
+// A template may be executed safely in parallel, although if parallel
+// executions share a Writer the output may be interleaved.
+func (t *Template) ExecuteTemplate(wr io.Writer, name string, data interface{}) error {
+ var tmpl *Template
+ if t.common != nil {
+ tmpl = t.tmpl[name]
+ }
+ if tmpl == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("template: no template %q associated with template %q", name,
+ }
+ return tmpl.Execute(wr, data)
+// Execute applies a parsed template to the specified data object,
+// and writes the output to wr.
+// If an error occurs executing the template or writing its output,
+// execution stops, but partial results may already have been written to
+// the output writer.
+// A template may be executed safely in parallel, although if parallel
+// executions share a Writer the output may be interleaved.
+// If data is a reflect.Value, the template applies to the concrete
+// value that the reflect.Value holds, as in fmt.Print.
+func (t *Template) Execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) error {
+ return t.execute(wr, data)
+func (t *Template) execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) (err error) {
+ defer errRecover(&err)
+ value, ok := data.(reflect.Value)
+ if !ok {
+ value = reflect.ValueOf(data)
+ }
+ state := &state{
+ tmpl: t,
+ wr: wr,
+ vars: []variable{{"$", value}},
+ }
+ if t.Tree == nil || t.Root == nil {
+ state.errorf("%q is an incomplete or empty template", t.Name())
+ }
+ state.walk(value, t.Root)
+ return
+// DefinedTemplates returns a string listing the defined templates,
+// prefixed by the string "; defined templates are: ". If there are none,
+// it returns the empty string. For generating an error message here
+// and in html/template.
+func (t *Template) DefinedTemplates() string {
+ if t.common == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ var b bytes.Buffer
+ for name, tmpl := range t.tmpl {
+ if tmpl.Tree == nil || tmpl.Root == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ if b.Len() > 0 {
+ b.WriteString(", ")
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%q", name)
+ }
+ var s string
+ if b.Len() > 0 {
+ s = "; defined templates are: " + b.String()
+ }
+ return s
+// Walk functions step through the major pieces of the template structure,
+// generating output as they go.
+func (s *state) walk(dot reflect.Value, node parse.Node) {
+ switch node := node.(type) {
+ case *parse.ActionNode:
+ // Do not pop variables so they persist until next end.
+ // Also, if the action declares variables, don't print the result.
+ val := s.evalPipeline(dot, node.Pipe)
+ if len(node.Pipe.Decl) == 0 {
+ s.printValue(node, val)
+ }
+ case *parse.IfNode:
+ s.walkIfOrWith(parse.NodeIf, dot, node.Pipe, node.List, node.ElseList)
+ case *parse.ListNode:
+ for _, node := range node.Nodes {
+ s.walk(dot, node)
+ }
+ case *parse.RangeNode:
+ s.walkRange(dot, node)
+ case *parse.TemplateNode:
+ s.walkTemplate(dot, node)
+ case *parse.TextNode:
+ if _, err := s.wr.Write(node.Text); err != nil {
+ s.writeError(err)
+ }
+ case *parse.WithNode:
+ s.walkIfOrWith(parse.NodeWith, dot, node.Pipe, node.List, node.ElseList)
+ default:
+ s.errorf("unknown node: %s", node)
+ }
+// walkIfOrWith walks an 'if' or 'with' node. The two control structures
+// are identical in behavior except that 'with' sets dot.
+func (s *state) walkIfOrWith(typ parse.NodeType, dot reflect.Value, pipe *parse.PipeNode, list, elseList *parse.ListNode) {
+ defer s.pop(s.mark())
+ val := s.evalPipeline(dot, pipe)
+ truth, ok := isTrue(indirectInterface(val))
+ if !ok {
+ s.errorf("if/with can't use %v", val)
+ }
+ if truth {
+ if typ == parse.NodeWith {
+ s.walk(val, list)
+ } else {
+ s.walk(dot, list)
+ }
+ } else if elseList != nil {
+ s.walk(dot, elseList)
+ }
+// IsTrue reports whether the value is 'true', in the sense of not the zero of its type,
+// and whether the value has a meaningful truth value. This is the definition of
+// truth used by if and other such actions.
+func IsTrue(val interface{}) (truth, ok bool) {
+ return isTrue(reflect.ValueOf(val))
+func isTrue(val reflect.Value) (truth, ok bool) {
+ if !val.IsValid() {
+ // Something like var x interface{}, never set. It's a form of nil.
+ return false, true
+ }
+ switch val.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
+ truth = val.Len() > 0
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ truth = val.Bool()
+ case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
+ truth = val.Complex() != 0
+ case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
+ truth = !val.IsNil()
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ truth = val.Int() != 0
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ truth = val.Float() != 0
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ truth = val.Uint() != 0
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ truth = true // Struct values are always true.
+ default:
+ return
+ }
+ return truth, true
+func (s *state) walkRange(dot reflect.Value, r *parse.RangeNode) {
+ defer s.pop(s.mark())
+ val, _ := indirect(s.evalPipeline(dot, r.Pipe))
+ // mark top of stack before any variables in the body are pushed.
+ mark := s.mark()
+ oneIteration := func(index, elem reflect.Value) {
+ // Set top var (lexically the second if there are two) to the element.
+ if len(r.Pipe.Decl) > 0 {
+ s.setTopVar(1, elem)
+ }
+ // Set next var (lexically the first if there are two) to the index.
+ if len(r.Pipe.Decl) > 1 {
+ s.setTopVar(2, index)
+ }
+ s.walk(elem, r.List)
+ s.pop(mark)
+ }
+ switch val.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
+ if val.Len() == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
+ oneIteration(reflect.ValueOf(i), val.Index(i))
+ }
+ return
+ case reflect.Map:
+ if val.Len() == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ om := fmtsort.Sort(val)
+ for i, key := range om.Key {
+ oneIteration(key, om.Value[i])
+ }
+ return
+ case reflect.Chan:
+ if val.IsNil() {
+ break
+ }
+ i := 0
+ for ; ; i++ {
+ elem, ok := val.Recv()
+ if !ok {
+ break
+ }
+ oneIteration(reflect.ValueOf(i), elem)
+ }
+ if i == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ return
+ case reflect.Invalid:
+ break // An invalid value is likely a nil map, etc. and acts like an empty map.
+ default:
+ s.errorf("range can't iterate over %v", val)
+ }
+ if r.ElseList != nil {
+ s.walk(dot, r.ElseList)
+ }
+func (s *state) walkTemplate(dot reflect.Value, t *parse.TemplateNode) {
+ tmpl := s.tmpl.tmpl[t.Name]
+ if tmpl == nil {
+ s.errorf("template %q not defined", t.Name)
+ }
+ if s.depth == maxExecDepth {
+ s.errorf("exceeded maximum template depth (%v)", maxExecDepth)
+ }
+ // Variables declared by the pipeline persist.
+ dot = s.evalPipeline(dot, t.Pipe)
+ newState := *s
+ newState.depth++
+ newState.tmpl = tmpl
+ // No dynamic scoping: template invocations inherit no variables.
+ newState.vars = []variable{{"$", dot}}
+ newState.walk(dot, tmpl.Root)
+// Eval functions evaluate pipelines, commands, and their elements and extract
+// values from the data structure by examining fields, calling methods, and so on.
+// The printing of those values happens only through walk functions.
+// evalPipeline returns the value acquired by evaluating a pipeline. If the
+// pipeline has a variable declaration, the variable will be pushed on the
+// stack. Callers should therefore pop the stack after they are finished
+// executing commands depending on the pipeline value.
+func (s *state) evalPipeline(dot reflect.Value, pipe *parse.PipeNode) (value reflect.Value) {
+ if pipe == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ value = missingVal
+ for _, cmd := range pipe.Cmds {
+ value = s.evalCommand(dot, cmd, value) // previous value is this one's final arg.
+ // If the object has type interface{}, dig down one level to the thing inside.
+ if value.Kind() == reflect.Interface && value.Type().NumMethod() == 0 {
+ value = reflect.ValueOf(value.Interface()) // lovely!
+ }
+ }
+ for _, variable := range pipe.Decl {
+ if pipe.IsAssign {
+ s.setVar(variable.Ident[0], value)
+ } else {
+ s.push(variable.Ident[0], value)
+ }
+ }
+ return value
+func (s *state) notAFunction(args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) {
+ if len(args) > 1 || final != missingVal {
+ s.errorf("can't give argument to non-function %s", args[0])
+ }
+func (s *state) evalCommand(dot reflect.Value, cmd *parse.CommandNode, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ firstWord := cmd.Args[0]
+ switch n := firstWord.(type) {
+ case *parse.FieldNode:
+ return s.evalFieldNode(dot, n, cmd.Args, final)
+ case *parse.ChainNode:
+ return s.evalChainNode(dot, n, cmd.Args, final)
+ case *parse.IdentifierNode:
+ // Must be a function.
+ return s.evalFunction(dot, n, cmd, cmd.Args, final)
+ case *parse.PipeNode:
+ // Parenthesized pipeline. The arguments are all inside the pipeline; final is ignored.
+ return s.evalPipeline(dot, n)
+ case *parse.VariableNode:
+ return s.evalVariableNode(dot, n, cmd.Args, final)
+ }
+ s.notAFunction(cmd.Args, final)
+ switch word := firstWord.(type) {
+ case *parse.BoolNode:
+ return reflect.ValueOf(word.True)
+ case *parse.DotNode:
+ return dot
+ case *parse.NilNode:
+ s.errorf("nil is not a command")
+ case *parse.NumberNode:
+ return s.idealConstant(word)
+ case *parse.StringNode:
+ return reflect.ValueOf(word.Text)
+ }
+ s.errorf("can't evaluate command %q", firstWord)
+ panic("not reached")
+// idealConstant is called to return the value of a number in a context where
+// we don't know the type. In that case, the syntax of the number tells us
+// its type, and we use Go rules to resolve. Note there is no such thing as
+// a uint ideal constant in this situation - the value must be of int type.
+func (s *state) idealConstant(constant *parse.NumberNode) reflect.Value {
+ // These are ideal constants but we don't know the type
+ // and we have no context. (If it was a method argument,
+ // we'd know what we need.) The syntax guides us to some extent.
+ switch {
+ case constant.IsComplex:
+ return reflect.ValueOf(constant.Complex128) // incontrovertible.
+ case constant.IsFloat && !isHexInt(constant.Text) && strings.ContainsAny(constant.Text, ".eEpP"):
+ return reflect.ValueOf(constant.Float64)
+ case constant.IsInt:
+ n := int(constant.Int64)
+ if int64(n) != constant.Int64 {
+ s.errorf("%s overflows int", constant.Text)
+ }
+ return reflect.ValueOf(n)
+ case constant.IsUint:
+ s.errorf("%s overflows int", constant.Text)
+ }
+ return zero
+func isHexInt(s string) bool {
+ return len(s) > 2 && s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X') && !strings.ContainsAny(s, "pP")
+func (s *state) evalFieldNode(dot reflect.Value, field *parse.FieldNode, args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ return s.evalFieldChain(dot, dot, field, field.Ident, args, final)
+func (s *state) evalChainNode(dot reflect.Value, chain *parse.ChainNode, args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ if len(chain.Field) == 0 {
+ s.errorf("internal error: no fields in evalChainNode")
+ }
+ if chain.Node.Type() == parse.NodeNil {
+ s.errorf("indirection through explicit nil in %s", chain)
+ }
+ // (pipe).Field1.Field2 has pipe as .Node, fields as .Field. Eval the pipeline, then the fields.
+ pipe := s.evalArg(dot, nil, chain.Node)
+ return s.evalFieldChain(dot, pipe, chain, chain.Field, args, final)
+func (s *state) evalVariableNode(dot reflect.Value, variable *parse.VariableNode, args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ // $x.Field has $x as the first ident, Field as the second. Eval the var, then the fields.
+ value := s.varValue(variable.Ident[0])
+ if len(variable.Ident) == 1 {
+ s.notAFunction(args, final)
+ return value
+ }
+ return s.evalFieldChain(dot, value, variable, variable.Ident[1:], args, final)
+// evalFieldChain evaluates .X.Y.Z possibly followed by arguments.
+// dot is the environment in which to evaluate arguments, while
+// receiver is the value being walked along the chain.
+func (s *state) evalFieldChain(dot, receiver reflect.Value, node parse.Node, ident []string, args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ n := len(ident)
+ for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
+ receiver = s.evalField(dot, ident[i], node, nil, missingVal, receiver)
+ }
+ // Now if it's a method, it gets the arguments.
+ return s.evalField(dot, ident[n-1], node, args, final, receiver)
+func (s *state) evalFunction(dot reflect.Value, node *parse.IdentifierNode, cmd parse.Node, args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ name := node.Ident
+ function, ok := findFunction(name, s.tmpl)
+ if !ok {
+ s.errorf("%q is not a defined function", name)
+ }
+ return s.evalCall(dot, function, cmd, name, args, final)
+// evalField evaluates an expression like (.Field) or (.Field arg1 arg2).
+// The 'final' argument represents the return value from the preceding
+// value of the pipeline, if any.
+func (s *state) evalField(dot reflect.Value, fieldName string, node parse.Node, args []parse.Node, final, receiver reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ if !receiver.IsValid() {
+ if s.tmpl.option.missingKey == mapError { // Treat invalid value as missing map key.
+ s.errorf("nil data; no entry for key %q", fieldName)
+ }
+ return zero
+ }
+ typ := receiver.Type()
+ receiver, isNil := indirect(receiver)
+ if receiver.Kind() == reflect.Interface && isNil {
+ // Calling a method on a nil interface can't work. The
+ // MethodByName method call below would panic.
+ s.errorf("nil pointer evaluating %s.%s", typ, fieldName)
+ return zero
+ }
+ // Unless it's an interface, need to get to a value of type *T to guarantee
+ // we see all methods of T and *T.
+ ptr := receiver
+ if ptr.Kind() != reflect.Interface && ptr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && ptr.CanAddr() {
+ ptr = ptr.Addr()
+ }
+ if method := ptr.MethodByName(fieldName); method.IsValid() {
+ return s.evalCall(dot, method, node, fieldName, args, final)
+ }
+ hasArgs := len(args) > 1 || final != missingVal
+ // It's not a method; must be a field of a struct or an element of a map.
+ switch receiver.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ tField, ok := receiver.Type().FieldByName(fieldName)
+ if ok {
+ field := receiver.FieldByIndex(tField.Index)
+ if tField.PkgPath != "" { // field is unexported
+ s.errorf("%s is an unexported field of struct type %s", fieldName, typ)
+ }
+ // If it's a function, we must call it.
+ if hasArgs {
+ s.errorf("%s has arguments but cannot be invoked as function", fieldName)
+ }
+ return field
+ }
+ case reflect.Map:
+ // If it's a map, attempt to use the field name as a key.
+ nameVal := reflect.ValueOf(fieldName)
+ if nameVal.Type().AssignableTo(receiver.Type().Key()) {
+ if hasArgs {
+ s.errorf("%s is not a method but has arguments", fieldName)
+ }
+ result := receiver.MapIndex(nameVal)
+ if !result.IsValid() {
+ switch s.tmpl.option.missingKey {
+ case mapInvalid:
+ // Just use the invalid value.
+ case mapZeroValue:
+ result = reflect.Zero(receiver.Type().Elem())
+ case mapError:
+ s.errorf("map has no entry for key %q", fieldName)
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ etyp := receiver.Type().Elem()
+ if etyp.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+ if _, ok := etyp.FieldByName(fieldName); !ok {
+ // If there's no such field, say "can't evaluate"
+ // instead of "nil pointer evaluating".
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if isNil {
+ s.errorf("nil pointer evaluating %s.%s", typ, fieldName)
+ }
+ }
+ s.errorf("can't evaluate field %s in type %s", fieldName, typ)
+ panic("not reached")
+var (
+ errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
+ fmtStringerType = reflect.TypeOf((*fmt.Stringer)(nil)).Elem()
+ reflectValueType = reflect.TypeOf((*reflect.Value)(nil)).Elem()
+// evalCall executes a function or method call. If it's a method, fun already has the receiver bound, so
+// it looks just like a function call. The arg list, if non-nil, includes (in the manner of the shell), arg[0]
+// as the function itself.
+func (s *state) evalCall(dot, fun reflect.Value, node parse.Node, name string, args []parse.Node, final reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ if args != nil {
+ args = args[1:] // Zeroth arg is function name/node; not passed to function.
+ }
+ typ := fun.Type()
+ numIn := len(args)
+ if final != missingVal {
+ numIn++
+ }
+ numFixed := len(args)
+ if typ.IsVariadic() {
+ numFixed = typ.NumIn() - 1 // last arg is the variadic one.
+ if numIn < numFixed {
+ s.errorf("wrong number of args for %s: want at least %d got %d", name, typ.NumIn()-1, len(args))
+ }
+ } else if numIn != typ.NumIn() {
+ s.errorf("wrong number of args for %s: want %d got %d", name, typ.NumIn(), numIn)
+ }
+ if !goodFunc(typ) {
+ // TODO: This could still be a confusing error; maybe goodFunc should provide info.
+ s.errorf("can't call method/function %q with %d results", name, typ.NumOut())
+ }
+ // Build the arg list.
+ argv := make([]reflect.Value, numIn)
+ // Args must be evaluated. Fixed args first.
+ i := 0
+ for ; i < numFixed && i < len(args); i++ {
+ argv[i] = s.evalArg(dot, typ.In(i), args[i])
+ }
+ // Now the ... args.
+ if typ.IsVariadic() {
+ argType := typ.In(typ.NumIn() - 1).Elem() // Argument is a slice.
+ for ; i < len(args); i++ {
+ argv[i] = s.evalArg(dot, argType, args[i])
+ }
+ }
+ // Add final value if necessary.
+ if final != missingVal {
+ t := typ.In(typ.NumIn() - 1)
+ if typ.IsVariadic() {
+ if numIn-1 < numFixed {
+ // The added final argument corresponds to a fixed parameter of the function.
+ // Validate against the type of the actual parameter.
+ t = typ.In(numIn - 1)
+ } else {
+ // The added final argument corresponds to the variadic part.
+ // Validate against the type of the elements of the variadic slice.
+ t = t.Elem()
+ }
+ }
+ argv[i] = s.validateType(final, t)
+ }
+ v, err := safeCall(fun, argv)
+ // If we have an error that is not nil, stop execution and return that
+ // error to the caller.
+ if err != nil {
+ s.errorf("error calling %s: %v", name, err)
+ }
+ if v.Type() == reflectValueType {
+ v = v.Interface().(reflect.Value)
+ }
+ return v
+// canBeNil reports whether an untyped nil can be assigned to the type. See reflect.Zero.
+func canBeNil(typ reflect.Type) bool {
+ switch typ.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
+ return true
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ return typ == reflectValueType
+ }
+ return false
+// validateType guarantees that the value is valid and assignable to the type.
+func (s *state) validateType(value reflect.Value, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
+ if !value.IsValid() {
+ if typ == nil {
+ // An untyped nil interface{}. Accept as a proper nil value.
+ return reflect.ValueOf(nil)
+ }
+ if canBeNil(typ) {
+ // Like above, but use the zero value of the non-nil type.
+ return reflect.Zero(typ)
+ }
+ s.errorf("invalid value; expected %s", typ)
+ }
+ if typ == reflectValueType && value.Type() != typ {
+ return reflect.ValueOf(value)
+ }
+ if typ != nil && !value.Type().AssignableTo(typ) {
+ if value.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !value.IsNil() {
+ value = value.Elem()
+ if value.Type().AssignableTo(typ) {
+ return value
+ }
+ // fallthrough
+ }
+ // Does one dereference or indirection work? We could do more, as we
+ // do with method receivers, but that gets messy and method receivers
+ // are much more constrained, so it makes more sense there than here.
+ // Besides, one is almost always all you need.
+ switch {
+ case value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && value.Type().Elem().AssignableTo(typ):
+ value = value.Elem()
+ if !value.IsValid() {
+ s.errorf("dereference of nil pointer of type %s", typ)
+ }
+ case reflect.PtrTo(value.Type()).AssignableTo(typ) && value.CanAddr():
+ value = value.Addr()
+ default:
+ s.errorf("wrong type for value; expected %s; got %s", typ, value.Type())
+ }
+ }
+ return value
+func (s *state) evalArg(dot reflect.Value, typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ switch arg := n.(type) {
+ case *parse.DotNode:
+ return s.validateType(dot, typ)
+ case *parse.NilNode:
+ if canBeNil(typ) {
+ return reflect.Zero(typ)
+ }
+ s.errorf("cannot assign nil to %s", typ)
+ case *parse.FieldNode:
+ return s.validateType(s.evalFieldNode(dot, arg, []parse.Node{n}, missingVal), typ)
+ case *parse.VariableNode:
+ return s.validateType(s.evalVariableNode(dot, arg, nil, missingVal), typ)
+ case *parse.PipeNode:
+ return s.validateType(s.evalPipeline(dot, arg), typ)
+ case *parse.IdentifierNode:
+ return s.validateType(s.evalFunction(dot, arg, arg, nil, missingVal), typ)
+ case *parse.ChainNode:
+ return s.validateType(s.evalChainNode(dot, arg, nil, missingVal), typ)
+ }
+ switch typ.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ return s.evalBool(typ, n)
+ case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
+ return s.evalComplex(typ, n)
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ return s.evalFloat(typ, n)
+ case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
+ return s.evalInteger(typ, n)
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ if typ.NumMethod() == 0 {
+ return s.evalEmptyInterface(dot, n)
+ }
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ if typ == reflectValueType {
+ return reflect.ValueOf(s.evalEmptyInterface(dot, n))
+ }
+ case reflect.String:
+ return s.evalString(typ, n)
+ case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
+ return s.evalUnsignedInteger(typ, n)
+ }
+ s.errorf("can't handle %s for arg of type %s", n, typ)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalBool(typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ if n, ok := n.(*parse.BoolNode); ok {
+ value := reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+ value.SetBool(n.True)
+ return value
+ }
+ s.errorf("expected bool; found %s", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalString(typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ if n, ok := n.(*parse.StringNode); ok {
+ value := reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+ value.SetString(n.Text)
+ return value
+ }
+ s.errorf("expected string; found %s", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalInteger(typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ if n, ok := n.(*parse.NumberNode); ok && n.IsInt {
+ value := reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+ value.SetInt(n.Int64)
+ return value
+ }
+ s.errorf("expected integer; found %s", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalUnsignedInteger(typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ if n, ok := n.(*parse.NumberNode); ok && n.IsUint {
+ value := reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+ value.SetUint(n.Uint64)
+ return value
+ }
+ s.errorf("expected unsigned integer; found %s", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalFloat(typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ if n, ok := n.(*parse.NumberNode); ok && n.IsFloat {
+ value := reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+ value.SetFloat(n.Float64)
+ return value
+ }
+ s.errorf("expected float; found %s", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalComplex(typ reflect.Type, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ if n, ok := n.(*parse.NumberNode); ok && n.IsComplex {
+ value := reflect.New(typ).Elem()
+ value.SetComplex(n.Complex128)
+ return value
+ }
+ s.errorf("expected complex; found %s", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+func (s *state) evalEmptyInterface(dot reflect.Value, n parse.Node) reflect.Value {
+ switch n := n.(type) {
+ case *parse.BoolNode:
+ return reflect.ValueOf(n.True)
+ case *parse.DotNode:
+ return dot
+ case *parse.FieldNode:
+ return s.evalFieldNode(dot, n, nil, missingVal)
+ case *parse.IdentifierNode:
+ return s.evalFunction(dot, n, n, nil, missingVal)
+ case *parse.NilNode:
+ // NilNode is handled in evalArg, the only place that calls here.
+ s.errorf("evalEmptyInterface: nil (can't happen)")
+ case *parse.NumberNode:
+ return s.idealConstant(n)
+ case *parse.StringNode:
+ return reflect.ValueOf(n.Text)
+ case *parse.VariableNode:
+ return s.evalVariableNode(dot, n, nil, missingVal)
+ case *parse.PipeNode:
+ return s.evalPipeline(dot, n)
+ }
+ s.errorf("can't handle assignment of %s to empty interface argument", n)
+ panic("not reached")
+// indirect returns the item at the end of indirection, and a bool to indicate
+// if it's nil. If the returned bool is true, the returned value's kind will be
+// either a pointer or interface.
+func indirect(v reflect.Value) (rv reflect.Value, isNil bool) {
+ for ; v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || v.Kind() == reflect.Interface; v = v.Elem() {
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ return v, true
+ }
+ }
+ return v, false
+// indirectInterface returns the concrete value in an interface value,
+// or else the zero reflect.Value.
+// That is, if v represents the interface value x, the result is the same as reflect.ValueOf(x):
+// the fact that x was an interface value is forgotten.
+func indirectInterface(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ if v.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
+ return v
+ }
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ return reflect.Value{}
+ }
+ return v.Elem()
+// printValue writes the textual representation of the value to the output of
+// the template.
+func (s *state) printValue(n parse.Node, v reflect.Value) {
+ iface, ok := printableValue(v)
+ if !ok {
+ s.errorf("can't print %s of type %s", n, v.Type())
+ }
+ _, err := fmt.Fprint(s.wr, iface)
+ if err != nil {
+ s.writeError(err)
+ }
+// printableValue returns the, possibly indirected, interface value inside v that
+// is best for a call to formatted printer.
+func printableValue(v reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) {
+ if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+ v, _ = indirect(v) // fmt.Fprint handles nil.
+ }
+ if !v.IsValid() {
+ return "", true
+ }
+ if !v.Type().Implements(errorType) && !v.Type().Implements(fmtStringerType) {
+ if v.CanAddr() && (reflect.PtrTo(v.Type()).Implements(errorType) || reflect.PtrTo(v.Type()).Implements(fmtStringerType)) {
+ v = v.Addr()
+ } else {
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
+ return nil, false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return v.Interface(), true
diff --git a/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/exec_test.go b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/exec_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..504967db68a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/internal/go_templates/texttemplate/exec_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1624 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build go1.13,!windows
+package template
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "show the errors produced by the tests")
+// T has lots of interesting pieces to use to test execution.
+type T struct {
+ // Basics
+ True bool
+ I int
+ U16 uint16
+ X, S string
+ FloatZero float64
+ ComplexZero complex128
+ // Nested structs.
+ U *U
+ // Struct with String method.
+ V0 V
+ V1, V2 *V
+ // Struct with Error method.
+ W0 W
+ W1, W2 *W
+ // Slices
+ SI []int
+ SICap []int
+ SIEmpty []int
+ SB []bool
+ // Arrays
+ AI [3]int
+ // Maps
+ MSI map[string]int
+ MSIone map[string]int // one element, for deterministic output
+ MSIEmpty map[string]int
+ MXI map[interface{}]int
+ MII map[int]int
+ MI32S map[int32]string
+ MI64S map[int64]string
+ MUI32S map[uint32]string
+ MUI64S map[uint64]string
+ MI8S map[int8]string
+ MUI8S map[uint8]string
+ SMSI []map[string]int
+ // Empty interfaces; used to see if we can dig inside one.
+ Empty0 interface{} // nil
+ Empty1 interface{}
+ Empty2 interface{}
+ Empty3 interface{}
+ Empty4 interface{}
+ // Non-empty interfaces.
+ NonEmptyInterface I
+ NonEmptyInterfacePtS *I
+ NonEmptyInterfaceNil I
+ NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil I
+ // Stringer.
+ Str fmt.Stringer
+ Err error
+ // Pointers
+ PI *int
+ PS *string
+ PSI *[]int
+ NIL *int
+ // Function (not method)
+ BinaryFunc func(string, string) string
+ VariadicFunc func(...string) string
+ VariadicFuncInt func(int, ...string) string
+ NilOKFunc func(*int) bool
+ ErrFunc func() (string, error)
+ PanicFunc func() string
+ // Template to test evaluation of templates.
+ Tmpl *Template
+ // Unexported field; cannot be accessed by template.
+ unexported int
+type S []string
+func (S) Method0() string {
+ return "M0"
+type U struct {
+ V string
+type V struct {
+ j int
+func (v *V) String() string {
+ if v == nil {
+ return "nilV"
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("<%d>", v.j)
+type W struct {
+ k int
+func (w *W) Error() string {
+ if w == nil {
+ return "nilW"
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", w.k)
+var siVal = I(S{"a", "b"})
+var tVal = &T{
+ True: true,
+ I: 17,
+ U16: 16,
+ X: "x",
+ S: "xyz",
+ U: &U{"v"},
+ V0: V{6666},
+ V1: &V{7777}, // leave V2 as nil
+ W0: W{888},
+ W1: &W{999}, // leave W2 as nil
+ SI: []int{3, 4, 5},
+ SICap: make([]int, 5, 10),
+ AI: [3]int{3, 4, 5},
+ SB: []bool{true, false},
+ MSI: map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3},
+ MSIone: map[string]int{"one": 1},
+ MXI: map[interface{}]int{"one": 1},
+ MII: map[int]int{1: 1},
+ MI32S: map[int32]string{1: "one", 2: "two"},
+ MI64S: map[int64]string{2: "i642", 3: "i643"},
+ MUI32S: map[uint32]string{2: "u322", 3: "u323"},
+ MUI64S: map[uint64]string{2: "ui642", 3: "ui643"},
+ MI8S: map[int8]string{2: "i82", 3: "i83"},
+ MUI8S: map[uint8]string{2: "u82", 3: "u83"},
+ SMSI: []map[string]int{
+ {"one": 1, "two": 2},
+ {"eleven": 11, "twelve": 12},
+ },
+ Empty1: 3,
+ Empty2: "empty2",
+ Empty3: []int{7, 8},
+ Empty4: &U{"UinEmpty"},
+ NonEmptyInterface: &T{X: "x"},
+ NonEmptyInterfacePtS: &siVal,
+ NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil: (*T)(nil),
+ Str: bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("foozle")),
+ Err: errors.New("erroozle"),
+ PI: newInt(23),
+ PS: newString("a string"),
+ PSI: newIntSlice(21, 22, 23),
+ BinaryFunc: func(a, b string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("[%s=%s]", a, b) },
+ VariadicFunc: func(s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint("<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") },
+ VariadicFuncInt: func(a int, s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint(a, "=<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") },
+ NilOKFunc: func(s *int) bool { return s == nil },
+ ErrFunc: func() (string, error) { return "bla", nil },
+ PanicFunc: func() string { panic("test panic") },
+ Tmpl: Must(New("x").Parse("test template")), // "x" is the value of .X
+var tSliceOfNil = []*T{nil}
+// A non-empty interface.
+type I interface {
+ Method0() string
+var iVal I = tVal
+// Helpers for creation.
+func newInt(n int) *int {
+ return &n
+func newString(s string) *string {
+ return &s
+func newIntSlice(n *[]int {
+ p := new([]int)
+ *p = make([]int, len(n))
+ copy(*p, n)
+ return p
+// Simple methods with and without arguments.
+func (t *T) Method0() string {
+ return "M0"
+func (t *T) Method1(a int) int {
+ return a
+func (t *T) Method2(a uint16, b string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Method2: %d %s", a, b)
+func (t *T) Method3(v interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Method3: %v", v)
+func (t *T) Copy() *T {
+ n := new(T)
+ *n = *t
+ return n
+func (t *T) MAdd(a int, b []int) []int {
+ v := make([]int, len(b))
+ for i, x := range b {
+ v[i] = x + a
+ }
+ return v
+var myError = errors.New("my error")
+// MyError returns a value and an error according to its argument.
+func (t *T) MyError(error bool) (bool, error) {
+ if error {
+ return true, myError
+ }
+ return false, nil
+// A few methods to test chaining.
+func (t *T) GetU() *U {
+ return t.U
+func (u *U) TrueFalse(b bool) string {
+ if b {
+ return "true"
+ }
+ return ""
+func typeOf(arg interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%T", arg)
+type execTest struct {
+ name string
+ input string
+ output string
+ data interface{}
+ ok bool
+// bigInt and bigUint are hex string representing numbers either side
+// of the max int boundary.
+// We do it this way so the test doesn't depend on ints being 32 bits.
+var (
+ bigInt = fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", int(1<", tVal, true},
+ {"map .one interface", "{{}}", "1", tVal, true},
+ {"map .WRONG args", "{{ 1}}", "", tVal, false},
+ {"map .WRONG type", "{{}}", "", tVal, false},
+ // Dots of all kinds to test basic evaluation.
+ {"dot int", "<{{.}}>", "<13>", 13, true},
+ {"dot uint", "<{{.}}>", "<14>", uint(14), true},
+ {"dot float", "<{{.}}>", "<15.1>", 15.1, true},
+ {"dot bool", "<{{.}}>", "", true, true},
+ {"dot complex", "<{{.}}>", "<(16.2-17i)>", 16.2 - 17i, true},
+ {"dot string", "<{{.}}>", "", "hello", true},
+ {"dot slice", "<{{.}}>", "<[-1 -2 -3]>", []int{-1, -2, -3}, true},
+ {"dot map", "<{{.}}>", "