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adaptiveservice is a message oriented micro service framework.


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Adaptiveservice is a message oriented micro service framework.

adaptiveservice go doc

Hello example


$ cd examples/hello/

# start server, waiting requests from clients, ctrl+c to exit
$ go run server/helloserver.go

# start client in another terminal
# client discovers the server then sends request and prints the reply
$ go run client/helloclient.go
I am hello server, John

We can also start client before server to get the same result, client will wait in discovering stage before server successfully started into service ready.

Client side programing

The client imports the server's messages definitions:

import msg ""

Then we new a client which discovers the service identified by {"example", "hello"} where "example" is the publisher of the service, "hello" is the name of the service. When successfully discovered, a none-nil connection towards that service is established.

c := as.NewClient()

conn := <-c.Discover("example", "hello")
if conn == nil {
	fmt.Println(as.ErrServiceNotFound("example", "hello"))
defer conn.Close()

Then we can use the connection to send our request msg.HelloRequest, asking "I am John, who are you?" and wait for the reply msg.HelloReply, then we print the reply.Answer.

request := msg.HelloRequest{Who: "John", Question: "who are you"}
var reply msg.HelloReply
if err := conn.SendRecv(request, &reply); err != nil {

Here the client knows the protocol with the sersver that msg.HelloReply is the reply type of msg.HelloRequest. The knowledge of message protocol is "business logic", defined in server side, clients use such knowledge by importing the "message" package of the server.

Client discovers service by name

c.Discover() discovers the wanted named service in all available scopes, which are:

  • Process scope: client and server run in same process. This scope uses go channel as transport layer, avoids data copy and serialization cost thus can improve performance significantly. See gshellos to make client and server run in process scope.
  • OS scope: client and server run in same OS, which can be same host OS, or same VM, or same container. This scope uses unix socket as transport layer.
  • LAN scope: client and server run in same LAN, using LAN broadcasting to discover services.
  • WAN scope: This scope requires a "root registry" presents in one "public" node in the network that client and server can access. The root registry also setups proxy when necessary for the server if the server's network is invisible by the client.

By default the client will wait forever in discovering the wanted service, Client.SetDiscoverTimeout can be used set a timeout to discover.

c.Discover() returns a channel from which user can get connections established to the server. There could be many instances providing the same service in the network.

The connection can be multiplexed to get streams that provides independent context to transfer messages. See also gshellos usage

Server side programing

Server needs to define messages it can handle, and the messages it returns to clients as reply:

import as ""

// HelloRequest is the request from clients
type HelloRequest struct {
	Who      string
	Question string

// HelloReply is the reply of HelloRequest to clients
type HelloReply struct {
	Answer string

// Handle handles msg.
func (msg HelloRequest) Handle(stream as.ContextStream) (reply interface{}) {
	answer := "I don't know"

	question := strings.ToLower(msg.Question)
	switch {
	case strings.Contains(question, "who are you"):
		answer = "I am hello server"
	case strings.Contains(question, "how are you"):
		answer = "I am good"
	return HelloReply{answer + ", " + msg.Who}

func init() {

Here HelloRequest is a known message. A known message has a Handle method, which defines how to process the msg sent by clients. In the init function, the instances of known message and the reply message are registered to Adaptiveservice type system which are used to route the incoming request message(HelloRequest here) to its handler.

  • Incoming message are handled concurrently in a goroutine worker pool
  • The reply returned by the handler will be delivered to the client if it is none-nil.
  • The reply can also be an error, which will be delivered as err in Recv(msgPtr) err of client.
  • as.ContextStream can be optionally used:
    • Each stream has its own context which can be used to set/get context of the same stream.
    • Inside the message handler, the server can exchange messages with the client. See subsequent message

Server publishes service

The messages are defined in a package, server main package imports examples/hello/message.

import (

	as ""
	msg ""

func main() {
	s := as.NewServer().SetPublisher("example")

	knownMsgs := []as.KnownMessage{msg.HelloRequest{}}
	if err := s.Publish("hello", knownMsgs); err != nil {

	if err := s.Serve(); err != nil { // ctrl+c to exit

By calling as.NewServer() followed by s.Publish, the server registers the known messages to service {"example", "hello"}, then server enters Serve to service the requests.

See also publish a service

See also a more useful example that has multiplexed streams and implements PUB/SUB pattern: echo example

3 API to transfer messages

Messages are server defined structs, or base types in golang. Unlike protobuf that users define .proto files and compile them into langueage source code, Adaptiveservice uses plain go file: servers define them, client imports them. We found in this way it is simpler to maintain the code, but of course it only supports native golang.

  • Send(msg) and Recv(msgPtr): send or receive "one-way" data
  • SendRecv(msg, msgPtr): send and wait for reply from peer

See also sned recv and sendrecv

Block diagram

adaptiveservice architecture


In gshellos based grepo, there is a asbench test that mimics a download test:

c := as.NewClient(as.WithLogger(lg), as.WithScope(Scope)).SetDiscoverTimeout(3)
conn := <-c.Discover(asbench.Publisher, asbench.Service)
if conn == nil {
	return as.ErrServiceNotFound(asbench.Publisher, asbench.Service)
defer conn.Close()

var running = true

dld := func() int64 {
	stream := conn.NewStream()
	req := asbench.DownloadRequest{Name: "testdld", ID: int32(1), Size: int32(*size)}
	//fmt.Println("request:", req)
	var rep []byte
	var counter int64
	for running {
		if err := stream.SendRecv(&req, &rep); err != nil {
	//fmt.Println("reply:", rep)
	return counter

The performance result is: adaptiveservice performance


adaptiveservice is a message oriented micro service framework.







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