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refactor: steps+services+logs
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plyr4 committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent f5e2548 commit 2485978
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Showing 15 changed files with 659 additions and 361 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/elm/Api/Operations.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Api.Operations exposing
, enableRepo
, finishAuthentication
, getBuild
, getBuildServiceLog
, getBuildServices
, getBuildStepLog
, getBuildSteps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,6 +379,31 @@ getBuildStepLog baseUrl session options =
|> withAuth session

{-| getBuildServiceLog: retrieves a log for a service
getBuildServiceLog :
-> Session
{ a
| org : String
, repo : String
, buildNumber : String
, serviceNumber : String
-> Request Vela.Log
getBuildServiceLog baseUrl session options =
get baseUrl
|> withAuth session

{-| addOrgSecret : adds an org secret
addOrgSecret :
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/elm/Components/Builds.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ type alias Props msg =
view : Shared.Model -> Props msg -> Html msg
view shared props =
-- todo: handle query parameters ?event=push etc
webhooks =
text "configured webhook events"

Expand All @@ -97,8 +96,7 @@ view shared props =
case props.maybeEvent of
Nothing ->
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Your repository has been enabled!" ]
, p [] [ text "Builds will show up here once you have:" ]
[ p [] [ text "Builds will show up here once you have:" ]
, ol [ class "list" ]
[ li []
[ text "A "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,7 +147,11 @@ view shared props =

RemoteData.Failure _ ->
Errors.viewResourceError { resourceLabel = "builds", testLabel = "builds" }
div [ Util.testAttribute "builds-error" ]
[ p []
[ text "There was an error fetching builds, please refresh or try again later!"

viewHeader :
Expand Down
160 changes: 91 additions & 69 deletions src/elm/Components/Logs.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Ansi
import Ansi.Log
import Array
import FeatherIcons
import Html exposing (Html, a, button, code, div, small, span, table, td, text, tr)
import Html exposing (Html, a, button, code, div, span, table, td, text, tr)
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, class, classList, href, id, style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import RemoteData exposing (WebData)
Expand All @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ import Vela

type alias Msgs msg =
{ focusLine : { identifier : String } -> msg
{ pushUrlHash : { hash : String } -> msg
, focusOn : { target : String } -> msg
, download : { filename : String, content : String, map : String -> String } -> msg
, follow : { number : Int } -> msg

Expand All @@ -27,9 +29,10 @@ type alias Props msg =
, org : String
, repo : String
, buildNumber : String
, resourceNumber : String
, resourceType : String
, resourceNumber : String
, lineFocus : Maybe LogFocus
, follow : Int

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,10 +107,8 @@ viewLines shared props log =
topTracker =
tr [ class "line", class "tracker" ]
[ a
[ -- id <|
-- topTrackerFocusId resourceType resourceID
-- ,
Util.testAttribute <| "top-log-tracker-" ++ props.resourceNumber
[ id <| topTrackerFocusId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber
, Util.testAttribute <| "top-log-tracker-" ++ props.resourceNumber
, Html.Attributes.tabindex -1
Expand All @@ -116,10 +117,8 @@ viewLines shared props log =
bottomTracker =
tr [ class "line", class "tracker" ]
[ a
[ -- id <|
-- bottomTrackerFocusId props.resourceType props.resourceID
-- ,
Util.testAttribute <| "bottom-log-tracker-" ++ props.resourceNumber
[ id <| bottomTrackerFocusId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber
, Util.testAttribute <| "bottom-log-tracker-" ++ props.resourceNumber
, Html.Attributes.tabindex -1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,8 +285,8 @@ lineFocusButton : Shared.Model -> Props msg -> Int -> Html msg
lineFocusButton shared props lineNumber =
[ Util.onClickPreventDefault <|
{ identifier = Focus.lineRangeId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber lineNumber props.lineFocus shared.shift
{ hash = Focus.lineRangeId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber lineNumber props.lineFocus shared.shift
, Util.testAttribute <| String.join "-" [ "log", "line", "num", props.resourceType, props.resourceNumber, String.fromInt lineNumber ]
, id <| Focus.resourceAndLineToFocusId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber lineNumber
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,48 +327,49 @@ logsSidebar props numLines =
(if long then
[-- jumpToTopButton props.msgs.focusOn props.resourceType props.number
-- , jumpToBottomButton props.msgs.focusOn props.resourceType props.number
[ viewJumpToTopButton props
, viewJumpToBottomButton props

++ [-- followButton props.msgs.follow resourceType number following
++ [ viewFollowButton props

{-| viewJumpToBottomButton : renders action button for jumping to the bottom of a log
viewJumpToBottomButton : Props msg -> Html msg
viewJumpToBottomButton props =
[ class "button"
, class "-icon"
, class "tooltip-left"
, attribute "data-tooltip" "jump to bottom"
, Util.testAttribute <| "jump-to-bottom-" ++ props.resourceNumber
, onClick <| props.msgs.focusOn { target = bottomTrackerFocusId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber }
, attribute "aria-label" <| "jump to bottom of logs for " ++ props.resourceType ++ " " ++ props.resourceNumber
[ FeatherIcons.arrowDown |> FeatherIcons.toHtml [ attribute "role" "img" ] ]

-- {-| jumpToBottomButton : renders action button for jumping to the bottom of a log
-- -}
-- jumpToBottomButton : FocusOn msg -> String -> String -> Html msg
-- jumpToBottomButton focusOn resourceType number =
-- button
-- [ class "button"
-- , class "-icon"
-- , class "tooltip-left"
-- , attribute "data-tooltip" "jump to bottom"
-- , Util.testAttribute <| "jump-to-bottom-" ++ number
-- , onClick <| focusOn <| bottomTrackerFocusId resourceType number
-- , attribute "aria-label" <| "jump to bottom of logs for " ++ resourceType ++ " " ++ number
-- ]
-- [ FeatherIcons.arrowDown |> FeatherIcons.toHtml [ attribute "role" "img" ] ]
-- {-| jumpToTopButton : renders action button for jumping to the top of a log
-- -}
-- jumpToTopButton : FocusOn msg -> String -> String -> Html msg
-- jumpToTopButton focusOn resourceType number =
-- button
-- [ class "button"
-- , class "-icon"
-- , class "tooltip-left"
-- , attribute "data-tooltip" "jump to top"
-- , Util.testAttribute <| "jump-to-top-" ++ number
-- , onClick <| focusOn <| topTrackerFocusId resourceType number
-- , attribute "aria-label" <| "jump to top of logs for " ++ resourceType ++ " " ++ number
-- ]
-- [ FeatherIcons.arrowUp |> FeatherIcons.toHtml [ attribute "role" "img" ] ]

{-| viewJumpToTopButton : renders action button for jumping to the top of a log
viewJumpToTopButton : Props msg -> Html msg
viewJumpToTopButton props =
[ class "button"
, class "-icon"
, class "tooltip-left"
, attribute "data-tooltip" "jump to top"
, Util.testAttribute <| "jump-to-top-" ++ props.resourceNumber
, onClick <| props.msgs.focusOn { target = topTrackerFocusId props.resourceType props.resourceNumber }
, attribute "aria-label" <| "jump to top of logs for " ++ props.resourceType ++ " " ++ props.resourceNumber
[ FeatherIcons.arrowUp |> FeatherIcons.toHtml [ attribute "role" "img" ] ]

{-| viewDownloadButton : renders action button for downloading a log
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,32 +397,54 @@ viewDownloadButton props log =
[ text <| "download " ++ props.resourceType ++ " logs" ]

{-| viewFollowButton : renders button for following logs
viewFollowButton : Props msg -> Html msg
viewFollowButton props =
num =
Maybe.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt props.resourceNumber

following =

( tooltip, icon, toFollow ) =
if following == 0 then
( "start following " ++ props.resourceType ++ " logs",, num )

else if following == num then
( "stop following " ++ props.resourceType ++ " logs", FeatherIcons.pause, 0 )

( "start following " ++ props.resourceType ++ " logs",, num )
[ class "button"
, class "-icon"
, class "tooltip-left"
, attribute "data-tooltip" tooltip
, Util.testAttribute <| "follow-logs-" ++ props.resourceNumber
, onClick <| props.msgs.follow { number = toFollow }
, attribute "aria-label" <| tooltip ++ " for " ++ props.resourceType ++ " " ++ props.resourceNumber
[ icon |> FeatherIcons.toHtml [ attribute "role" "img", attribute "aria-label" "show build actions" ] ]

{-| topTrackerFocusId : takes resource number and returns the line focus id for auto focusing on log follow
topTrackerFocusId : String -> String -> String
topTrackerFocusId resource number =
resource ++ "-" ++ number ++ "-line-tracker-top"

{-| bottomTrackerFocusId : takes resource number and returns the line focus id for auto focusing on log follow
bottomTrackerFocusId : String -> String -> String
bottomTrackerFocusId resource number =
resource ++ "-" ++ number ++ "-line-tracker-bottom"

-- {-| followButton : renders button for following logs
-- -}
-- followButton : FollowResource msg -> String -> String -> Int -> Html msg
-- followButton followStep resourceType number following =
-- let
-- num =
-- Maybe.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt number
-- ( tooltip, icon, toFollow ) =
-- if following == 0 then
-- ( "start following " ++ resourceType ++ " logs",, num )
-- else if following == num then
-- ( "stop following " ++ resourceType ++ " logs", FeatherIcons.pause, 0 )
-- else
-- ( "start following " ++ resourceType ++ " logs",, num )
-- in
-- button
-- [ class "button"
-- , class "-icon"
-- , class "tooltip-left"
-- , attribute "data-tooltip" tooltip
-- , Util.testAttribute <| "follow-logs-" ++ number
-- , onClick <| followStep toFollow
-- , attribute "aria-label" <| tooltip ++ " for " ++ resourceType ++ " " ++ number
-- ]
-- [ icon |> FeatherIcons.toHtml [ attribute "role" "img", attribute "aria-label" "show build actions" ] ]

Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/elm/Components/Repos.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,11 @@ view shared props =

Failure _ ->
Errors.viewResourceError { resourceLabel = "repos for this org", testLabel = "repos" }
div [ Util.testAttribute "repos-error" ]
[ p []
[ text "There was an error fetching repos, please refresh or try again later!"

{-| viewRepo : renders row of repos with action buttons
Expand Down

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