This app can be downloaded for android here -
- Clone this repository unto your local machine:
git clone
- Install dependencies
Below are the features of this project.
Users can signin with a valid email address and password.
Users can fund their wallets from a debit card(not a real transaction).
Users can fund their plans from their wallet balance.
Users can view the history of their transactions.
Modern JavaScript technologies were adopted for this project
ES2015: Also known as ES6 or ES2015 or ECMASCRIPT 6, is a new and widely used version of Javascript that makes it compete healthily with other languages.
TypeScript: TypeScript is an open-source language which builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions.
React Native: A javascript library created by Facebook for bulding Android/iOS compatible mobile applications.
- To run test suites, run
yarn test
Atawodi Emmanuel.