Being a newbe to Grunt/bower from the world of Web Optimization, I had a major ball-ache getting a grunt workflow that was reasonably equivalent to minification with release and development builds, so I thought someone may benefit from my gruntfile.js
Packages used:
- bower-concat: Concatenates all bower js and css files in the right order.
- concat: concatenates all your js files into a managable handful. The example here is angular-opinionated, but you get the idea.
- ngAnnotate: Ignore if you're not using angular, but makes the dependency injection minfication-safe.
- cssmin: minifies css files.
- uglify: minfies js.
- injector: injects the appropriate entries into an HTML/View page. Equivalent to what @Script.Render did.
I have 2 Task aliases: Dev and Prod.
"dev" basically injects the raw un-minified js & css into the appropriate places in the view.
"prod" does all the concatenation, minification etc and injects these generated versions rather than the raw css/js.
NB: None of this will make sense if you don't have:
<!-- injector:js -->
in an html/view page somewhere - as this is where the links to all the magic gets put. Put these where you used to have @Script.Render/@Style.Render
In your Pre-build command line, have the following:
if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug call grunt dev
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release call grunt prod