Clone & Download all the repositories of a Bitbucket account using NodeJS (Recommended Node v8.*)
git clone
cd bitbucket-repository-downloader
npm i
Use the following command to start cloning the Bitbucket repositories of any account which have Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) disabled.
node clone.js --username=yourusername --password=yourpassword
Pass the repository's url slug to the --skip argument.
node clone.js --username=yourusername --password=yourpassword --skip=yourworkspaceslug/yourprojectslug --skip=gladwinbobby/bitbucket-repository-downloader
Argument | Description |
--username |
Bitbucket account username. |
--password |
Bitbucket account password. |
--skip |
Bitbucket repository's full_name/url slug. |
--mirror |
Clone a mirror copy of the repository. |
Found any issues? Need any enhancements? Feel free to open issue
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