Server should be configured to listen on the default port -- 6379.
Clients should be able to connect to redis without password (default setting) Redis Data:
The sorted set, used for auto complete, should be called "myzset".
Use the following command to create a set for test purposes:
ZADD myzset 1 "Anna" 1 "Brittany" 1 "Cinderella" 1 "Diana" 1 "Eva" 1 "Fiona" 1 "Gunda" 1 "Hege" 1 "Inga" 1 "Johanna" 1 "Kitty" 1 "Linda" 1 "Nina" 1 "Ophelia" 1 "Petunia" 1 "Amanda" 1 "Raquel" 1 "Cindy" 1 "Doris" 1 "Eve" 1 "Evita" 1 "Sunniva" 1 "Tove" 1 "Unni" 1 "Violet" 1 "Liza" 1 "Elizabeth" 1 "Ellen" 1 "Wenche" 1 "Vicky"
###Dictionary server:
Start the dictionary server from the command line. Specify the static path as argument:
localhost:~ georgi$ dict-server /Users/georgi/go/bin/static
###Dictionary server behavior:
The server listens on "http://localhost:8080/"
For auto complete use "http://localhost:8080/autocomp/query", for example:
localhost:~ georgi$ curl -i localhost:8080/autocomp/E HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 11:13:45 GMT Content-Length: 41