Course Index block
- copyright © 2022-onwards G J Barnard.
- author G J Barnard - and
- license GNU GPL v3 or later
This version works with:
- Moodle 4.0dev+ version 2022011800.00 (Build: 20220118) and above within the 4.0 branch.
Please ensure that your hardware and software complies with 'Requirements' in 'Installing Moodle' on: '' respectively.
The course index block is 'free' software under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 License, please see 'COPYING.txt'.
It can be obtained for free from:
You have all the rights granted to you by the GPLv3 license. If you are unsure about anything, then the FAQ - - is a good place to look.
If you reuse any of the code then I kindly ask that you make reference to the theme.
If you make improvements or bug fixes then I would appreciate if you would send them back to me by forking from and doing a 'Pull Request' so that the rest of the Moodle community benefits.
- Follow Moodle's instructions for installing plugins.
- Turn editing mode on.
- Add the "Course Index" block wherever you like - but the content will only show on the pages the core code allows.
- Turn editing mode off.
G J Barnard MSc. BSc(Hons)(Sndw). MBCS. CEng. CITP. PGCE. Moodle profile: Web profile :