Available at https://dinokiki.com
Follow Mr Dinokiki on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Dinokiki is a website created in 2014 when I was starting my career as a web developer. It is considered an "useless" website, since its purpose is having fun!
It's a website of a green dinosaur, when you click over him, he will start saying "kiki" with a random voice. That's it. All of it glorious purpose!!!!!
Dinokiki had different stacks since 2014. Initially, it was jQuery with a front-end only, then jQuery for the front-end and CodeIgniter for the back-end. And today, I use Vue.js for the front-end and Node.js for the back-end.
You should! Access this google form to submit your kiki. Please read the rules. I might take a long time to include it, as I update Dinokiki once a year.
Well, it's my first website, and I love this project. I hope I can always fit Dinokiki in my life, and include a new feature/improvement every year.
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn serve
# build for production with minification
yarn build
If you have an idea for improvement, please create an issue or pull request.
I'm not interested in big changes (e.g. changing stacks, or including new components), but a bugfix for an accessibility suggestion will be very welcome!
Thanks for reading this readme, I really like readme files, but I think most developers just ignore it. Have a great day and don't forget to submit your kiki!!