As part of this release we had 19 issues closed.
- #2553 Docs: Describe configuration for using Conventional commits
- #2582 [Bug] Typo in GitVersion.MsBuild.targets
- #2578 [Bug] The process cannot access the file '...\obj\gitversion.json' because it is being used by another process.
- #2577 (GH-2456) Correctly assert version number for tagged commit
- #2555 [Bug] C:\Users\Nutzer.nuget\packages\gitversion.msbuild\5.6.4\tools\net48/gitversion.exe "C:\Users\Nutzer\Documents\Temp\Github\C# und VB\PagerDutyClient\src\PagerDutyClient" -output file -outputfile obj\gitversion.json" ended with code 1.
- #2501 [Bug] GitVersion.MsBuild removing assembly attributes defined in csproj
- #2304 GitVersion outputs ShortSha as numeric type if valid
- #1688 PreReleaseNumber is string instead of integere in new repository
- #1031 LibGit2Sharp.LockedFileException: The index is locked. This might be due to a concurrent or crashed process
- #2570 [Improvement] Rename default
branch tomain
- #2568 Rename GitVersionCore and GitVersionExe
- #2564 GitRepository refactoring
- #2527 deterministically serialize number and string JSON output
- #2584 [Feature] GitVersion.Tool installation not documented
- #2571 [Bug] Exception references to documentation URL resolves to 404 page when copied exactly
- #2575 Bump NUnit from 3.13.0 to 3.13.1
- #2574 Bump NunitXml.TestLogger from 2.1.80 to 3.0.91
- #2561 Bump coverlet.msbuild from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
6a62349c261815c2c6ba9876e07b733e3393ab72f1169672bb58cd6527158acb - gitversion-linux-musl-x64-5.6.5.tar.gz
97cc8a8cdba7036d92e02f0386ee335b2fd9e9cc980e2fc62bed5fa679308ed1 - gitversion-linux-x64-5.6.5.tar.gz
0f3b54b48512892105166aadd4c1e85807eb487d2b5f469a09e576d0b1a12047 - gitversion-osx-x64-5.6.5.tar.gz
ea4fbceeade7997f34afd894754b6f2fc1bbc6151a6af10c493eab4478b29288 - gitversion-win-x64-5.6.5.tar.gz
ed3419352a51ef395daaef5805803a11163a846be73dfd193f39e106e5cc7d36 - gitversion-win-x86-5.6.5.tar.gz