This package while is based on the Krafthaus/Bauhaus package, greatly differs on some key points. First of all It will include an Auth & Role based permission management solution, and some more ideas as project comes along 😄
Contributions are welcome! Either as ideas or (preferably) pull requests 😄
- Laravel 5.1 LTS support
- Working Scaffold command
- Index view
- Bulk delete
- Bulk actions
- Boolean field actions per row
- Create view
- Edit view
- Field types
- Text
- File
- Image
- Select
- Belongs to
- Numbers
To install the bleeding edge package just follow these steps
$ composer require blackfyrestudio/crud:dev-master
Add the package to the providers list in config/app.php
To publish the package files
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BlackfyreStudio\CRUD\CRUDProvider"