Find your perfect champion!.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Overview
- 3. User Stories
- 4. Prototypes
- 5. Finished Product
- 6. Author
- 7. Acknowledgments
There's a lot of data about the LoL champions out there, but sometimes you just want to know what are the character roles. Like... can I play Zyra in a mid lane?
Web app designed for new players who don't really know what the roles of the champions are.
- You can see all the champions of LoL.
- You can filter by role/class.
- You can see the name and image of the champion.
- You have a 'Learn More' page, to find out more about the lanes and roles.
As a LoL-roles user, I want to see all the champions.
- Should show all the championes when clicking on the "see all" button.
- Should show the name and image of the champion.
As a LoL-roles user, I want to filter the champions by role/class.
- Should show all the champions that match the selected class/role.
- Should show the name and image of the champion..
As a LoL-roles user, I want to know more about the game.
- Should show the main information about the lanes.
- Should contain a link to get more information.
- Fulfills acceptance criteria.
- Posess and passes test.
- Respects planned architecture.
- Code reviewed.
- Deployed.
- User tested*.
- Feedback requested and applied.
High fidelity Prototypes were made using Figma®. The color palette was created with
Main Screen:
Filtered Champions:
Learn More Page:
- Giovanna PC
Giov's Github
Giov's email: [email protected]
- To the Laboratoria team.
- To LoL, for several hours of "fun" (?).