Personal config with custom theme and battery icon in tmux status-right.
Fast links: Installation > What's included > Credits & License
tmux must be installed
$ git clone ~/clone/path # Clone the repo
$ cd ~/clone/path # Cd to folder
$ mv ~/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf.backup # Backup your current config
$ mv .tmux.conf .tmux ~ # Copy files to ~
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf # Reload TMUX environment
$ rm -r ~/clone/path # You can safely remove ~/clone/path
- Less awkward prefix keys : Remap prefix from 'C-b' to 'C-a'.
- Pane Split Commands : Using | and - for splitting panes.
- Easy Config Reloads : 'C-a' + r to reload tmux.
- Fast Pane-Switching : Alt + for switching panes.
- Don't allow tmux rename windows automatically
- Custom Theme
- Battery percentage on status-right
The tmux-battery plugin is part of the tmux-plugins organisation.
By Ham Vocke's A Guide to Customizing your tmux.conf.
Theme was created by reddit user /u/dothebarbwa.