Library of ScalaFX utilities
Helios-fx is one of the modules composing the Helios project - a multifaceted Scala library.
It is based on Helios-core and provides several ScalaFX utilities:
simplified app startup, showing a ready-made, icon-based splash stage - via AppBase, AppMain and SplashStage
easy and tidy FXML loading provided by FxmlScene, which also supports injecting variable into its controller
a gallery of output and input dialogs - via Alerts and InputDialogs, as well as dedicated dialogs - in particular, BusyDialog
FileChooserExtensions, to enhance the behaviour of FileChooser dialogs
a Workspace class, handling document lifecycle
extension methods, provided by Includes. To use them, just import them à la ScalaFX:
import info.gianlucacosta.helios.fx.Includes._
FxEngine, to easily initialize the FX toolkit in contexts where an app might not be available - for example, automated tests
a ready-made AboutBox
Helios is meant to evolve over time - please refer to its Scaladoc or its source code for more details on its current packages.
For further information about downloading or referencing the library via Gradle or Maven, please visit its page on Hephaestus, my Gradle/Maven repository.
Helios-fx is now also an OSGi bundle.