Changes the volume of tracks in alsa
- amixer
- i3volume
Simple script to toggle a node to fullscreen mode in bspwm
- bspc
- bsphide
- bspunhide
Simple script to hide all the nodes on a desktop in bspwm
- bspc
- pgrep
- polybar (optional)
Simple script to show all the nodes on a desktop in bspwm
- bspc
- pgrep
- polybar (optional)
Adds/removes a node into/out of an instance of tabbed, to allow for tabbing in bspwm
Modified version of this script
- bspc
- xdotool
- xprop
- xwininfo
Shows the battery percentage formatted to show in i3blocks
- acpi
- perl
Shows the cpu usage formatted to show in i3blocks
- mpstat
- perl
Shows the disk usage formatted to show in i3blocks
- df
Shows the ip address of the computer formatted to show in i3blocks
- inet
- ip
- xclip
Shows the memory usage formatted to show in i3blocks
- mem
Shows the network performance formatted to show in i3blocks
- speedtest-cli
Shows the cpu temperate formatted to show in i3blocks
- acpi
Shows the torrents available in transmission formatted to show in i3blocks
- transmission-remote
Shows the volume for alsa formatted to show in i3blocks
- amixer
Shows the current weather in Adelaide formatted to show in i3blocks
- curl
Shows the current wifi connectivity level formatted to show in i3blocks
Launches an instance of lemonbar
- lemonbar
- lemonconfig
Outputs a configuration for lemonbar
- acpi
- bspc
- pulsevolume
- xdotool
Preview script built for use with lf and fzf
- glow (markdown)
- highlight
- mediainfo (png, jpg, mp4, etc)
- pdftotext (pdf)
- pistol
- tar (tar)
- unrar (rar)
- zipinfo (zip)
Launches an instance of polybar
- killall
- pgrep
- polybar
Shows battery percentage formatted to be shown in polybar
- acpi
Shows the cpu usage formatted to be shown in polybar
- perl
- mpstat
Shows the pulse volume formatted to be shown in polybar
- pulsedevices
Shows the temperature of the CPU formatted to be shown in polybar
- acpi
Reloads an instance of polybar or launches it if it's not already running
- pidof
- polybar
Lists out the pulse devices and volume data
- pactl
Modifies the volumes level of a pulse sink
- pactl
Hacky script to list out all the torrents in transmission
- pgrep
- notify-send
- transmission-remote
Sends a notification that a torrent has completed in transmission
- polybar (bar)
- notify-send
Sends a notification that a torrent has been added to transmission
- pgrep
- polybar (bar)
- transmission-remote
Clears out all completed torrents from transmission
- transmission-remote
- pidof
- polybar (bar)
Opens transmission-rss in the background
- transmission-rss
General handler script for compiling various file types
- readlink
- pandoc
- php
Generates a template react file
Dmenu based file manager
Sourced from this repo
Extraction script for dmenufm
Sourced from this repo
Provides the ability to download a file by dropping it into a window
- curl
- dragon
Searches the man page data for an entry entered from a dmenu prompt
- dmenu
Performs HTML encoding on a string, there's probably a better way to do this
Toggle on/off an external monitor and attempt to fix overscan issues
- notify-send
- xrandr
Sets my C920 with my webcam settings
- v4l2-ctl
Imports all the files of a specified type from an android device between a specific time frame
- notify-send
- xargs
Uses xev to output the codes of the keys pressed
Sourced from the arch wiki
- xev
Kills an application and sends a notification saying it was killed
- notify-send
- pgrep
Turns any wallpaper into an arch wallpaper
Source from this repo
Generates a new script file in my scripts directory
Handler script for mounting and unmounting an android device
- simple-mtpfs
- fusermount
Mounts an android device to the cell directory
- fusermount
- simple-mtpfs
Wrapper script for extramonitor to select the way mode to use the extramonitor in
- dmenu
- xargs
Lists the children of window
- xwininfo
Prints out the window class of a window
- xprop
Cd into a directory using dmenufm
- dfm
Handler script for opening different browsers
- firefox
General handler script for opening the output for a file
POSIX compliant version of neofetch Source from this repo
Simple confirmation prompt using dmenu
- dmenu
Opens a python shell in a prompt, to run simple scripts
- dmenu
- python
- notify-send
- xargs
Outputs the id of the root window
- xwininfo
Browser independent search engine querying
- dmenu
- opnbrow
Handler script to take a screenshot with maim
Wrapper script to open up st in tabbed and tmux
- st
- tabbed
- tmux
Provides a simple interface through dmenu to open common tabbing applications
- nodeclass
- tabbed
- xdotool
Provides the ability to toggle any program
- killandnotify
- pgrep
Toggles my laptops touchpad
- notify-send
- xargs
- xinput
Opens up pacman in a terminal to update my packages
- pacman
Provides a method to generate read only versions of files
- libre
Hacky script to test out virtual monitors
- xrandr