tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
nnoremap ; :
imap <C-d> <Del>
imap jj <Esc>
imap fff <Esc>
vmap fff <Esc>
nmap <M-j> :res -5<CR>
nmap <M-l> :vertical res -5<CR>
nmap <M-h> :vertical res +5<CR>
nmap <M-k> :res +5<CR>
nmap <Leader>s :update<CR>
they are designed to keep your fingers on "home row" (the middle row of the keyboard). in other words-
'Ctrl+d' in insert mode is DEL
'jj' or 'fff' in insert mode -> exits insert mode
click ";" in normal mode to do ":"
Meta (Alt i think) + j/l/h/k adjusts the split screen if you use :vsplit or :hsplit (there are shortcuts for those too)
- You can open tabs and split screens inside neovim, i forgot what's the shortcut but it's totally possible, check out the url at the top of the page.
- you have shortcuts to jump from one tab to the next, or if you split screens then quickly switch from one screen to the next
- type :term to open a terminal inside neovim. this is best when working in split screen because you can jump back and forth from the terminal to the code