This repository contains Dockerfile and resources to build a Docker image with ForgeRock version OpenDJ 2.7.0-20150429 (nightly, as of this commit) with Example.ldif containing users.
Please see
for default cn and password (see below, Build Notes, for other info).
If you don't want to check out this repo, you can use the latest build of the image on Docker Hub: ghchinoy/forgerock
The following commands will run container named opendj
docker pull ghchinoy/forgerock
docker run -d -p 1389:1389 -p 1636:1636 -p 4444:4444 --name opendj ghchinoy/forgerock
Check out this repo and issue the following commands to build then run a Docker container named opendj
git clone
cd forgerock-docker
docker build -t local/forgerock -f Dockerfile.opendj .
docker run -d -p 1389:1389 -p 1636:1636 -p 4444:4444 --name opendj local/forgerock
Access at ldap://dockerip:1389
For boot2docker users, ldap://boot2dockerip:1389
- sets root user DN, password, ports
- installs Example.ldif so there's data; one can comment out
property to build an empty LDAP
script is intended to also start the REST access to OpenDJ, but currently doesn't work- Change example.ldif to be mountable, so that users can specify their own ldif
- Add a script to download the latest OpenDJ