- Install Necessary Packages: PostgreSQL, FlywayDB, etc.
- Docker Setup: Create a
file to install and run a PostgreSQL container. - Database Creation: Set up the database inside the PostgreSQL container.
- Configuration: Configure
to connect to the database.
- FlywayDB: Use FlywayDB to create all necessary tables and constraints.
- Entities: Create the customer entity.
- Error Handling Classes: Develop error handling classes that return appropriate messages and statuses based on errors, to be used in the Service and Controller layers.
- CRUD Operations: Utilize JDBC Template or JPA to create functions for CRUD operations and other necessary tasks.
- Unit Tests: Set up unit tests to ensure functions work as intended.
- Controller Setup: Create the Customer Controller to implement all required REST APIs for retrieving, adding, updating, etc.
- Service Layer: Develop the Customer Service layer to handle the logic necessary to provide correct data to the Controller layer.
- Unit Tests: Set up unit tests to ensure functions work as intended.
- Simulated Usage: Create integration tests to simulate user interaction and test the cooperation of all layers.
- API Security: Secure API endpoints by configuring Spring Security.
- JWT Authentication: Implement JWT for authentication.
- User Authentication: Create sign-up and login functions for user registration and access.
- Filters: Add filters to allow unauthenticated sign-up requests.
- Token Management: Develop functions to return authorization tokens on login and verify tokens from other requests.
- Configuration: Set up connections to S3 buckets, including a fake S3 bucket for testing.
- Functions: Create functions to put and get objects from S3 buckets.
- Rest Controller: Develop a Rest Controller for users to add profile pictures to their accounts.
- Unit Tests: Set up unit tests to ensure functions work as intended.
- Integration Tests: Modify integration tests to include testing for uploading and retrieving profile pictures.
- First Workflow: Build and verify the project by running all unit tests on push.
- Second Workflow: Verify all integration tests, package the Spring application inside a Docker container, upload it to DockerHub, and deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
- Login/Login.jsx: Handles user login functionality.
- Signup/Signup.jsx: Manages user registration.
- AuthContext.jsx: Provides authentication context for managing user sessions.
- Card.jsx: Displays customer information.
- CreateCustomerForm.jsx: Form to create new customers.
- DrawerForm.jsx: Drawer form component.
- UpdateCustomerForm.jsx: Form to update existing customers.
- UpdateDrawerForm.jsx: Drawer form for updating customers.
- ProtectedRoute.jsx: Ensures routes are accessible only to authenticated users.
- SideBar.jsx: Sidebar navigation component.
- client.js: Axios client setup for making HTTP requests.
- notification.js: Notification service for displaying alerts and messages.
- Customer.jsx: Main customer component that implements infinite scroll functionality to load customers dynamically as the user scrolls, preventing application overload..
- Home.jsx: Home component for the landing page.
- index.css: Global CSS styles.
- main.jsx: Main entry point for the React application.
- Login: Navigate to
to log in. - Signup: Navigate to
to register. - Customer Management: Use the customer forms to create, update, and view customer information.
- Protected Routes: Ensure routes are secure and only accessible to authenticated users.