This project hosts the translations for strings used in SkEye (an advanced planetarium for Android).
SkEye is primarily developed in English. Translations have been contributed by community.
- French translation by Germain Gagnerot
- Hungarian translation by Berenji Péter
All translations are copyright Harshad RJ and are in the public domain. Anyone can use these translations for any projects, commercial or non-commercial, closed-source or open-source.
When you create a translation, you will have to assign the copyright to Harshad RJ. I will add your name to the credits (unless you request not to).
Currently, many of the strings used in the User Interface and the following astronomical objects:
- Solar system objects
- Constellation names
As of Jul 9 2011, some strings that are currently not translateable are:
- a few strings used in the UI, especially the search and alignment dialogs
- Star names
Localization in Android is done by defining strings in locale specific XML files.
It is quite easy to get started with. You can have a look at the existing localizations in the res/ folder to understand how they work.
All the details of how Android does localization can be seen in the offical Android document.