A Fast, Parallel Influence Maximization Software, using Fused Sampling and Memory Access Regularization.
Currently support three algorithms; InFuseR(NewGreedy), HyperFuser(Sketch-based), SuperFuseR(GPU-specialized).
Building Infuser only requires AVX2/AVX512, and GCC 8.2 or better. Source code should be compatible with MSVC 2019 as well. SuperFuseR requires CUDA 11.1+.
We provide a very simple Makefile for building from the source code. Executables will be placed under ./bin folder
cd infuser
For fast processing, InFuseR only accepts a text file structured as follows;
# First line tells infuser to how many vertices and edges exists
# Then every other line has pairs of source_vertex_id target_vertex_id edge_probability
# We require source_vertex_ids to be sorted for performance and simplicity, using add_p automaticly sorts output files
5 10
0 1 0.01
0 2 0.02
0 4 0.1
3 4 0.05
4 1 0.09
We provide a simple tool to add probabilities to SNAP edgelist format. The tool excepts multiple output at the same time.
python3 ./scripts/add_p --help
python3 ./scripts/add_p -p 0.01 -U 0.0 0.1 -pf constantprobfile.txt -Uf uniformdistfile.txt inputfile.txt
Example generates a graph with constant probility 0.01 named constantprobfile.txt and another file with uniform weights between 0 and 0.1 named uniformdistfile.txt
./bin/infuser [-M method] [-K #seeds] [-R #MC] [-o output] edge_file
./bin/infuser [-g ndevices] [-K #seeds] [-R #MC] [-o output] edge_file
Parameters | Description | Default |
method | Using Infuser NewGreedy(Infuser) and HyperFuser(Sketch) methods are available, using SuperFuseR executable SingleGPU and MultiGPU methods are available. | HyperFuser, SingleGPU |
#seed | Seed set size | 50 |
#MC | Number of Monte-Carlo simulation performed, it must be a multiple of 32. | 256 |
ndevices | Number of CUDA devices (only for Superfuser) | 1 |
output | Output file, leave empty for STDOUT | (STDOUT) |
./bin/infuser -M InFuseR -K 100 -R 256 ./amazon0302_0.01.txt
./bin/superfuser -g 1 -K 100 -R 256 ./amazon0302_0.01.txt
Output consist of tab seperated 4 elements per line;
- Seed Vertex,
- Time Spend,
- Estimated Influence,
- Number of Candidates Processed for NewGreedy, Sketch error rate for HyperFuser
14949 5.72 3.45 0
4429 11.42 3.45 1
33 16.74 3.45 2
10519 21.49 3.45 3
12771 26.14 3.45 4
8 30.62 3.45 5
481 34.93 3.45 7
5737 39.12 3.45 8
297 43.07 3.45 9
9106 46.64 3.45 12
You can use following BibTeX snippet to cite InFuseR;
author={G. {Göktürk} and K. {Kaya}},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
title={Boosting Parallel Influence-Maximization Kernels for Undirected Networks With Fusing and Vectorization},