The Cannon is a simple game i built to get to know the Cocos Creator. After creating the game i made a short tutorial split in steps to describe the overall process. Here it is.
And here are the links of tools and art i used for the tutorial:
- Cocos Creator v1.0
- Explosion from
- Ground tiles from
- Tiled Map Editor
- Apparticle: Particle Editor
- SFXR: sound editor
- Cocos Creator v1.0 API
- Cocos Creator Docs
- Chipmunk API Reference
- Cocos Creator engine on Github
- Cocos Docs on Github
The directory ./docs
and its contents are Copyright Igor Ovsiannikov. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission.
All other directories and files are MIT Licensed. But if you use them, a link back to would be appreciated.