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@getsentry-bot getsentry-bot released this 10 Apr 13:39

This is the final 1.x release for the forseeable future. Development will continue on the 2.x release line. The first 2.x version will be available in the next few weeks.

Various fixes & improvements

  • Allow to upsert monitors (#2929) by @sentrivana

    It's now possible to provide monitor_config to the monitor decorator/context manager directly:

    from sentry_sdk.crons import monitor
    # All keys except `schedule` are optional
    monitor_config = {
        "schedule": {"type": "crontab", "value": "0 0 * * *"},
        "timezone": "Europe/Vienna",
        "checkin_margin": 10,
        "max_runtime": 10,
        "failure_issue_threshold": 5,
        "recovery_threshold": 5,
    @monitor(monitor_slug='<monitor-slug>', monitor_config=monitor_config)
    def tell_the_world():
        print('My scheduled task...')

    Check out the cron docs for details.

  • Add Django signals_denylist to filter signals that are attached to by signals_spans (#2758) by @lieryan

    If you want to exclude some Django signals from performance tracking, you can use the new signals_denylist Django option:

    import django.db.models.signals
    import sentry_sdk
  • increment for metrics (#2588) by @mitsuhiko

    increment and incr are equivalent, so you can pick whichever you like more.

  • Add value, unit to before_emit_metric (#2958) by @sentrivana

    If you add a custom before_emit_metric, it'll now accept 4 arguments (the key, value, unit and tags) instead of just key and tags.

    def before_emit(key, value, unit, tags):
        if key == "removed-metric":
            return False
        tags["extra"] = "foo"
        del tags["release"]
        return True
            "before_emit_metric": before_emit,
  • Remove experimental metric summary options (#2957) by @sentrivana

    The _experiments options metrics_summary_sample_rate and should_summarize_metric have been removed.

  • New normalization rules for metric keys, names, units, tags (#2946) by @sentrivana

  • Change data_category from statsd to metric_bucket (#2954) by @cleptric

  • Accessing __mro__ might throw a ValueError (#2952) by @sentrivana

  • Suppress prompt spawned by subprocess when using pythonw (#2936) by @collinbanko

  • Handle None in GraphQL query #2715 (#2762) by @czyber

  • Do not send "quiet" Sanic exceptions to Sentry (#2821) by @hamedsh

  • Implement metric_bucket rate limits (#2933) by @cleptric

  • Fix type hints for monitor decorator (#2944) by @szokeasaurusrex

  • Remove deprecated typing imports in crons (#2945) by @szokeasaurusrex

  • Make monitor_config a TypedDict (#2931) by @sentrivana

  • Add devenv-requirements.txt and update env setup instructions (#2761) by @arr-ee

  • Bump types-protobuf from to (#2941) by @dependabot

  • Disable Codecov check run annotations (#2537) by @eliatcodecov