A collection of generic modules that make working with Excel objects a little more convivial.
Contains the method ChooseFile
, which shows the user a file selector dialogue configured for Excel files, and returns the selected file's path as a String. Does not actually open the file.
Contains a number of methods for creating, finding, and manipulating Worksheets.
Contains a number of methods for creating, finding, and manipulating ListObjects (Excel Tables).
- SheetObjectHelper.bas
- ValidateHeadersResult.cls
This defines an object returned by the ListObjectHelper.ValidateHeaders(TheList As ListObject, HasHeaders As Collection)
method. Instead of a simple Boolean (or an error in case of invalid headers), the method returns this object as a report on whether it found the required headers, including which were found, and which were not found.
: Boolean : Indicates whether or not all members of the HasHeaders Collection were found as headers of the ListObject..ImplementedHeaders
: Collection : The Collection of all members of the HasHeaders Collection that were found as header column labels in TheList..MissingHeaders
: Collection : The Collection of all members of the HasHeaders Colllection that were not found as header column labels in TheList..ExtraHeaders
: Collection : The Collection of the headers in TheList that did not appear in the HasHeaders Collection.