Check the Live demo!
Mongorilla lets you define your Mongo Document schemas simply by editing a JSON config file. Once you have the JSON setup, it will generate (on the fly) the administrator views and forms, including dashboards and search tools. The principle of Mongorilla is to store your documents the way you defined them directly in MongoDB. This means no extra metadata embeded into your documents. You can define the documents structure in any way you want!
Mongorilla is a NodeJS application, distributed via NPM which also have both: NPM and Bower dependencies. The application is built on top of:
- ExpressJS 4
- Mongoose
- BackboneJS
- Backbone-Forms in combination with Backbone-Deep-Model
- Bootstrap3
- Support for multidimentional documents and/with ObjectId document references.
- Support for File/Image uploads against the same MongoDB using GridFS, and/or Amazon S3 buckets.
- Supports rich content, CKEditor come out of the box.
- Revisioning - You can rollback document revisions very easily, by navigating an edition tmieline!
- Customizing Mongorilla from the source code is not as terrible as in other CMSs. Even tweaking forms, you can create your own editors, create backend hooks and even, re-use the REST API to serve the content to your frontend app.
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone
- Install the dependencies: (once in the repository folder)
$ npm install
- Setup your MongoDB connection:
$ export MONGORILLA_MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost/my_mongorilla"
- Run the server instance:
$ nodejs server.js
- Enjoy!
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone
(or follow the NPM steps) - Add your Heroku app remote:
$ git remote add [email protected]
- Install one of the MongoDB Addons to your Heroku App (
$ heroku addons:add mongolab
orheroku addons:add mongohq
). - Push to Heroku
git push heroku
. - Enjoy!
$ npm install mongorilla
- Setup your MongoDB connection:
$ export MONGORILLA_MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost/my_mongorilla"
- Run the server instance:
$ nodejs node_modules/mongorilla/server.js
- Enjoy!
- Text
- TextArea
- Number
- Object
- List
- Date
- Datepicker
- DateTime
- Colorpicker
- File
- Image
- Checkboxes
Here are the steps for building your own custom editors:
- Duplicate or create a new editor file at
- Add require paths to your editor file at these locations:
- Add the correct Mongoose property to the switch statement in
- Add a field to your JSON schema with the type property named after your editor
- Build out your functionality!
- Improve documentation
- Make all the configuration (schemas and users) be editable from the same admin panel.
🐵 🍔