This package is ment to reduce the effort when you need an image model with a srcset and multiple image sizes in your laravel project.
Via Composer
composer require gepopp/image
With the package comes a Image model like so:
Schema::create( 'images', function ( Blueprint $table ) {
$table->string( 'path' )->nullable();
$table->string( 'webp_path' )->nullable();
$table->string( 'url' )->nullable();
$table->string( 'webp_url' )->nullable();
$table->string( 'mime' )->nullable();
$table->unsignedInteger( 'width' )->nullable();
$table->unsignedInteger( 'height' )->nullable();
$table->unsignedInteger( 'size' )->nullable();
$table->json( 'sizes' )->nullable();
$table->json( 'webp_sizes' )->nullable();
$table->text( 'srcset' )->nullable();
$table->text( 'webp_srcset' )->nullable();
$table->string( 'alt' )->nullable();
$table->json( 'meta' )->nullable();
} );
It holds all nesscesary information about uploaded images. However you can create a new image with the minimum of a filename. There is a ImageObserver that takes care of inserting all the other data by using the [](Intervention Image Library). Various images sizes, default sizes accordingly to tailwind breakpoints, are created via jobs dispatched on the queue. You can also customize the sizes and how they are created, please se the config file that can be published vie
php artisan vendor:publish image.config
Image sizes are defined as an array of arrays, default:
'image_sizes' => [
'create' => true,
'create_webp' => true,
'queue' => true,
'sizes' => [
[ 150, 150, true ],
[ 100, 100, true ],
[ 300, null, false ],
[ 320, null, false ],
[ 640, null, false ],
[ 600, null, false ],
[ 768, null, false ],
[ 1024, null, false ],
[ 1280, null, false ],
[ 1536, null, false ],
Where the first value in the size array is the image width, the second one the image height and the bool determines if the new size is created be the function of intervention image = gets cropped or if its just If the image gets resizes the height value might be ignored because the image ration will allways be preserved.
The package comes with a simple setting how unique filename might be created:
'filenames' => [
// make the filenames unique to avoid overriding
'unify' => true,
// class used to unify filenames
'unifiy_with' => \Gepopp\Image\Filenames\ImageCounterFilenameUnifier::class,
// place the unifier at end or start of the original filename
'unify_at' => 'end',
'slugify_filenames' => true,
'slugify_with' => '_',
There are three unifier classes:
## it returns an incremented number if the filename allready exists in the images folder on the dist
## it returns a microtime-timesteamp without .
## It returns a Str::ulid unique string
This unifier is then appended or prepended to the filename by using the static:
Gepopp\Image\Image::getMaybeUnifiedFilename( $filename );
The package also includes a laravel nova 4 resource file. It can be published to your project via
php artisan vendor:publish image.nova.resource
There is also a simple blade component to include images into your blade views it can be publised and customized via
php artisan vendor:publish image.views
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
MIT. Please see the license file for more information.