A learning approach and resource guide without a lot of padding, just the important starting points.
- The Slides
- https://www.webdevchecklist.com
- https://martinfowler.com/articles/is-quality-worth-cost.html
- Designing Data Intenstive Applications
- GOTO; 2020 The Asynchronous Enterprise • Brendan O'Leary - https://youtu.be/c68K94-hJK8
- Martin Fowler - What Does Tech Excellence Look like? - https://youtu.be/Avs70dZ3Vlk
- Stop Over-Engineering, Greg Young - https://youtu.be/GRr4xeMn1uU
- https://dzone.com/articles/solid-grasp-and-other-basic-principles-of-object-o
- https://www.atlassian.com/incident-management/kpis/common-metrics
- Increase your vocabulary, and listen more.
- Increase known vendor and open source offerings.
- Build on pillars of quality by iterating.
- Review example code bases and build your own.
- Do Hard Things
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications (Kleppman)
- The Phoenix Project (Kim, Behr, Spafford)
- Accelerate (Forsgren, Humble, Kim)
- Measure What Matters (Doerr)
- The Art of Learning (Waitzkin)
- Clean Code
- Clean Architecture - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52352815/clean-architecture-design-pattern?rq=1
- Domain Driven Design
- Head First Design Patterns
- https://martinfowler.com/articles/is-quality-worth-cost.html
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/architect-microservice-container-applications/
- https://martinfowler.com/microservices/
- https://martinfowler.com/videos.html
- https://cqrs.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/cqrs_documents.pdf
This is a list of technologies to read about, use, and incorporate as ideas in your design process.
- Apache Zookeeper
- Caddy
- Camunda (Java Saga controller)
- [CloudCraft]https://www.cloudcraft.co/
- Cloudstate
- Consul
- Dapper
- Deno - Secure, Typescript compatable modern JS/TS Runtime
- Envoy
- Etcd
- Falcor
- Flatend
- GoHarbor
- HA Proxy
- Helm
- Httpbin
- Insomnia.Rest
- Istio
- Mediatr
- Netflix Eureka
- Ocelot - C# API Gateway, available as Nuget package
- Portainer
- Pulsar
- Puppeteer - Node library to control headless chrome
- Rancher
- Registrator - Service Registry Bridge
- Skupper - Multicloud communication for Kubernetes
- Steeltoe
- Tableau
- Traefik Docs / Traefik
- Zipkin
- 2-Phase Commit
- 3-Phase Commit
- API Gateway - https://auth0.com/blog/an-introduction-to-microservices-part-2-API-gateway/
- Canary Deployments
- Circuit Breaker
- Data Plane VS Control Plane
- ELK Stack
- Event Driven Architecture
- Event Sourcing
- Feral Concurrency Control
- Ingress Load Balancing
- Load Balancer
- Log Compaction
- Microservice - https://auth0.com/blog/an-introduction-to-microservices-part-1/
- N-Tier Architecture
- OSI Model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model
- Routing Slip
- Saga
- Service Mesh
- Service Discovery
- Service Registry - https://auth0.com/blog/an-introduction-to-microservices-part-3-the-service-registry/
- Sidecar
This section catalogues various patterns; with a current focus on cloud patterns. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/patterns/