Table of Contents
- Versions download
- Data Visualization, Graphing Library,
- Numbers, Arrays, Calc, Formulas,
- [Audio recognition using spectrograms]](
- Upper right corner, sign in using your Google acct.
- Upper right, select console
- Upper left Navigation Menu
- Fashion MNIST Discern between shirts, shoes
Once model is built, can be tested on mobile device.
- (Image Classification)[]
- Facial Recog in 'chimps'
- AI System to Locate Vehicles per geography and time from traffic cams, given sample image
- TF output
- .pb file/package
- statistical graph representation of the data set
For training and testing:
- Images all same size, same orientation horiz or vert
- Put copyright in images or metadata
- Select 80%-90% images for training model, remaining to test against
some with some without animals
- snap docker py 2.7 needs pip2.7 install matplotlib