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Webpack starter kit for creating libraries (Input: ES6, Output: UMD, CommonJS)


Getting started

1. Setup the library's name

  • Open webpack.config.js and change the value of libraryName variable with your library's name.
  • Open package.json and change the following properties with your library's equivalent
    • name
    • version
    • description
    • main
    • repository
    • author
    • license
    • bugs
    • homepage

2. Install dependencies

  • Run npm install to install the library's dependencies.

3. Build for development

  • Having all the dependencies installed run npm run dev. This command will generate a UMD unminified bundle under the dist folder and a CommonJS bundle under the lib folder. It will also watch for changes in source files to recompile.

4. Build for production

  • Having all the dependencies installed run npm run build. This command will generate two UMD bundles (unminified and minified) under the dist folder and a CommonJS bundle under the lib folder.


  • npm run build - Produces production version of library under dist folder for UMD bundle and lib folder for CommonJS bundle.
  • npm run build:umd - Produces an unminified UMD bundle under the dist folder.
  • npm run build:umdmin - Produces an minified UMD bundle under the dist folder.
  • npm run build:commonjs - Produces a CommonJS bundle under the lib folder.
  • npm run dev - Produces a development version of library (both UMD and CommonJS) and runs a watcher to watch for changes.
  • npm run dev:umd - Produces an unminified UMD bundle under the dist folder and runs a watcher to watch for changes.
  • npm run dev:commonjs - Produces a CommonJS bundle under the lib folder and runs a watcher to watch for changes.
  • npm run test - Runs the tests.
  • npm run coverage - Runs the tests and provides with test coverage information.
  • npm run lint - Lints the source code with ESlint.
  • npm run clean - Deletes dist, lib and coverage folders.
  • npm run prepare - Run both BEFORE the package is packed and published, on local npm install without any arguments, and when installing git dependencies.


  • By default all source code is located under the src folder.
  • Be default dist and lib folders are excluded from source control but included for npm. You can change this behavior by not excluding these folders inside the .gitignore file.
  • The starter kit assumes that all tests are located under test folder with .spec.js extension.


The MIT License (MIT)