$ npm install opl-stream
Note: you will need node
and npm
installed first.
The easiest way to install node.js
is with nave.sh by executing [sudo] ./nave.sh usemain stable
You can extract the .opl data from any stream, including stdin:
// example.js
var opl = require('opl-stream'),
through = require('through2'),
split = require('split');
.pipe( split() )
.pipe( opl.decodeStream() )
.pipe( through.obj( function( obj, _, next ){
console.error( JSON.stringify( obj ) );
next( null, obj );
.pipe( opl.encodeStream() )
.pipe( process.stdout );
$> cat in.opl | node example.js 2> parsed.json 1> out.opl
$ echo -e "n204648 v37 dV c32514672 t2015-07-09T09:46:58Z i3043782 uDK_VJCS Tname=Wellington,is_in=North%20%Island%2c%%20%New%20%Zealand x174.7772239 y-41.2887639\n" | node example.js 1>/dev/null
"node_id": "204648",
"version": "37",
"deleted": "V",
"changeset": "32514672",
"timestamp": "2015-07-09T09:46:58Z",
"user_id": "3043782",
"username": "DK_VJCS",
"tags": {
"name": "Wellington",
"is_in": "North Island, New Zealand"
"longitude": "174.7772239",
"latitude": "-41.2887639"
The opl-stream
npm module can be found here:
Please fork and pull request against upstream master on a feature branch.
Pretty please; provide unit tests and script fixtures in the test
$ npm test
Travis tests every release against node version 0.10