No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.7.0
- Package version: 0.0.3
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import geoengine_openapi_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import geoengine_openapi_client
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import geoengine_openapi_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = geoengine_openapi_client.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization (UUID): session_token
configuration = geoengine_openapi_client.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with geoengine_openapi_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = geoengine_openapi_client.DatasetsApi(api_client)
auto_create_dataset = geoengine_openapi_client.AutoCreateDataset() # AutoCreateDataset |
# Creates a new dataset using previously uploaded files.
api_response = api_instance.auto_create_dataset_handler(auto_create_dataset)
print("The response of DatasetsApi->auto_create_dataset_handler:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DatasetsApi->auto_create_dataset_handler: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DatasetsApi | auto_create_dataset_handler | POST /dataset/auto | Creates a new dataset using previously uploaded files. |
DatasetsApi | create_dataset_handler | POST /dataset | Creates a new dataset referencing files. Users can reference previously uploaded files. Admins can reference files from a volume. |
DatasetsApi | delete_dataset_handler | DELETE /dataset/{dataset} | Delete a dataset |
DatasetsApi | get_dataset_handler | GET /dataset/{dataset} | Retrieves details about a dataset using the internal name. |
DatasetsApi | list_datasets_handler | GET /datasets | Lists available datasets. |
DatasetsApi | list_volumes_handler | GET /dataset/volumes | Lists available volumes. |
DatasetsApi | suggest_meta_data_handler | GET /dataset/suggest | Inspects an upload and suggests metadata that can be used when creating a new dataset based on it. |
GeneralApi | available_handler | GET /available | Server availablity check. |
GeneralApi | server_info_handler | GET /info | Shows information about the server software version. |
LayersApi | add_collection | POST /layerDb/collections/{collection}/collections | Add a new collection to an existing collection |
LayersApi | add_existing_collection_to_collection | POST /layerDb/collections/{parent}/collections/{collection} | Add an existing collection to a collection |
LayersApi | add_existing_layer_to_collection | POST /layerDb/collections/{collection}/layers/{layer} | Add an existing layer to a collection |
LayersApi | add_layer | POST /layerDb/collections/{collection}/layers | Add a new layer to a collection |
LayersApi | layer_handler | GET /layers/{provider}/{layer} | Retrieves the layer of the given provider |
LayersApi | layer_to_dataset | POST /layers/{provider}/{layer}/dataset | Persist a raster layer from a provider as a dataset. |
LayersApi | layer_to_workflow_id_handler | POST /layers/{provider}/{layer}/workflowId | Registers a layer from a provider as a workflow and returns the workflow id |
LayersApi | list_collection_handler | GET /layers/collections/{provider}/{collection} | List the contents of the collection of the given provider |
LayersApi | list_root_collections_handler | GET /layers/collections | List all layer collections |
LayersApi | remove_collection | DELETE /layerDb/collections/{collection} | Remove a collection |
LayersApi | remove_collection_from_collection | DELETE /layerDb/collections/{parent}/collections/{collection} | Delete a collection from a collection |
LayersApi | remove_layer_from_collection | DELETE /layerDb/collections/{collection}/layers/{layer} | Remove a layer from a collection |
OGCWCSApi | wcs_capabilities_handler | GET /wcs/{workflow}?request=GetCapabilities | Get WCS Capabilities |
OGCWCSApi | wcs_describe_coverage_handler | GET /wcs/{workflow}?request=DescribeCoverage | Get WCS Coverage Description |
OGCWCSApi | wcs_get_coverage_handler | GET /wcs/{workflow}?request=GetCoverage | Get WCS Coverage |
OGCWFSApi | wfs_capabilities_handler | GET /wfs/{workflow}?request=GetCapabilities | Get WFS Capabilities |
OGCWFSApi | wfs_feature_handler | GET /wfs/{workflow}?request=GetFeature | Get WCS Features |
OGCWMSApi | wms_capabilities_handler | GET /wms/{workflow}?request=GetCapabilities | Get WMS Capabilities |
OGCWMSApi | wms_legend_graphic_handler | GET /wms/{workflow}?request=GetLegendGraphic | Get WMS Legend Graphic |
OGCWMSApi | wms_map_handler | GET /wms/{workflow}?request=GetMap | Get WMS Map |
PermissionsApi | add_permission_handler | PUT /permissions | Adds a new permission. |
PermissionsApi | remove_permission_handler | DELETE /permissions | Removes an existing permission. |
PlotsApi | get_plot_handler | GET /plot/{id} | Generates a plot. |
ProjectsApi | create_project_handler | POST /project | Create a new project for the user. |
ProjectsApi | delete_project_handler | DELETE /project/{project} | Deletes a project. |
ProjectsApi | list_projects_handler | GET /projects | List all projects accessible to the user that match the selected criteria. |
ProjectsApi | load_project_latest_handler | GET /project/{project} | Retrieves details about the latest version of a project. |
ProjectsApi | load_project_version_handler | GET /project/{project}/{version} | Retrieves details about the given version of a project. |
ProjectsApi | project_versions_handler | GET /project/{project}/versions | Lists all available versions of a project. |
ProjectsApi | update_project_handler | PATCH /project/{project} | Updates a project. |
SessionApi | anonymous_handler | POST /anonymous | Creates session for anonymous user. The session's id serves as a Bearer token for requests. |
SessionApi | login_handler | POST /login | Creates a session by providing user credentials. The session's id serves as a Bearer token for requests. |
SessionApi | logout_handler | POST /logout | Ends a session. |
SessionApi | register_user_handler | POST /user | Registers a user. |
SessionApi | session_handler | GET /session | Retrieves details about the current session. |
SpatialReferencesApi | get_spatial_reference_specification_handler | GET /spatialReferenceSpecification/{srsString} | |
TasksApi | abort_handler | DELETE /tasks/{id} | Abort a running task. |
TasksApi | list_handler | GET /tasks/list | Retrieve the status of all tasks. |
TasksApi | status_handler | GET /tasks/{id}/status | Retrieve the status of a task. |
UploadsApi | list_upload_file_layers_handler | GET /uploads/{upload_id}/files/{file_name}/layers | List the layers of on uploaded file. |
UploadsApi | list_upload_files_handler | GET /uploads/{upload_id}/files | List the files of on upload. |
UploadsApi | upload_handler | POST /upload | Uploads files. |
UserApi | add_role_handler | PUT /roles | Add a new role. Requires admin privilige. |
UserApi | assign_role_handler | POST /users/{user}/roles/{role} | Assign a role to a user. Requires admin privilige. |
UserApi | get_role_descriptions | GET /user/roles/descriptions | Query roles for the current user. |
UserApi | get_user_quota_handler | GET /quotas/{user} | Retrieves the available and used quota of a specific user. |
UserApi | quota_handler | GET /quota | Retrieves the available and used quota of the current user. |
UserApi | remove_role_handler | DELETE /roles/{role} | Remove a role. Requires admin privilige. |
UserApi | revoke_role_handler | DELETE /users/{user}/roles/{role} | Revoke a role from a user. Requires admin privilige. |
UserApi | update_user_quota_handler | POST /quotas/{user} | Update the available quota of a specific user. |
WorkflowsApi | dataset_from_workflow_handler | POST /datasetFromWorkflow/{id} | Create a task for creating a new dataset from the result of the workflow given by its `id` and the dataset parameters in the request body. |
WorkflowsApi | get_workflow_all_metadata_zip_handler | GET /workflow/{id}/allMetadata/zip | Gets a ZIP archive of the worklow, its provenance and the output metadata. |
WorkflowsApi | get_workflow_metadata_handler | GET /workflow/{id}/metadata | Gets the metadata of a workflow |
WorkflowsApi | get_workflow_provenance_handler | GET /workflow/{id}/provenance | Gets the provenance of all datasets used in a workflow. |
WorkflowsApi | load_workflow_handler | GET /workflow/{id} | Retrieves an existing Workflow. |
WorkflowsApi | raster_stream_websocket | GET /workflow/{id}/rasterStream | Query a workflow raster result as a stream of tiles via a websocket connection. |
WorkflowsApi | register_workflow_handler | POST /workflow | Registers a new Workflow. |
- AbortedTaskStatus
- AddCollection200Response
- AddDataset
- AddLayer
- AddLayerCollection
- AddRole
- AutoCreateDataset
- AutoOgrSourceTimeFormat
- AxisOrder
- BoundingBox2D
- Breakpoint
- ClassificationMeasurement
- ClassificationMeasurementWithType
- CollectionItem
- CollectionType
- ColorParam
- Colorizer
- CompletedTaskStatus
- ContinuousMeasurement
- ContinuousMeasurementWithType
- Coordinate2D
- CreateDataset
- CreateDatasetHandler200Response
- CreateProject
- CsvHeader
- CustomOgrSourceTimeFormat
- DataId
- DataPath
- DataPathOneOf
- DataPathOneOf1
- Dataset
- DatasetDefinition
- DatasetIdResourceId
- DatasetListing
- DatasetResource
- DateTime
- DateTimeParseFormat
- DerivedColor
- DerivedColorWithType
- DerivedNumber
- DerivedNumberWithType
- DescribeCoverageRequest
- ErrorResponse
- ExternalDataId
- ExternalDataIdWithType
- FailedTaskStatus
- FeatureDataType
- FileNotFoundHandling
- FormatSpecifics
- FormatSpecificsOneOf
- FormatSpecificsOneOfCsv
- GdalDatasetGeoTransform
- GdalDatasetParameters
- GdalLoadingInfoTemporalSlice
- GdalMetaDataList
- GdalMetaDataListWithType
- GdalMetaDataRegular
- GdalMetaDataRegularWithType
- GdalMetaDataStatic
- GdalMetaDataStaticWithType
- GdalMetadataMapping
- GdalMetadataNetCdfCf
- GdalMetadataNetCdfCfWithType
- GdalSourceTimePlaceholder
- GeoJson
- GetCapabilitiesFormat
- GetCapabilitiesRequest
- GetCoverageFormat
- GetCoverageRequest
- GetFeatureRequest
- GetLegendGraphicRequest
- GetMapExceptionFormat
- GetMapFormat
- GetMapRequest
- InfiniteOgrSourceDurationSpec
- InternalDataId
- Layer
- LayerCollection
- LayerCollectionListing
- LayerCollectionListingWithType
- LayerCollectionResource
- LayerCollectionResourceId
- LayerListing
- LayerListingWithType
- LayerResource
- LayerResourceId
- LayerUpdate
- LayerVisibility
- LineSymbology
- LineSymbologyWithType
- LinearGradient
- LinearGradientWithType
- LogarithmicGradient
- LogarithmicGradientWithType
- Measurement
- MetaDataDefinition
- MetaDataSuggestion
- MockDatasetDataSourceLoadingInfo
- MockMetaData
- MockMetaDataWithType
- ModelIdResourceId
- MultiLineString
- MultiPoint
- MultiPolygon
- NoneOgrSourceDatasetTimeType
- NumberParam
- OgrMetaData
- OgrMetaDataWithType
- OgrSourceColumnSpec
- OgrSourceDataset
- OgrSourceDatasetTimeType
- OgrSourceDurationSpec
- OgrSourceErrorSpec
- OgrSourceTimeFormat
- OrderBy
- PaletteColorizer
- Permission
- PermissionRequest
- Plot
- PlotOutputFormat
- PlotQueryRectangle
- PlotResultDescriptor
- PlotResultDescriptorWithType
- PlotUpdate
- PointSymbology
- PointSymbologyWithType
- PolygonSymbology
- PolygonSymbologyWithType
- Project
- ProjectLayer
- ProjectListing
- ProjectResource
- ProjectResourceId
- ProjectVersion
- Provenance
- ProvenanceEntry
- ProvenanceOutput
- ProviderLayerCollectionId
- ProviderLayerId
- Quota
- RasterBandDescriptor
- RasterColorizer
- RasterDataType
- RasterDatasetFromWorkflow
- RasterDatasetFromWorkflowResult
- RasterPropertiesEntryType
- RasterPropertiesKey
- RasterQueryRectangle
- RasterResultDescriptor
- RasterResultDescriptorWithType
- RasterStreamWebsocketResultType
- RasterSymbology
- RasterSymbologyWithType
- Resource
- ResourceId
- RgbaColorizer
- Role
- RoleDescription
- RunningTaskStatus
- STRectangle
- ServerInfo
- SingleBandRasterColorizer
- SpatialPartition2D
- SpatialReferenceAuthority
- SpatialReferenceSpecification
- SpatialResolution
- StartDurationOgrSourceDatasetTimeType
- StartEndOgrSourceDatasetTimeType
- StartOgrSourceDatasetTimeType
- StaticColorParam
- StaticNumberParam
- StrokeParam
- Symbology
- TaskAbortOptions
- TaskFilter
- TaskListOptions
- TaskResponse
- TaskStatus
- TaskStatusWithId
- TextSymbology
- TimeGranularity
- TimeInterval
- TimeReference
- TimeStep
- TimeStepWithType
- TypedGeometry
- TypedGeometryOneOf
- TypedGeometryOneOf1
- TypedGeometryOneOf2
- TypedGeometryOneOf3
- TypedOperator
- TypedOperatorOperator
- TypedResultDescriptor
- UnitlessMeasurement
- UnixTimeStampOgrSourceTimeFormat
- UnixTimeStampType
- UpdateProject
- UpdateQuota
- UploadFileLayersResponse
- UploadFilesResponse
- UserCredentials
- UserInfo
- UserRegistration
- UserSession
- VectorColumnInfo
- VectorDataType
- VectorQueryRectangle
- VectorResultDescriptor
- VectorResultDescriptorWithType
- Volume
- WcsBoundingbox
- WcsService
- WcsVersion
- WfsService
- WfsVersion
- WmsService
- WmsVersion
- Workflow
- WrappedPlotOutput
- ZeroOgrSourceDurationSpec
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (UUID)