Serial gateway device to upload Serial data to AWS Cloud TLS v1.2 based on an Espressif ESP32 MCU; the ESP32-WROVER-B (TTGO T-Call v1.4) containing an on-board SIM800L 2G Module.
I am opening up this project so people can perhaps learn from it. The developments took about 6 months on both the Hardware and Software and is to be considered "Open Source" under GNU license.
Reason for this project was Weighing Scales that were connected to a Serial Matrix Printer (25 Pin's RS232). These devices were running at their end of lifetime so the idea was to create a Serial Data Sniffer that would send all messages to the AWS cloud.
Using the ESP32 as an MCU and a Sim800L packed together in what TTGO named the TTGO T-Call SIM800L and a custom PCB design.
I do not intend to support this project page, you are however free to clone it or use components from it for your own projects.
NOTE: This project has been built with the default Arduino IDE which can be downloaded from