Forked from liquibase-clickhouse to enable support of clickhouse cluster.
The main difference from the original version is the ability to work with Clickhouse in a cluster mode using zookeeper for storing information about migrations.
Maven dependency:
<version>Latest version</version>
The cluster mode can be activated by adding the liquibaseClickhouse.conf file
to the classpath (liquibase/lib/). The file name can be changed by setting the system property
. The file should contain the following properties:
cluster {
where clusterName
is the name of the ClickHouse cluster where the migrations tables will be stored,
and tableZooKeeperPathPrefix
is the prefix of the path in zookeeper where the migrations tables will
be stored.
To use this plugin in cluster mode, you need to enable the KeeperMap
table engine
by adding the following line to the clickhouse-server configuration file:
These example configuration will configure the plugin to create two paths in your zookeeper:
Since version 0.8.1 the plugin uses Zookeeper for storing information about migrations.
The version 0.8.0 is not back-compatible with previous versions.
From the version 0.8.0 the extension adapted for the liquibase v4.26, Java baseline changed to 17, clickhouse baseline is 24.1.6. Changed synchronization to more adapted one for cluster environment.
From the version 0.7.0 the liquibase-clickhouse supports replication on a cluster. Liquibase v4.6.1.
From the version 0.6.0 the extension adapted for the liquibase v4.3.5.
- Make sure that token for upload sucessfully configured in
└──╼ $ cat ~/.m2/settings.xml <aws:091468197733>
- Import public and private gpg key locally (located in keybase)
gpg --import genestack-secret.pgp
gpg --import genestack-public.pgp
- OPTIONAL! Make sure it's public key is published.
gpg --list-keys
gpg --keyserver --search-key FINGERPRINT_FROM_FIRST_COMMAND
- Finally publish the package
MAVEN_GPG_PASSPHRASE='passphrase' ./mvnw clean deploy