All the tasks of Enterprise Networking Squad goes here.
Use ">" with any command to save the output in a text format.
Use "command| tee [filename]" to save the output of any command and view progress at the same time. example:
nmap |tee nmap.txt
nmap | grep "open"| cut -d "/" -f1 #Gets port numbers only
- Use grep with a unique word in line to eliminate unwanted lines.
- Now, use "cut" with "-d" to set a delimiter to distinguish fields and use "-f[int]" to set wanted field char.
- Use "sort -u" to get output in sorted form.
while [ $i -lt "255" ]
do nslookup 10.11.1.$i | grep -v "NXDOMAIN" | grep name | cut -f1,3 -d" "
i=$[ $i+1 ]
1.Flameshot 2.Cherrytree 3.Keepnote 4.Evernote : Sync to online