Gulp configuration to mimic codekit features
import js files inside js file (inject/include - inline include):
- mimic the feature on codekit:
// @codekit-append "someOtherFile.js";
- Usage:
- in this line the content of bar.js will be injected
- when save, will run JSHint
- mimic the feature on codekit:
nested imports
support for partials javascript files (_file.js)
- these files will not be piped to dist folders. These files are imported by others files.
- when save partial: scripts run jshint on partial, find all the "imported by" files (parents files), inject and use uglify on these files
compile the necessary files (changed files). If is a partial, or imported, the parents will be processed.
- Support _partials and only compile the necessary files (parents of the imports);
- Sass/Scss options (compressed, expanded etc..)
- browser-sync (live reload when edit files)
- watch (watch files for modifications and run tasks)
- reload browser on change file (html, php, jpg, gif, png) - Use package.json to configure
Put files in your app root directory (if file exists, combine them), and run:
npm install --save-dev
or clone git:
git clone
cd codekit-gulp
npm install --save-dev
if error, use sudo.
To configure, edit file package.json.
**Suggest directory structure:
├── app/
│ ├── scss/
│ ├── js/
│ ├── public/
│ │ ├── css/
│ │ ├── js/
For initialize, use:
gulp --silent
This command will run default task:
- webserver (port default 5858) task
- watch task
Code to others languages and others features (help me?)