Item Catalog is a Flask app that allows users to store, edit, and delete their items in categories that they create. The categories and items within are publicly visible, however users can only modify items and categories that they created.
The Item Catalog program requires the following in the runtime environment:
- Python (Version 2.7.12)
- The sqlalchemy library (Version 1.1.14)
All of these are included in a Vagrant file, which can be downloaded here
Vagrant can be obtained here
To make use of Vagrant, you'll also need VirtualBox, which can be downloaded here
This program has been tested using Python 2.7.12. It may not work using other versions of Python.
From a terminal, navigate to the directory containing
and run either ./
or python
You should get output similar to
Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Once this message displays, you can use the app by directing a browser to http://localhost:8000
and get started!
The Item Catalog offers a couple public endpoints for querying data. These are read-only, and all use a base URL of localhost:8000/
Return JSON of all categories and their respective items
Return JSON of all categories
Return JSON of all items for the specified category
Return JSON for the item requested