Creates any Ubuntu server unattended installation iso
Tested in Ubuntu server versions 12.04 14.04 15.04 16.04 16.10 17.04
- Minimal interaction
- Downloads available Ubuntu server release from
- Stores and used downloaded images in ~/Downloads
- By default uses the latest release
- Creates kickstart configuration for automatic (unattended) installation
- Alters grub configuration
- Creates default (sudoer) user as current user with password as username
- Copies ssh public key of current user
- Short - about 100 lines of code, easy modifiable
- Helps to run installation with qemu
- Suitable for batch installation
- No arguments - interactive mode. The program requestes desired version XX.YY.
- Argument - XX.YY of Ubuntu server version. The program finds the third release digit automatically. For example "14.04.5".
- Argument - word "latest" - the latest release will be selected automatically, for example 17.04.
- Argument - URL of iso image to download (if need).
- Argument - name for iso image. Program will search for the file in directory ~/Downloads
- Output - file ubuntu-XX.YY.ZZ-server-amd64-auto-install.iso
- Doesn't work with Ubuntu desktop