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Gisele Bernardes da Silva edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

Package managers are systems that automate the process of installing, updating, configuring and removing packages (or dependencies) from a development environment, so I chose the use of yarn, as it is more performative and safer in relation to npm. Bower is deprecated.

The choice of a framework depends a lot on what is needed in a project, but of all JavaScript frameworks and libraries, Angular and React are the most popular among developers. Based on the learning curve, Angular is more difficult than React. Both used for the development of SPAs, I chose React.js for making it possible to create lighter applications and also for having greater knowledge in the library.

Bundlers are tools that put your code and all the necessary dependencies together in a single JavaScript file, making it ready to be consumed by the client-side, for this purpose the webpack is used, which is highly configurable and extensible through plugins. In addition to saving time and using only one workflow automation tool. Despite being similar to Gulp / Grunt, they were not made for grouping, but only for performing tasks. As the application grows you will need to be constantly increasing your Gulp / Grunt file and this can become a difficult task and you may end up pushing Gulp / Grunt away from its main purpose. The webpack, on the other hand, has a more complex syntax and requires plugins and rules to perform the tasks we need, however, it allows you to do many things that you would have difficulty with Gulp / Grunt.

Um framework CSS é uma das formas de se alcançar um CSS mais robusto e escalável, para tal escolhi o Semantic UI React, por também construir layouts responsivos como o Bootstrap, mas que não dependem do uso de JQuery.

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