Author: Sahil Grover
Date: 2013-02-13
An apex code documentation generator for Salesforce
Generate static HTML files from Salesforce project classes.
python [-OPTIONS] <source_directory> <target_directory>
The source directory should be the "classes" directory, and the target directory is the location where the static HTML files will be created.
-p, --pattern
Unix style pattern to specifiy which classes to pull from the directory using a pattern (e.g. MyPrefix*.cls) (default: *.cls)
-tp, --testpattern
Unix style pattern to specifiy which classes are tests and should be ignored (default: *Test.cls)
-n, --name
The title of the project that will appear at the top of each page.
-s, --scope
The lowest method scope to document (public, protected, private).
-v, --verbose
Verbosity level for console output (0=none, 1=class, 2=method, 3=param).
-h, --help
Show help.
-r, --regex
Use if specified patterns are regular expressions.
Do not create index.html file with class list.
Do not show class properties.
Do not show the method list sidebar.
Do not write output directory or any files, just test generator (useful if combined with verbose).
Class Header Template
Class Description
@author author name1 <author_email1>
@author author name2 <author_email2>
@since yyyy-mm-dd
Method Header Template
Method Description
@param param_name1 param description1
@param param_name2 param description2
@return return description