VERSION 0.01 pre-Alpha
some assembly routines to make stuff easier.
code reuse.
A collection of routines I've modified from other code for ease of
understanding or BIOS routines made into macros for quick use to save a
few cycles at the expense of ROM space.
Thanks to Malban Vide, Chris Malcolm, Graham Toal, probably others for reused/borrowed code.
newest version always here:
git clone
git pull
if you already have it installed locally
file: LibVecProjectProperty.xml is a project file from VIDE
doc/ contains Documentation files
examples/ are code examples of how to use the libraries
lib/ is where the library stuff lives.
lib/drawing/ : line and list drawing
lib/eeprom-ds2431/ : MAXIM DS2431 1-Wire EEPROM routines
lib/general/ : misc stuff math, housekeeping, timing ...
lib/sound/ : audio
lib/text-printing/ : printing text on the screen, duh.