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gatecrasher777 edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 10 revisions


Information Options

General options only

Result Options

General options and

--quantity      -Q number - minimum number of results to fetch (if available) - default: 60 

Download Options

General options and

--audioFormat   -A number - specific audio stream number to download - default: -1 (use preference algorithm and 
                   fallback streams)

--audioQuality  -a highest|medium|lowest|none - audio quality preference - none for video only - default: medium
--container     -C any|mp4|webm|mkv - provide your container preference - default: any
                    * any                   - no preference between mp4 (h264 with aac) or webm (vp9 with opus) (default)
                    * mp4                   - prefers mp4 codecs to webm codecs when quality is equal
                    * webm                  - prefers webm codecs to mp4 codecs when quality is equal 
                    * mkv                   - no preference and can additionally allow mixed formats 
                                              (vp9 with aac) or (mp4 with opus). 
                    * mp3                   - force audio only download and convert aac/opus to .mp3
                    * flac                  - force audio only download and convert aac/opus to lossless .flac
--filename      -f string - supply a filename - you can use video property templates in your filename string, 
                   Default filename: "${author}_${datetime}_${title}_${id}_${videoQuality}_${videoCodec}_${audioCodec}"

--mediaBitrate  -M highest|lowest - prefered bitrate when quality of two streams is equal - default: highest

--metadata      -m author|title|description|keywords|published|comment|key [string] - video property to embed in downloaded
                   file one or more (i.e. -m author -m title) of  
                    * author          - reflects as AUTHOR in webm/mkv containers, as artist in mp4 containers
                    * title           - reflects as TITLE in webm/mkv containers, as title in mp4 containers
                    * description     - reflects as DESCRIPTION in webm/mkv containers, as description in mp4 containers
                    * keywords        - reflects as KEYWORDS in webm/mkv containers, as synopsis in mp4 containers
                    * published       - reflects as DATE in webm/mkv containers, as date in mp4 containers
                    * comment text    - custom text, reflects as COMMENT in webm/mkv, as comment in mp4 containers
                    * key value       - custom key, custom value. key must be a single word without spaces
                   [string] is required for a comment metadata, and if specified for any other metadata fields its value  
                   will be used to override the fetched video property. 

--limit         -L number [number] Limit concurrent downloads (default 1 sequential) and optionally limit total
                   number of downloads. (default: no limit)

--overwrite     -O yes|no - whether to download existing files again.
                    * yes - video will be downloaded again and overwrite the existing file.
                    * no - video downloading will be skipped. (default)

--path          -p string - string should specify the path to the media download folder. Defaults to '.' the current directory. 

--quantity      -Q number - minimum number of results to fetch (if available) - default: 100 

--subtitles     -b string - specify subtitle languages to download as .srt files if available. Use comma separated 
                   language codes, for example 'es,es,ja' for english, spanish and Japanese. See * link below for codes.

--videoFormat   -V number - specific video stream to download. Default: -1 (use preference algorithm and fallback streams)

--videoQuality  -v highest|1080p|720p|480p|medium|360p|240p|144p|lowest|none - video quality preference - none for audio only  
                   default 1080p


Get playlist information

>ytcog-dl --info PLQ0ZpN7kem-jUXP2D-g-_cvRXFqS6caaC --savePath "./data"
>ytcog-dl -i PLQ0ZpN7kem-jUXP2D-g-_cvRXFqS6caaC -sp "./data"

Get playlist results

>ytcog-dl --result PLQ0ZpN7kem-jUXP2D-g-_cvRXFqS6caaC --savePath "./data"
>ytcog-dl -r PLQ0ZpN7kem-jUXP2D-g-_cvRXFqS6caaC -sp "./data"

Download playlist audio only with highest quality and convert to .mp3 - don't save data

>ytcog-dl --download PLQ0ZpN7kem-jUXP2D-g-_cvRXFqS6caaC --audioQuality highest --container mp3 --filename "${author} - ${title}" --save none
>ytcog-dl -d PLQ0ZpN7kem-jUXP2D-g-_cvRXFqS6caaC -a highest -C mp3 -f "${author} - ${title}" -S none
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