Driven by my curiousity of how Netflix, Youtube and Spotify serve personalized recommendations, I decided to learn how to create my own recommender system.
Machine Learning Problem: Given a person’s preferences in past recipes, could I predict other new recipes they might enjoy?
I created Seasonings, a Recipe Recommender System. The motivation behind this web app is to help users discover personalized and new recipes, and prepare for grocery runs! I received a lot early positive feedback and plan future improvements to the UX and model.
I had a lot of fun making this, and plan to use this whenever I need a jolt of inspiration in the kitchen!
Data was scraped from, as there was no public API. I narrowed the scope to focus on Chef John's recipes (from
Content Data
1100+ Recipes from
460+ Cuisines & Categories
Content Data
- 55K Users
- 73K Ratings
Data Wrangling: pandas, numpy
Web Scraping: beautifulsoup, requests, regex
- Please refer to
for more details
- Model: scikit-learn, scipy
- See
for more
- Web Framework: flask
- Run
on localhost:5000 ```
- Front End: html & css
Please refer to
- Collaborative Filtering - Suggest recipes that other users similar to you also liked (Cosine Similarity)
If I liked Spaghetti Al Tonno, and another user similar to me liked Perfect Prime Rib and I haven't tried it, the model would recommend that recipe.
- Content Based Filtering - Suggest recipes that are similar to recipes that you like (Cosine Similiarity)
If I liked Spaghetti Al Tonno, the model would recommend Italian Meatballs, because Italian Meatballs are similar to Spaghetti, in terms of the categories both recipes share (Italian, World Cuisine).
- Matrix Factorization - Suggest recipes that you like, uncover latent factors, in a lower dimensional space (Singular Value Decomposition)
If I liked Turkey, and I liked Cranberry Sauce, the model would recommend Pumpkin Pie because it picked up a latent factor that you liked Thanksgiving dishes, where the other models would not be able to.
My final model was a hybrid recommender that tackled the cold-start problem with a content recommender, augmented with user preferences, and factorization to rank recipes based on a voting classifier rule.
Special thanks to Kim Falk's book and also Maciej's GitHub for reference during this journey.