Clone repo, sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#[a profile in flake.nix]
and you are good to go.
- EVA-01: Personal computer. A Ryzen 5 1600, GTX 1080, and an extra hard drive and SSD.
- wsl: A WSL environment I regularly use. Focused on development, I probably won't use anything graphical with it.
- Tokyo Night theme
- Emphasis on the purple and pink of the theme. It's there, trust me.
- Picom with transparency and blur, Rofi launcher
- Window gaps with BSPWM
- Polybar (built from source for the systray module!)
- Uses home-manager for most applications
- Zsh with spaceship prompt
- Add on-click hooks to bar modules
- Set up SSH keys. Maybe upload public keys to be used to generate private keys? Probably unsecure/impossible.