Table of Contents
Packages: aur/moonwm
, aur/moonwm-git
Installation from source:
sudo make install install-scripts clean
MOD + d
Open ApplicationMOD + 1-9
Switch TagMOD + Shift + q
Close ApplicationMOD + F11
Help Menu (see below)
Use hjkl or arrow keys for <direction>
MOD + <direction>
Focus ClientMOD + Shift + <direction>
Move ClientMOD + Control + <direction>
Resize Client
For a quick interactive help page press MOD(Win)+F11. You will get a interactive list with shortcuts and their corresponding actions. You can also directly select most of the entries to execute their action.
Keep in mind that MoonWM is not able to automatically add newly connected monitors. There are two ways to setup your monitors:
- Manual:
- Use
to configure your screens and save them. - They will be saved in
- Any layout called
will be automatically loaded on startup. - You can use the layout menu
to select a layout.
- Use
- Automatically:
- There are four different modes:
- On startup
will be used
is not defined. - You can use
to cycle through the four different modes. - You can also use
moonwm-util monitors {internal,external,extend,mirror}
to set a mode.
- There are four different modes:
NOTE: moonwm-util screensetup
and the usage of ~/.screenlayouts/
are both deprecated.
Use moonwm-util monitors
and ~/.screenlayouts/
Most of MoonWMs defaults are overwriteable through environment variables, xrdb or similar methods.
There is no real configuration file.
If you want to change something more sophisticated, like replacing moonwm-util
consider forking the git repository (see below).
MoonWM is configured through environment variables.
You can place them in the config file ~/.config/moonwm/config.env
in the format shown below.
These are automatically loaded, exported and reloaded on restart.
(Environmental variables set and exported in ~/.profile
or similar will work too, but the config file is the preferred method.)
MoonWM tries to use sensible defaults for all settings. But you might want to customize the keyboard layout, wallpaper, etc.:
MOONWM_MODKEY="Super" # defaults to Alt
TOUCHEGG_THRESHOLD="750 750" # if you are using touchegg
In addition you can explicitly define your default applications like a terminal or browser. MoonWM will automatically look for defaults if they are not set.
DMENUCMD="rofi -show drun"
To even further customize your keyboard you can put a file with xmodmap
expressions in ~/.config/moonwm/modmap
It will be evaluated automatically.
Or you can add setxkbmap
options to your configuration like so:
MOONWM_KEYMAP="us,de -option -option grp:lalt_switch"
You can disable certain autostarts of the moonwm-util
autostart routine.
This is useful if you for example have your own wrapper scripts or other replacements:
MOONWM_NOTIFYD=0 # disables the notification daemon
MOONWM_PICOM=0 # disables picom
With these settings you can turn features on or off (with their default values):
MOONWM_KEYS=1 # enable/disable internal moonwm key handling
MOONWM_WORKSPACES=0 # use workspaces like i3 instead of tags (experimental)
MOONWM_SWALLOW=1 # enable/disable swallowing
# bar
MOONWM_SHOWBAR=1 # show a bar
MOONWM_SYSTRAY=1 # show system tray icons
MOONWM_TOPBAR=1 # place bar at the top or bottom
# clients
MOONWM_SMARTGAPS=1 # disable gaps when only one client is visible
MOONWM_RESIZEHINTS=0 # let clients choose their size when tiled
MOONWM_CENTERONRH=0 # if resizehints applies, center the window
MOONWM_DECORHINTS=1 # decoration hints (MOTIF)
# handled by moonwm-util launch
MOONWM_PICOMEXP=0 # start picom with --experimental-backends flag
MOONWM_THEMEDDMENU=1 # automatic dmenu theming
MOONWM_THEMEDXMENU=1 # automatic xmenu theming
You can also customize these settings (these are the defaults), which all take unsigned integer arguments:
MOONWM_LAYOUT=0 # initial default layout
MOONWM_BORDERWIDTH=5 # width of the window borders
MOONWM_FRAMERATE=60 # frame rate when dragging windows; should be >= monitor refresh rate
MOONWM_GAPS=5 # gaps; 0 to disable gaps
MOONWM_MFACT=55 # master size ratio; must be between 5 and 95
Custom values for colors and some other properties can be set via xrdb(1)
To edit the design simply add/change these values in your ~/.Xresources
moonwm.focusedBorder: #ebdbb2
moonwm.focusedTitleBg: #1d2021
moonwm.focusedTitleFg: #ebdbb2
moonwm.menuBg: #fb4934
moonwm.menuFg: #1d2021
moonwm.occupiedTagBg: #1d2021
moonwm.occupiedTagFg: #ebdbb2
moonwm.statusBg: #1d2021
moonwm.statusFg: #ebdbb2
moonwm.unfocusedBorder: #1d2021
moonwm.unfocusedTitleBg: #1d2021
moonwm.unfocusedTitleFg: #7c6f64
moonwm.vacantTagBg: #1d2021
moonwm.vacantTagFg: #7c6f64
You should also edit the according xmenu and general entries to get everything to fit together:
*background: #1d2021
*foreground: #ebdbb2
xmenu.border: #1d2021
xmenu.selbackground: #ebdbb2
xmenu.selforeground: #1d2021
On login or reload moonwm-util
starts a bunch of useful programs by default.
You can find a list of "essential" utilities that are started automatically below.
In addition these programs get started, provided you have installed them:
nextcloud # cloud for your data
redshift # make screen less blue at night time
touchegg # touch gestures
kdeconnect # interaction with your mobile phone
If you wish to run any of your own scripts: ~/.local/share/moonwm/
and ~/.local/share/moonwm/
are run on each startup if available and executable.
The built-in moonwm-status
script should be a good foundation for making your own statuscmd.
It is easily extensible and you can simply add blocks with add_block
in the get_status
Make sure to escape '%' though, as it is interpreted by printf as escape sequence.
To setup your own status command you should also set the according env variable in your ~/.profile
export MOONWM_STATUSCMD="/path/to/my/statuscmd"
This command gets asynchonously on MoonWMs startup with loop
as the first parameter.
It should then repeatedly set the status to the WM_NAME (for example with moonctl status
Make sure to add in a sleep
so it doesn't unnecessarily wastes resources.
You can also define clickable blocks actions delimited by ascii chars that are smaller than space. For example:
date: 11:05 |\x01 volume: 55% |\x02 cpu-usage: 21% ||
Once you press one of the blocks the statuscmd script will be called with action
as its first parameter.
The according mouse button will be set as $BUTTON
and the block number as $STATUSCMDN
The standard MoonWM status interface also includes the update
parameter, which tells the bar to immediately refresh.
as first parameter prints out the current statusline to stdout.
You can put a file in the xmenu(1)
format in ~/.config/moonwm/favorites
To open this menu middle click the menu button on the bar.
# vim: set noet:
Terminal $TERMINAL
Media mpv
ﭮ Discord discord
ﭮ Discord [c] discord-canary
Spotify if pidof spotify; then moonctl toggleview $((1<<7)); else spotify; fi
Mail thunderbird
Some applications have default tags they open on:
5: Jetbrains IDEA
7: Discord, Teamspeak
8: Spotify
9: Thunderbird
If you want alternative replacements added to the rules please tell me.
- bstack
- centeredfloatingmaster (disabled)
- centeredmaster (disabled)
- deck
- dwindle (disabled)
- fibonacci (disabled)
- spiral (disabled)
- tile
- tileleft
All packages are listed with their names in the Arch or Arch User Repositories.
These are the ones required by the MoonWM build itself:
These are the ones the moonwm-util
script uses, starts or other programs I deem essential for a working desktop interface:
arandr # gui to setup screens
dmenu # (application) menu
ffmpeg # playing sounds
geoclue # location services
i3lock # screen locking
imagemagick # lock screen generation
libnotify # desktop notifications
light # change background light of screen
network-manager-applet # network management
otf-nerd-fonts-fira-code # default font
pamixer # volume manipulation
picom # compositor
polkit-gnome # security policy agent
sound-theme-freedesktop # sounds
xfce4-power-manager # power management
xorg-setxkbmap # set keyboard layout
xorg-xrandr # setup screens
xorg-xrdb # interaction with xres database
xwallpaper # set wallpaper
You may want to use rofi-dmenu
as a provider for dmenu
if you use rofi.
The Fira Code Nerd Font
is available here
- actualfullscreen
- alpha (fixborders)
- attachaside
- autostart
- centeredwindowname
- cyclelayouts
- deck
- deck-tilegap
- decorhints
- dwmc
- ewmhtags
- fixborders
- focusdir
- focusonnetactive
- layoutmenu
- pertag
- placemouse
- riodraw
- restart
- savefloats
- shiftview/shiftviewclients
- stacker
- statusallmons
- statuscmd
- swallow
- systray
- vanitygaps
- warp
- xrdb
You are encouraged to fork this project.
At the moment config.def.h
might be a little outdated, so you are probably better off just editing config.h
However please consider the project is not "suckless" neither is that its goal.
MoonWM should mostly be compatible wtih dwm patches although the huge amount of patches already applied make it a little hard and due to the code being relocated to src/
you will have to patch them manually.
- to Guzman Barquin for the moon in the title image